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I decided to browse this Osoko Tanaka's blog and want so help from members in finding out if his latest post might hold some truth. In his latest post he gives you an image of what looks like a gamecube disc, but he goes on to mention that its actually a developing revolution disc.


Anyway have a look for yourselves and post if you know anything (like if the image is fake)


Link: http://onlynintendorevolution.blogspot.com/


Why would Nintendo support Sony? And even if Nintendo would use BluRay discs why smaller ones? Those cost the same and the copy protection is nearly the same because BluRay + DRM is pretty secure.


For me this blog is another fake one - bad spelling, no real information and they always say afterwards "Look that is just what I said".


Capcom is working on a new franchise. It isn't resident evil series, but it is a third person action adventure(...) Imagine you are using your controller like a lantern. Sounds cool(...).


Nintendo Revolution is amazing. A small system, with the most powerfull technology. The ATI-developed GPU called Hollywood is better than XBOX 360 GPU. I'm sure. HD on Revolution...sure.


If thats true then :shock:

Although it probably won't be...


Heh, actually the GPUs in the 360 and PS3 are pretty bad compared to the CPUs (especially the nVidia RSX is pathetic compared to the Cell). The Revolution has a very good chance of having the best graphics chip next gen, actually.


Oh, and the image looks photoshopped to me. I don't think the Rev will use Blu-ray.

Has anyone realised it's a blog? Aka, "Look at me! The Revolution controller is in the image below, scroll down, make me famous for a week!"




OMG! That controller rocks!(Osoko Tanaka lies)


A small system, with the most powerfull technology. The ATI-developed GPU called Hollywood is better than XBOX 360 GPU. I'm sure. HD on Revolution...sure.


yes i totally believe that dude and everything on that site

Nin-Rev blog lists Osaka as "totally fake", so... meh.


But what is this "Nin-Rev blog"? Are they someone who can be trusted? There's no hard evidence to consider any site truly trustworthy at present, so to take one site's word over another is not exactly a logical position to take.

  • 4 months later...

Apologies in advance for digging out this thread. It's just that I realised this blog is still ongoing, and while I thought of making a new thread with a more obvious title, I decided against it as this "Osoko" idiot doesn't deserve such attention. So please forgive me for recycling this thread.


I'm just plain amused about the fact that he's still maintaining that blog. What's even more amusing is how some commentators at the site actually take him seriously, or give him the benefit of the doubt.


Personally, I figured out he's a fake in the first week. For a start, the name "Osoko". LOL. He should have consulted someone who knows more about Japan before settling on the name. Clearly a poor choice, when you're trying to make a convincing blog by a Japanese. There's so much wrong with this blog, from syntax (as you would expect had he been real), context to content.


I just can't help but find it incredible that some people continue to believe this fake. All major sites figured out that he's a fake and stopped paying attention or making reports of him after the first couple of weeks, SO evident that he was fake.


If he reported that the Earth is being invaded by Martians now, some of them visitors would believe him. I'm sorry to say, we really do have a bunch of enthusiastic brainless idiots among us Nintendo followers. I sincerely hope the members here aren't one.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Reading some of this idiot's stuff reminds me of Nostradamus' way of writing, where the meaning depends on the mindset of a reader.



Please don't comment at his site to fuel more attention. He doesn't deserve it. I'd rather see comments posted here, not there.


Most Nintendo blogs only spew forth crap.


Like this

The graphics of the Nintendo DS Lite will become better over time

You are seeing this with numerous games already

Sooner or Later, Nintendo DS Lite's graphics will be comparable, if not on par with the PlayStation Protable and other such devices



A few days before the controller unveiling Osoko Tanaka posted a blurry pic of which he claimed to be the Hideo Kojima project. Later on the same picture was found on the net, it appaered to be from the Resident Evil movie.


The pic isnt on the front page and I cant be arsed to look for it. This blog was proven fake ages ago, like Flaight said, dont pay him any attention.


The game sounds okay, the idea that it works with Nintendo wifi sounds like bullshit.. what you gonna do? have 6 people running around a forest?


Lame I'd say.. I can't be arsed with him.

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