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Help .MDF .MDS .MD0 .MD1 alcohol 120% etc


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I Downloaded a game, far cry, because my stupid dick broke and am arsed if i am buying another one.


There's an mds, mdf file, md1 and md0


I know about alcohol and iso stuff but all they support is .MDS


What do i do???? can anyone help?


i dont want to burn it do a disk, just mount it

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I Downloaded a game, far cry, because my stupid dick broke and am arsed if i am buying another one.


There's an mds, mdf file, md1 and md0


I know about alcohol and iso stuff but all they support is .MDS


What do i do???? can anyone help?


i dont want to burn it do a disk, just mount it


Dick broke :laughing:


Good excuse, show me a photo of the original game and I'll help you. :P

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thanks...not "dick" lol...i am NOT wierdo!! (well, questionable).


Thanks for the help. And fine it was a "good excuse" but i buy enough games and things. Microsoft ows me 2 360 games because my xbox 360 malfunctioned. they replaced that....but refused the games! thats 70 quid.

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thanks...not "dick" lol...i am NOT wierdo!! (well, questionable).


Thanks for the help. And fine it was a "good excuse" but i buy enough games and things. Microsoft ows me 2 360 games because my xbox 360 malfunctioned. they replaced that....but refused the games! thats 70 quid.


So if I refuse to give you a bread when I sto... wait, I just forgot what I wanted to say.


Doesn't matter.


You're stealing games! It's like stealing a bread! You shouldn't do it! Though, everyone would have a ROM by now. Sigh.

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Thanks for the help. And fine it was a "good excuse" but i buy enough games and things. Microsoft ows me 2 360 games because my xbox 360 malfunctioned. they replaced that....but refused the games! thats 70 quid.





The last time I checked, FarCry was an Ubisoft game and as far as I know (and I know that pretty far) they aren't related in any way to MS.

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lol...well fine, i stopped downloading far cry, deleted it off the hard drive. Instead i have download OBLIVION for pc....thats to replace the one microsoft ripped me off for (though it was on 360)


Thanks, i have no understood the error of my ways (almost)


I hang my head in shame.

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lol...well fine, i stopped downloading far cry, deleted it off the hard drive. Instead i have download OBLIVION for pc....thats to replace the one microsoft ripped me off for (though it was on 360)


Thanks, i have no understood the error of my ways (almost)


I hang my head in shame.


And downloading oblivion is right, then. You're such a nice guy. And so honest... Now stop the downloading-game!

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My GoW DISK cracked inside my 360, although it was only the bottom protective plastic side that cracked. The side of the DISK that holds all the data is unharmed, my 360 still won't play it. Is there anyway to fix it, or am I going to have to fork over the money to buy a new one?:(

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