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Does anyone here seriously follow a football team


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Actually i just think it's a shitty sport.. the proffesionals will dive at anything, it's boring, and it takes over the television channels.


Football is Boring is like saying Sex is un-pleasiurable and nothing more then a hinderance....


Football is the passion that burns in me

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I personally think those who don't like football have this horrible stereotypical view that it is full of hooligans and chavs looking for a fight...


Well it isn't...


Football is the worlds No. 1 Sport, the passion, the game, the result on the weekend plans your outlook on the week ahead, I am going to show you something for those that think football is nothing more then a hooligan chav infested sport


I have nothing against football. It's proffesional football that's a disgrace I feel.


- Corruption/Racism/Homophobism

- Hooliganism everywhere

- Disrespect/Swearing to refs

- Segregation of fans (what a joke lol)

- Hostile atmosphere

- Overpaid footballers, who's gfs are usually page 3 models or the like

- Prissy pre-madonnas on the pitch

- Diving and faking injury even after the slightest touch (if that)

- Boring 0-0 scorelines

- Many players are complete thugs off the pitch

- Some supporters chanting to the opposition manager calling him tumor-boy (he suffered from one years ago) and singing 'Why couldn't you have died 3 years ago'.

- No real rules, simple, dull game. Hardly any strategy


I could go on...

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I personally think those who don't like football have this horrible stereotypical view that it is full of hooligans and chavs looking for a fight...


Well it isn't...


Football is the worlds No. 1 Sport, the passion, the game, the result on the weekend plans your outlook on the week ahead, I am going to show you something for those that think football is nothing more then a hooligan chav infested sport

I have nothing against football, I just genuinely am completely uninterested in it. Which is why me posting any more in this thread is pointless.


Carry on with your football love....

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Why am I always shocked to find another Oxford United supporter. Perhaps because the patience of saint is required to cope with the constant stress they inflict. :heh: Anyway, yeah, they're my team, although the number of games I go to has dwindled in recent years due to not actually living in Oxford most of the time, but I still try and keep up with news and see them when I can. They seem to be following a familiar pattern this season of promising start followed by a bit of a decline and struggle towards the end. :( I still have faith Jim Smith will turn it around though, I mean come on, teams like Oxford United don't belong in the conference. That honour should belong to the likes of Swindon.




You sound so much like my dad there it's scary.


Hooray! A fellow yellow! We're a dying breed. After seeing the match on monday night, I thought I couldn't physically see them play again it was so terrible. I have faith though, although I doubt we'll reclaim top spot, I reckon we can at least get a decent run towards the end of the season and be in good form to win the playoffs (one hopes).


Also, this bad stereotype of football is pissing me off. Be it players that dive or hooligan fans, they are in the minority but receive the most publicity. As someone already said, the best part of football is the passion, which many just don't realise. If there were no passion, I wouldn't still be seeing Oxford play after 3 relegations since I started supporting them.

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The ignorance of this thread, is unbelievable....


England now is one of the most Violence free countries regaurding football around, Italy, Poland, Germany, Holland, Greece, Turkey those are the places were it kicks off, If England had one fight we would be banned from Europe guaranteed, such is the stereotypical view of the country...


Racism/diving/hooliganism/corruption/segregation of fans


Racism....Their is none in England and has been none for many a year as I said its the countries above that have it, 25% of the Premier League players are Black


Diving....What about the sly punches, the biting of the ear in rugby, Rugbys equivalent of Diving, It's not right I agree


Hooliganism.....Is next to gone around England


Corruption....Italy, Germany, The only thing that is corrupt about football is possibly the insane money from the likes of Chelsea...


Segregation of fans...It happens due to a number of things


A: Spectator Safety which is rarely questioned

B: Supporters of different clubs to be in the same area


Seriously GO to a football match and see how wrong you are

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Does it matter if you claim that most of these things don't happen in England? That's not the point!! It happens around the world!


Why are there 100 police officers at every premiership game then? There's always violence/arrests at a premiership game.


You don't think there's racism in English football? Please.


Hooliganism next to gone in Engalnd?? YEAH RIGHT LOL. And even if it were, as I said it's everywhere from a world point of view.


Yes I know those are the reasons for segregation. One of the best things about rugby is you get to mix/sit with opposition fans, have a laugh, have a banter, enjoy the atmosphere. You couldn't get that with football and that's really sad I think.

