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I'll go against logic with this one


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I'm very happy with my wii.

I play my DS loads, and that is never for the graphics.

About 4 of my mates are trying to get hold of a wii, because it's good fun. I don't want to fuck about with 'epic' games all the time. It's pretty good to get back from the pub and have a few rounds on wii sports with mates. Or the odd 'stolen' 15 minute session here and there. Using the remote feels so natural now, it IS better than a normal controller because it's instantly immersing. The bloke on the screen does what I'm doing!

Graphics are not an issue, the games don't suffer from a lack of photorealistic graphics. GC was good enough, and the wii is better than that, in terms of graphics.

If you don't like the way the wii does things, then don't buy one, or sell yours for a profit on eBay. Bitching and moaning like we're all advertising executives or PR gurus isn't getting us anywhere. Let's leave the business to nintendo and just try to enjoy the product. Games consoles don't have to be penis extensions, it doesn't matter if your mate's is bigger, blacker and has better graphics. There is no console war. Just stop it.


(And twilight princess is SOOOO much better than wind waker! Fucking boat!?)


Yes, actually, there is. There is a console war, and we're all soldiers. What we buys defines who wins the war - it's just like that. What we on this forum want to do is see in wich areas we can improve the system. How we can improve the next generation. Why we would buy these improvements. We are the PR guys - we aree the ambassaders of the Game Industry. The best advertisement is word to ear ones. Don't forget that that's what Nintendo wants to do, that's what we do. There is a war - for sure. Because in this war, wich has bein going on for twenty years, with almost five battles over (in these last twenty years, in action you can say there were seven generations), there were Victims. SEGA died along thee way, Nintendo lost troops in the PlayStation-era and Microsoft entered the ring. Atari had to give up. There is a war. Don't mistake it.


I do think Nintendo has positive numbers. They sell well (like hotcakes, actually) and they make profits. The Wii is a great innovation, but keep in mind Nintendo didn't make it for you, the gamer. They made it for themselves and hoped you, the gamer, would jump in aand buy it. They see Wiimotes turning into green notes, never forget that. But then again, the best games will always sell the best and the best hardware (fun or graphics, it's yet to see where the 'best' lies) will sell the best. it's how you sway the public. No, sorry, it isn't the best hardware that sells, it's the one with the best PR. And Nintendo uses you, the gamer, as PR man. My mum is even advertising the Wii with family and frinds as 'great fun!'. So here's to a bright future: 'Cheers!'


And by the way, if you want some challenge in the Wind Waker, try completing the game with the wind direction set on 'east'. Never change it through the game (Okay, change it once: when you have to get over from the Great Deku Tree to the Forbidden Forest, but keep the direction the same after that - I think east is the one you need for the forbidden forest anyway). It's really a challenge and makes the boat rides less tedious thanks to triangular calculations in your head and the problems with sharks you encounter when going into the wind. It also makes the rides to the east more fun. It does get easier when you've got the warp, though, but it's still more of a challenge.

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I'm sorry, but I've actually just forgotten the original point of this topic. Oh yes, Kingofhyrule's post about worrying over the demise of Nintendo (in a nutshell, I know that's not the exact topic, but it's close enough).


As far as I can see, Nintendo are already in profit on the Wii. That for one immediately registers the worry that Nintendo could end up like SEGA void.


Worrying about Zelda getting stale? TP was basically an evolution of the WW engine, so not much will change until the next Zelda game. And as far as I can recall, there's been talk of the next Zelda being compeltely overhauled. Personally, I'm hoping for a OoT/MM -> WW style change. WW just seemed fresh and different, even without the graphical change.


I can imagine that the change in control system is going to change the various franchises in a big way. I for one am really looking forward to Mario Galaxy, I seem to remember reports from E3 being extremely positive about how everything felt and controlled.


To me, the Wii is the home of the truely unique and one-of-a-kind games. Nowhere else will you find such a huge variety of classic franchises. I'm really looking forward to (in no particular order) Trauma Centre, Animal Crossing, Mario, Metroid, Starfox, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, WarioWare (Might be out, but I'm waiting till after the uni exams), and a vast library of games that simply wouldn't work on another system. And where the hell has Pikmin gone? I want it back! I would love to see some form of Elite Beat Agents too, I can't get enough of that game on my DS!


