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Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

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Not at all, I was just curious to see what the majority on this forum preferred, TP or OOT. Seems to be OOT.


By two votes. That's a margin, not majority.


I picked Ocarina too by the way, I couldn't not pick it. Too much nostagia at work.


Ok. I see it as lazy adding yet more to the already shocking lack of depth in TP.


Lack of depth compared to what? Ocarina of Time? Oh, come on.

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I is not lacking depth,lol. You are not funny, and it is time for you to admit TP is a great game and one of the top 3 the series has to offer

Why exactly does he have to? he is entitled to have his opinion as you are yours. He thinks TP was disappointing, and to be honest, so do I. Because it is Zelda does not mean it is perfect, it's time people realized that. Sure, you enjoyed it, and that's fine, but you also have to accept that people didn't like it as much as you.

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I is not lacking depth,lol. You are not funny, and it is time for you to admit TP is a great game and one of the top 3 the series has to offer


Actually I meant the game's lacking depth, not you. Although clearly you are as well. I've admitted a hundred times on this forum that TP is a great game you knob.


Number 4 of Zeldas for me though, behind OOT, MM and WW.



Lack of depth compared to what? Ocarina of Time? Oh, come on.



No. OOT is 11 years old and is the first 3D Zelda so has an excuse. This is a modern day Zelda, yet WW and MM have more depth to it.


Hyrule is barren with nothing to do, the towns are a joke, the story is badly told and side quests are practically non-existant.


Why exactly does he have to? he is entitled to have his opinion as you are yours. He thinks TP was disappointing, and to be honest, so do I. Because it is Zelda does not mean it is perfect, it's time people realized that. Sure, you enjoyed it, and that's fine, but you also have to accept that people didn't like it as much as you.


Well said!

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I got a few things to say about TP. Why does Ocarina or Majora have more characters than TP? Why does either Zora's Domain, Goron City and Kakariko Village are more lively than its TP counter parts? And whats worst for me is that they start great, I really felt the moment when link goes chasing that Boar riding dude to save that kid, and yet they just cut all the relationships in the middle of it, nobody cares about Link.


Edit: With that said its still a great game and people need to put their words in perspective, it ISN'T a bad game.

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By the by, motion, did you ask a mod or admin before you called me a knob. If not, you're getting done, mate.


LOL whatever. Once again, you can't win an argument so you go off on a tangent.


I got a few things to say about TP. Why does Ocarina or Majora have more characters than TP? Why does either Zora's Domain, Goron City and Kakariko Village are more lively than its TP counter parts? And whats worst for me is that they start great, I really felt the moment when link goes chasing that Boar riding dude to save that kid, and yet they just cut all the relationships in the middle of it, nobody cares about Link.


Edit: With that said its still a great game and people need to put their words in perspective, it ISN'T a bad game.


EXACTLY! TP starts so strongly with so much going on, so much to do, so much happening. Long levels, big sidequests... and then, after Arbiter's Grounds... no one knows who Link is, no one cares, no one has any idea that anything bad is happening/going to happen, the levels get shorter, the stuff in between the levels gets tiny, the story loses all focus and we end up with a rushed ending.


Goron city/Zora's domain/Kakariko are infinitely more lively in older games, indeed. What's Goron city in TP exactly? A hill and a room where they fight?


Zora's domain... a waterfall and a queen's chamber?

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I finished TP this morning, and I take back everything I have said. It is absolutely amazing. The end battle and cutscene, just... wow. I'm sorry Motion, but TP is better than WW. I just loaded up WW and I never realised how short it was, apparently I completed it in 8 hours :S


My List:


1. Link's Awakening

2. TP/OoT

3. LttP/WW

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I doubt you'll find many people who actually DIDN'T LIKE the game. Most of the people who have a problem with it are like me... I loved it but thought it was hugely flawed but I still had a blast playing it.


I just prefered Wind Waker. Better visually, better story wise, more magic... more Zelda.


In my opinion. If they spent an extra 6 months- a year doing what they had to cut out it would have been incredible.

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I doubt you'll find many people who actually DIDN'T LIKE the game. Most of the people who have a problem with it are like me... I loved it but thought it was hugely flawed but I still had a blast playing it.