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Does it matter if you claim that most of these things don't happen in England? That's not the point!! It happens around the world!


Why are there 100 police officers at every premiership game then? There's always violence/arrests at a premiership game.


You don't think there's racism in English football? Please.


Hooliganism next to gone in Engalnd?? YEAH RIGHT LOL. And even if it were, as I said it's everywhere from a world point of view.


Yes I know those are the reasons for segregation. One of the best things about rugby is you get to mix/sit with opposition fans, have a laugh, have a banter, enjoy the atmosphere. You couldn't get that with football and that's really sad I think.



Their are Police at every public event, their has to be it is law...


Their is not racism in English football, give me an example of racism in English within the past 3-4 years


And what i have highlighted in bold shows your ignorance,

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Why does that show my ignorance? Singing the praises of how you can mix/joke/have a banter with opposition fans in rugby while sitting next to them watching a game? Do you even know what ignorance means?


I don't care if it's a law that there has to be that amount of police... the fact that that amount of police needed says it all really.


Racism: (only the first page off google. there are 1.5 million results for 'racism in football' though).













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Singing the praises of how you can mix/joke/have a banter with opposition fans in rugby while sitting next to them watching a game? Do you even know what ignorance means?


You can do that in football with certain teams, depends who you support really... I have banter with Wigan, Newcastle fans, My Best Mate is an Everton fan, the reason why fans are segregated is because


A: Supporter Safety

B: Supporter Enjoyment

C: Many other reasons e.g Those who have travelled far diatances get to leave the stadium to their designated coach and leave on time


Yes their are dick heads, but that doesn't spoil the experience, in over 10 years of going the match I have never experienced anything bad, home nor away...Your attitude towards the English game is un-founded and driven by Media fuled speculation.


The links of which you provided were either...


A: Speculation Against Players

B: In totally different countries to England...


As i have said in other posts Racism in English football is virtually non existant, the likes of Spain, Poland, etc etc are the countries who have this major problem....


The issues you have raised about the sport have been more social issues then anything, Racism, and Homophobia, you are making out such issues to belong to just this one sport...


Yes it is wrong but the only reason why such a thing is in the sport is because the sport is followed by the Majority of the world population, now in that majority you have the chance of getting 1 or 2 racists.


English Football is clamping down on this big time, the changes are evident to those who go to matches, and who can compare going to a match in 2000 to going to one now...


I have nothing against Rugby myself I follow St Helens alot and like watching it...


But Football is alot more then you say it is, i challenge you to go to a Liverpool match and soak in the atmosphere

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Oh yeah. it's footballs fault that there's racism. Not the fucking idiots that are stupid enough to be racist in the first place.

I'm not denying that a lot football fans emit a lot of racism, homophobia and general hatred. But for Christ’s sake man, assuming that it's footballs fault and assuming all fans are guilty of this is just stupid. Really stupid.

A lot of people genuinely enjoy watching and playing the games. And i'm sure they don't enjoy all being generalised by people like you :indeed:

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I have nothing against football. It's proffesional football that's a disgrace I feel.


- Corruption/Racism/Homophobism

- Hooliganism everywhere

- Disrespect/Swearing to refs

- Segregation of fans (what a joke lol)

- Hostile atmosphere

- Overpaid footballers, who's gfs are usually page 3 models or the like

- Prissy pre-madonnas on the pitch

- Diving and faking injury even after the slightest touch (if that)

- Boring 0-0 scorelines

- Many players are complete thugs off the pitch

- Some supporters chanting to the opposition manager calling him tumor-boy (he suffered from one years ago) and singing 'Why couldn't you have died 3 years ago'.

- No real rules, simple, dull game. Hardly any strategy


I could go on...


You really don't have a clue about it, do you?


There is more strategy in football than virtually any other sport. Which sports do you like then?


I personally think those who don't like football have this horrible stereotypical view that it is full of hooligans and chavs looking for a fight...


Well said.

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I am far from a chav, racist, homophobe I go out with my mates and go to Anfield when I can to support my team...


And in all my time of seeing Liverpool play, I have never ever ever heard Racist or Homophobe language or abuse


This thread reminds me of a Liverpool flag that I often see


"What man can not see, man cannot understand"




Go to a football match and see how wrong you are

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Yet you have no argument against the above news stories.