I must admit, my Wii will eventually be paired with an Xbox360 or a PS3 for the mutli-platform games that don't work as well on the PC. But there is no chance that the Wii will be considered a failure IMO. Not with the insane leverage the first and second party franchises have (be honest, would you have bought a GC otherwise?), and not with the currently positive media reaction to a new style of play. Price, public opinion, and general all-round awesomeness can guarantee that holds true.

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Although I think it was mistake to not include next gen graphics, I do agree that Wii has had positive press and there is a massive buzz about it. It's also sold REALLY well. Nearly 4 million units sold already, how long did it take the 360 to sell that many? I just hope that developers don;t forget it because of the big difference in hardware between the PS3 and the 360 and the Wii.

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I just hope that developers don;t forget it because of the big difference in hardware between the PS3 and the 360 and the Wii.


I have no doubt that the Wii will have the most 3rd party support of any Nintendo console since the SNES, but Nintendo did NOT set a good software standard with their launch games

Wii Sports-undeniably fun with N64 graphics

Wii Play-another fun, ugly tech demo

Zelda-a direct GC port


Now as a developer, when you look at what the top 3 selling games on the Wii are, why bother trying to make a beautiful new IP, when you can get away with the criteria set by the above top-sellers.

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I have no doubt that the Wii will have the most 3rd party support of any Nintendo console since the SNES, but Nintendo did NOT set a good software standard with their launch games

Wii Sports-undeniably fun with N64 graphics

Wii Play-another fun, ugly tech demo

Zelda-a direct GC port


Now as a developer, when you look at what the top 3 selling games on the Wii are, why bother trying to make a beautiful new IP, when you can get away with the criteria set by the above top-sellers.


Its this predetermined notion that has arisen as a result of Wiis launch. Its going to take one KILLER APP to fail miserably before theres any chance of corrective action being taken, but it just may be too late, before GameCube part 2 unfolds...

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1. Wii Sports doesnt have N64 Graphics. N64 Grapics were never that sharp, polished and shiny.


Close enough to N64 graphics but that's fine, it suits the style of the game.




What a load of rubbish. Of course graphics matter, that's why there's a 'graphics' part of every review summary. Stop thinking you're a 'real' gamer beacause you say that graphics don't matter. Playability and fun matter the most of course, but graphics enhance a game. And that is an area Wii has failed miserably thus far.


Better than gamecube graphics...? Really? Cause I can't see it. I'd say it's worse.

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Playability and fun matter the most of course, but graphics enhance a game.

Graphics enhance your initial experience of a game. And that's it. When you get stuck into the gameplay you really couldn't give a toss about the visual quality when you're trying to solve that puzzle or beat that boss, etc.

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I completely disagree, amazing graphics enhance a game full stop. So you're saying with Zelda TP if you had to choose between the game as it is now or stunning HD visuals you honestly wouldn't care? Course not.


If I had to choose between the Wii's innovation or the PS3's visuals of course I would go for the Wii, I just don't see why Nintendo couldn't do both, or at least work on the visual side of things so the Wii doesn't look like a gamecube (if that)

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Does the term "opinion" mean anything to you?


I also don't think I'm a real gamer, I'm not so pathetically vain that I care about games as if they're my life. They're something I do when I'm bored and from that, its the gameplay that matters...when you're bored...looking at good visuals is very low in the priority scale.


And if you think they're worse than gamecube graphics...you need to go to the opticians. The graphics aren't that blurry...ITS YOUR EYES

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Oh ffs I'm sick of being bashed because I have a slightly different opinion to others. I could say the same thing to you...


Does the word 'opinion' mean anything to YOU? Get used to it, I've got one.


Who said anything about blurry, they're unpolished messes of low polygon objects (Rayman), lazy visuals hoping to be put down down to a style thing (WarioWare), or just plain horribly (Far Cry). Oh and games like Need for Speed that looks awful compared to the same game on PS3 and Xbox.