I just prefered Wind Waker. Better visually, better story wise, more magic... more Zelda.


In my opinion. If they spent an extra 6 months- a year doing what they had to cut out it would have been incredible.


Zelda's awesome full stop, preferences dictate which game you prefer in the series. anyway, i bet you were one of the people who were totally against WWs art style when they first announced it. they went back to realism for the darker theme and cos fans thought they wanted it.


still havent stuck my Wii on for the past 3 weeks :S

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People talking about Kakariko village:

I honestly think its not due to Nintendo's lazyness, its more how much they could push the GameCube, not the Wii.


Developers have a so called "technical budget." You can only do many effects/buildings/character models etc. In one load time (in which case, its streamed off the disk.). Also the console has pretty damn limited resources and you'll find some models look nicer than others due to this. In a closed area (like the bar in Castle Town) the models are far higher res because the enviroment is closed off. In the middle of Castletown the models are far lower res hense there are far far many on screen.


Correct me if i'm wrong on any of this, but thats how i understand it to be.

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By the way Motion, you keep blabbing on about how Ocarina is 11 years old, now my maths isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure that a game released in 1998 is in fact 9 years old (and it was released at the end of the year so really 8 years 2 months).


Its not December 2009!

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Apologies, 8 years, not 11.


Stop getting your facts wrong. You exaggerate and I agree with Jordan- Ninty weren't lazy, they just couldn't. See, most people have my opinion, and when you start sying things like ''I prefer a 14 hour adventure with sea everywhere, no very much to explore and boring items (grapple hook), with the people oblivious to the 'danger' (Wind Waker) to the biggest adventure game in the world, where the people do understand the danger like the peace club in the bar'' then is the time to panic.

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Jordan, I understand what you're saying... but if Nintendo could make a buzzing, population/building/sidequest filled Windfall Island in WW... surely they could add a few more people, and a few more buildings to Kakariko TP.


Come on, you're actually saying that they couldn't because of limits in the technology?? Please.


the ganondorf: Most people have YOUR opinion? Nope, fraid not mate. As the Zelda poll and many people on the TP thread says.


WW: 14 hours? Yeah right lol. The way you couldn't even figure out how to get to the Hidden Village in TP makes me wonder if you didn't spend 100 hours on WW lol.


Boring items in WW? I prefer the grappling hook to the clawshot that we've seen a hundred times before personally.


LMAO, your arguments make so little sense it's unreal. Wow, 3 people in a bar understand the danger as opposed to all of Hyrule... that's quite something.


At least people knew your name in WW, Koroks, bird people etc...


You just can't admit that there are problems with TP.

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Me not making sense. Then what the hell does LMAO mean, and why is it you are the only one who uses it? I Knew how to get to the Hidden Village, just asking where th brokrn bit of a bridge was. Your hilarious, mate, and Windfall Island wasn't 'buzzing', it had a few houses, a pig and a little girl eho came out at night. And what about the rest of WW? Like dragon Roost Island. You haven't spoken a sensible ord since you played the game...

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LMAO: Laughing my arse off.


You said "Help I need to get to the hidden village, how do I fix the bridge of eldin to get there"... - stop lying.


How old are you, honestly? Without lying.


Windfall was more buzzing than that pathetic Kakariko where there was nothing to do. And Castle Town TP has what, 4 houses you can go into? 2 of which are shops.


I see you're once again ignoring the comments you can't think of a reply to.

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I agree with motion's points. Wind Waker gets my vote easily. It's more original, fresh, exciting, and way more things to do!


TP is a great game, it just felt a bit bland and like there wasn't much effort put into it's design.

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Motion 2000: this is me apologising: I'm sorry. I was stupid. I have just noticed how annoying I was starting to become, and I loved WW. It was great. I understand your points now, and do not think I thought TP was perfect. I have finished City in the Sky, and thought it was pretty terrible. Maybe I do not understand your opinions, but I should not cuss them. You are probarbly the expert at Zelda, and I shoul not have doubted you. Please, lets pretend this never happened and try and get on... maybe even friends?

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