I never called YOU a racist/homophobe etc... - I said racism, corruption, violence, homophobia, segregation, hooliganism HAPPENS in football.


Quite a bit.


Of course there are normal friendly people like yourself who watch football, but the fact remains, the sport really is stuck in the dark ages. From my point of view.

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Yes they happen in football, but it doesn't happen here anymore, infact very rarely do such incidents come up that are proven to be correct/true...


Football Stuck in the dark ages? Well for some countries yes, Forgive me but I don't see the point in people going around kicking/punching/throwing seven shades of shite out of eachother in Rugby?


What about that player who bit off a part of someone elses ear on the Rugby field, I could say cannibalism happens in Rugby!

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Yes they happen in football, but it doesn't happen here anymore, infact very rarely do such incidents come up that are proven to be correct/true...


Of course it happens 'here', it happens all the time, you just don't want to see it. I'd like to hear what you think of this:




And why are we only talking about the UK? Football is a worldwide sport.


Football Stuck in the dark ages? Well for some countries yes, Forgive me but I don't see the point in people going around kicking/punching/throwing seven shades of shite out of eachother in Rugby?


No football in general. Ever heard the saying "Football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans, and rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen"? - rugby is a physical game but the players are complete gentlemen and opposing players drink, sing and get drunk together in the bar afterwards.

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Of course it happens 'here', it happens all the time, you just don't want to see it. I'd like to hear what you think of this:




And why are we only talking about the UK? Football is a worldwide sport.




No football in general. Ever heard the saying "Football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans, and rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen"? - rugby is a physical game but the players are complete gentlemen and opposing players drink, sing and get drunk together in the bar afterwards.


Well them fans were in the Minority, Stereo Typing again...


We are not only talking about the UK i have brought up serveral other countires


and yet again your lack of Knowledge and Ignorance on football players is once again evident, and the sport in general


You Don't Think Opposing Players Get on Well?


Why The Shirt Swapping


Why the friendly chats and Jokes?


Why the shake of hand before and after game?


Why the consideration for those hurt?


Im going to show you yet another clip of a guy who Liverpool just bought his father had cancer however as a suprise for Dirk Kuyt the player in question he presented him with the Duth Player of the year award...


I have met Loads of Players and your opinion of them was probably portrayed by Dream team or something...


Anyway watch, look how fellow professionals appalued Dirk Kuyt


And also Getting Drunk in the pub? What about the Liverpool players after the home coming after winning the European Cup, they went into the city centre and sang Liverpool songs for the whole night...





You pick out the bad things in football because your knowledge is absed on paper/internet articles, look at De La Cruz of Reading, he donates his money to rebuild his home village in Equador, Dirk Kuyt has an Aids Foundation set up in Africa...


Your ignorance is showing because you have only read that bad things about the sport and not the good...



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I'm finding it pretty funny that a rugby fan is complaining that football is boring. Haha. Remember the World Cup a few years back? Hoof it up the field, LINEOUT!, hoof it back... LINEOUT! Then pass it to St Wilkinson and kick it. Boring.


Racism in football? Hah, In 15 years of going to football I havent heard any rcism in the stands. It simply isnt tolerated, you would lose you seson tickets and then be banned from the ground. As for the diving, its not as bad as everyone makes out, ever seen Rooney dive? Its just a small proportion of players.


Anyway, Manchester United for me. Although my passion has decreased a bit due to the whole money+football issue which is really pissing me off. And that ****, Glazer.


I'm not corrupt or racist, I'm not violent or prone to hooliganistic tendencies (that's only a very small percentage of (mainly English tbh) fans. I don't find it mind numbingly dumb, you get sent off for swearing at the ref, I don't hate opposition fans.


Ha, the Glasgow derbies didn't get their reputation for nothing...

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Ha, the Glasgow derbies didn't get their reputation for nothing...


That reputation, in recent years anyway, is completely unfounded. Nothing bad ever happens between fans anymore during Old Firm matches, the played don't even fight as much as they used to. :heh:

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Moria, It isn't English fans, it hasn't been English fans for a very long time, have you ever been to Poland, Germany, Glasgow at Derby time....




Well I live very close to Glasgow and go there all the time.


Actually, the day of the Scotland-France match in October the atmosphere in Glasgow was buzzing, there were loads of French supporters about the place, talking with us Scots, getting their photos taken, one of them even took a Scottish flag from someone and draped it around themselves.

