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Are you happy with your Wii?


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These facts seem more opinionated to me.


Well, can you point at least one point that is fundamentally incorrect? When did any console have brilliant six months with steady pace of excellent titles for each genre? It is interesting how people say I'm opinionated, but can't think any answer or counterargument that would prove my statement to be wrong.

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Well, can you point at least one point that is fundamentally incorrect? When did any console have brilliant six months with steady pace of excellent titles for each genre? It is interesting how people say I'm opinionated, but can't think any answer that would prove my statement to be wrong.


I was going to say that it sounded opinionated but i have to say it's true. So wes - youre wrong and me & teppo are right.


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Well, can you point at least one point that is fundamentally incorrect? When did any console have brilliant six months with steady pace of excellent titles for each genre? It is interesting how people say I'm opinionated, but can't think any answer or counterargument that would prove my statement to be wrong.


Woah woah, calm down. I was just stating my opinion.

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Woah woah, calm down. I was just stating my opinion.


Opinion. Yes. Like eating onion rings and noticing you have greace on your lips and then try to kill of the little bunnie in your cage. Or not.


I love this discussion. I have the most different opinion from you all and still the online ones who get the kicking are those with minor details. Human nature apparently comes in six-packs.

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Kameo, PGR3, and Perfect Dark. Then Oblivion and GRAW not long after that.


Sorry i wasnt clear, there was a point last year when there were no exclusive titles(MS admitted this) i think it was from when DOA4 came out to something which i cant remember, but it was around seven months.

Gotham looked really nice, but it was short lived. I prefered PGR2

Kameo was ok, looked really nice, but was short lived

PDZ looked amazing but probably has the worst single player in any 360 title.


Btw, i played GRAW and Oblivion, but they were not exclusive titles.

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Woah woah, calm down. I was just stating my opinion.


I'm still waiting for answers. If you guys can't even back your own opinions with anything, how you can claim that what I said is wrong? It would be same thing as I would say "all afro-americans* are stupid and dense", and when when someone asked why I believed like this, I would answer "just cause". And remember, when I stated that all launches have been bad, I really meant it. Some have been worse, but all have been bad.


* And no, I don't belive on it, but I used it as a example.

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Sorry i wasnt clear, there was a point last year when there were no exclusive titles(MS admitted this) i think it was from when DOA4 came out to something which i cant remember, but it was around seven months.

Gotham looked really nice, but it was short lived. I prefered PGR2

Kameo was ok, looked really nice, but was short lived

PDZ looked amazing but probably has the worst single player in any 360 title.


Btw, i played GRAW and Oblivion, but they were not exclusive titles.


Well Zelda and Rayman aren't Wii exclusives but you'd probably consider them to be 2 excellent Wii games. Games don't have to be exclusive to be good.


To be honest the games coming out at the end of this year do look very good, but I do think Nintendo needs a really great game in March/April to keep the momentum going.


People wont buy a console to play SSX. Even though it looks to be one of the best games out over the next few months. Summer is always crap though, so don't expect anything then.

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Its not that your wrong its that your a hypocrite and an annoying one at that.




a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.


Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.


Being hypocrite would require that I don't believe on what I preach. And are really so angry that someone stands against your rambling, insults and constant bitching? It is not wrong to have opinions. But being extreme with your opinions isn't productive. Furthermore, when you repeat them from week to week (we can just look VC thread, for example), and in some cases start veil them as insults against those who like these things, well, it is going too far. My bluntness is mostly cultural, and based on fact that I don't write english as my first language (but this should be obvious to everybody).

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In answer to the question I really really am. Having so much fun with bowling with my dad. Loving zelda and red steel and enjoying miltary madness on VC. I can see the Wii being my most palyed console by a long way in a few years time. Not now of course as Im at uni!

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I'm still waiting for answers. If you guys can't even back your own opinions with anything, how you can claim that what I said is wrong? It would be same thing as I would say "all afro-americans* are stupid and dense", and when when someone asked why I believed like this, I would answer "just cause". And remember, when I stated that all launches have been bad, I really meant it. Some have been worse, but all have been bad.


* And no, I don't belive on it, but I used it as a example.


I don't know what you guys are talking about, but facts don't invalidate other facts.

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I don't know what you guys are talking about, but facts don't invalidate other facts.


Facts don't invalidate each other. But we can't debate about things in intelligent manner, if other side's answer is basically "no u", and side can't even explain reason why they are believe statement is wrong. Not agreeing for just sake of it is stupid.

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Why does everyone have to have a battle where nobody can visibly win. All people do here is leave long 'sophisticated' words that sound good, when all they're doing really is just trying to sound good. Its a boring habbit of N-E and it seems noone can outgrow it.


This fine chap is probably right. Unless he's a misses. But with a name like King Boo, I sincerely doubt.

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Well i have had my Wii since xmas day i have not once regretted getting it. I got Zelda, Wii play and Wii Sports (of course) then. I got Red Steel for my birthday (jan 4th) and last week bought warioware. I have also bought 3 VC games (golden axe, super mario bros and mario 64.)


I am really enjoying these games and will last me awhile yet, espically mario 64, Red Steel and Zelda (well ive almost completed Zelda but ill probably start on it again!) There is Mario Party 8 around the corner that i will purchase, the same with Sonic and the secret rings. There is COD3 that i may purchase at some point and the same with Rayman. From a VC point of view i cant wait for streets of rage.... For me anyway there is a long supply of games that will keep me occupied for a long time. And even if it comes to like late summer and ive run out of stuff to play, there is old gamecube games i can play on and i quite like going back on games once i have completed them. Then of course super mario galaxy, metriod prime 3 and super smash bros brawl should just be round the corner from there.


For me i can't remember the gamecube having so many titles i could buy so soon (i got my cube week after launch) I can remember getting lugi mansion at launch, a few weeks later i got super smash bros and then in september came super mario sunshine and Resident Evil and that was it for awhile i think.

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Possessing innocent bystanders a'la Poltergeist? :)


ye know too much!


I think somebody will get haunted tonight. So I expect quite a lot of replies coming from king Boo this night, since he got himself a victim to type for him. Hoorah to possessions!

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Sorry i wasnt clear, there was a point last year when there were no exclusive titles(MS admitted this) i think it was from when DOA4 came out to something which i cant remember, but it was around seven months.

Gotham looked really nice, but it was short lived. I prefered PGR2

Kameo was ok, looked really nice, but was short lived

PDZ looked amazing but probably has the worst single player in any 360 title.


Btw, i played GRAW and Oblivion, but they were not exclusive titles.


No exclusive titles is better than NO TITLES AT ALL!


The Wii seems to be getting ignored by Nintendo and 3rd parties in equal measure. People talk about how 3rd party support is good but if this is truly the case then where are the big multi-format titles? GRAW2? Rainbow 6? Final Fantasy? UT3? Metal Gear Solid?

To me the Wii's release line up looks like this:


December - Zelda

January - Nowt

February - Excite Truck

March - Mortal Kombat

April - Nowt

May - Nowt

June - Trauma Center


Anyone see why im a little disappointed? Did i miss some major games out?


BTW, looks like im selling my Wii. With the shortage its easy to get the same as i bought it for in the first place

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