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So you're saying with Zelda TP if you had to choose between the game as it is now or stunning HD visuals you honestly wouldn't care?

I have a better question: does the lack of next-gen quality graphics in Twilight Princess affect your opinion of the game? For me, no. And, since it would play the same regardless of graphical quality, why should it?


Next-gen is a sales pitch, nothing more nothing less. Anyone who puts any real value on it must be quite simple.


I've got to admit, I do have a soft spot for good artistic content: as far as I'm concerned and regardless of inferior screen and texture resolutions, polygonal detail, and effects, and even any visual artefacts, games like Shadow of the Colossus and Okami are much better looking games than anything I've seen currently available for the 360.

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I've got to admit, I do have a soft spot for good artistic content: as far as I'm concerned and regardless of inferior screen and texture resolutions, polygonal detail, and effects, and even any visual artefacts, games like Shadow of the Colossus and Okami are much better looking games than anything I've seen currently available for the 360.


See i totally agree with you here. And in theory, the Wii is the perfect platform to experiment with new types of games and art styles because of the obviously cheaper development cost.

But its also the perfect platform to resell PS2/Xbox in a slightly shinier package and that seems to be the current trend. Even Miyamoto himself is contemplating 'Wii-makes' of GC games.

Very disappointing lineup so far, no matter what i tell myself

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Regarding my question, no one would choose current TP over HD TP.


Why do films like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Spiderman have awesome visual effects... because they make a film better. Just as awesome visuals make games better. By your argument the studios should just save on their budget, throw in £1000 and make some cheap visuals because they don't matter.

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That's on a 4 inch screen. Makes a slight difference when you're playing on a 30 inch television.


I'm not saying that Wii won't sell more than PS3 because it is and I think will continue to do so. What I'm saying is, Nintendo were lazy and couldn't be bothered increasing the power of the Gamecube so they spent 4 years making the controller.



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Wii 2?!? .

Basicly if you think about it... if Nintendo can sell tonnes of Wii's without HD visuals and actualy make a profit (unlike the compo) why would they have HD visuals? and if the Wii had HD visuals then Nintendo most likely wouldnt make a profit on each Wii sold and we would be paying a hell of alot more than £179.99 for it.

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Why do films like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Spiderman have awesome visual effects... because they make a film better.

The first Spider-man movie was pretty good, but I didn't think much of the second. Neither opinion is based on effects though.


I'm not a huge fan of The Lord Of The Rings, they're good in parts but more Hollywood glitz than anything else. I've not read it, but I have a feeling the book would be more entertaining.


And if awesome effects make movies better, how come the action scenes in the original Star Wars trilogy are far more exhilirating than those in the prequels?

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I completely disagree, amazing graphics enhance a game full stop. So you're saying with Zelda TP if you had to choose between the game as it is now or stunning HD visuals you honestly wouldn't care? Course not.


If I had to choose between the Wii's innovation or the PS3's visuals of course I would go for the Wii, I just don't see why Nintendo couldn't do both, or at least work on the visual side of things so the Wii doesn't look like a gamecube (if that)


Exactly. I for one would love to see Hyrule in HD, as I'd love to see Samus's universe in HD. I'll still get the games, but I'd prefer them to look better. Anyone saying that TP wouldn't be more attractive in HD is talking bollocks. Nintendo could well have cost themselves dearly. They should've given the complete package here.


Regarding my question, no one would choose current TP over HD TP.


Why do films like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Spiderman have awesome visual effects... because they make a film better. Just as awesome visuals make games better. By your argument the studios should just save on their budget, throw in £1000 and make some cheap visuals because they don't matter.


Hahaha, true. Visuals enhance an experience, games with better visuals draw you further into the experience. It's like saying screw the sound, we'll do a basic job on that and save money.


A generation too late.


Sadly you could be right. I think Nintendo should've gone and thrown everything into the mix with Wii, the controls and the graphics. Why wait another generation. It's the only generation when I've felt it necessary to consider another console.

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