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I'm finding it pretty funny that a rugby fan is complaining that football is boring. Haha. Remember the World Cup a few years back? Hoof it up the field, LINEOUT!, hoof it back... LINEOUT! Then pass it to St Wilkinson and kick it. Boring.


You've no idea what you're talking about. You only had to watch the Ireland v Wales game to see what 80 minutes of pure excitement is like. Not 90 minutes of people kicking balls to each other ending in a 1-0 or 0-0 scoreline. THAT is boring. Simple. Dull.


Racism in football? Hah, In 15 years of going to football I havent heard any rcism in the stands. It simply isnt tolerated, you would lose you seson tickets and then be banned from the ground. As for the diving, its not as bad as everyone makes out, ever seen Rooney dive? Its just a small proportion of players.


Do a search for racism in football on google and you'll see how again, that statement is complete rubbish. You haven't heard any racism because you don't WANT to hear any racism.


Motion, if you know so much about football, care to tell us how many matches you've actually been to?


The past few years none. Before that, about 10 or so?


Got bored, dull game, stupid thick players, violence, hooliganism, segregation.


No thanks.



By John Cross


GLENN ROEDER was subjected to sickening abuse from Arsenal fans, who shouted at him: "Sit down tumour boy".


It led to one of Newcastle's coaching staff turning round and making an obscene gesture at the Arsenal supporters after Kieron Dyer fired the visitors into the lead at the Emirates Stadium.


Arsenal fans reported the incident to stewards after the flare-up.


Newcastle boss Roeder underwent emergency lifesaving surgery on a brain tumour after collapsing three years ago when in charge of West Ham, who were relegated during his reign. Roeder, who suffered similar sickening abuse when Newcastle won at West Ham earlier this season, insists he did not hear the chants.


Roeder said: "All managers have abuse.


"I am forever mentioning people who had an effect on my life, and Terry Venables has.


"I was his captain at QPR and he always told me: Glenn, only be concerned about criticism from people you respect.


"If a supporter is critical of a brain tumour I had three and a half years, I wouldn't respect him anyway. It won't bother me. I didn't hear it anyway. Lucky, I'm deaf."


But no action is likely to be taken by Newcastle against the coaching staff after their flare-up.


An Arsenal spokeswoman said: "We have no information to suggest individuals have acted in an untoward manner."






Ha ha what a joke. Chavball = Sport stuck in the dark ages, played by diving overpaid prissy prima donnas, filled with racism, homophia, hooliganism and where opposition supporters can't sit together because there'd be war and most likely death or at the very least hospitalisation at every game.


Oh, and it's boring too.

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You've no idea what you're talking about. You only had to watch the Ireland v Wales game to see what 80 minutes of pure excitement is like. Not 90 minutes of people kicking balls to each other ending in a 1-0 or 0-0 scoreline. THAT is boring. Simple. Dull.


Haha, bullshit. I've been to plenty of thrilling games in football with 3-0/4-0 scores (etc). you just choose to base your arguement on one or two boring games. Look at the World Cup last year, many many thrilling great games. Open your eyes.


Do a search for racism in football on google and you'll see how again, that statement is complete rubbish. You haven't heard any racism because you don't WANT to hear any racism.


No, I've never heard a racist chant/song on the terraces. I don't WANT to hear it, or HAVEN'T.



The past few years none. Before that, about 10 or so?


Got bored, dull game, stupid thick players, violence, hooliganism, segregation.


No thanks.


What? Did you watch the school team playing the local school team. Therefore, I may grant you that it was boring. Professional football ain't.


Ha ha what a joke. Chavball = Sport stuck in the dark ages, played by diving overpaid prissy prima donnas, filled with racism, homophia, hooliganism and where opposition supporters can't sit together because there'd be war and most likely death or at the very least hospitalisation at every game.


Oh, and it's boring too.


I find it funny that you argue that football is in the dark ages. As far as I checked, your beloved rugby's objectives was to tackle people with full contact. I'm reckoning that to an unbiased individual - that would be seen as the more Dark Age sport.


Hooliganism is rare now. In the past it was a problem, but its faded away so much now.


Oh, and rugby's heading the same way with the overpaid players :kiss:


And now can we get back onto topic instead of arguing. Fuck off and create a rugby thread if you want to...

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