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Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

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No because with any luck the new Wii Zelda will actually be a decent Zelda game. If it's even worse than TP, yes I probably will appreciate TP more, but that's hardly a way to continue the franchise's great name.

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You want to pick apart my opinions on WW? Interesting. There's a fair few, they're pretty easily recognisable.


But if you want a simple one sentence explanation as to why I think WW is better than TP, here you go:




It's more fun.

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I just found Wind Waker too similar to Ocarina


Thats funny because I think the same about TP. Wind Waker was totally diferent to Ocarina and a breath of fresh air while TP was basically Ocarina with better graphics and a worse story.


Im not saying I hate TP, I love it, but Wind Waker was just a more enjoyable experience for me.


I know a few people who have finished Wind Waker but gave up on TP due to the lack of personality. To them it just felt like you were going from dungeon to dungeon without any real interaction with the world around you and to an extent I have to agree with them.

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I must say that I enjoyed TP because it felt like the game filled in the gap of the story for OOT - ALTTP (But thats what I think anyway ^_^ ) plus I found the game more adventurous then WW IMO

anyway the good and bads about the both of them.


Windwaker was to rushed, plain and simple. ALthough once I saw Hyrule I thought 'Awesome more places for me to see in the game. but then only to realize that I could only walk on a stupid bridge to Ganons tower. also the game needed more land. I mean I know it was all about the sea but it would have been nice if the lands were bigger then what they were.


Anyway I must say the biggest disappointment about TP was that it was not as open land as what the first couple of trailers/Pics of the game showed. And the WORST thing about TP was fighting Ganon. I always liked Ganon more then Ganondorf. When I played WW I was sad that there was no Ganon (Imagine him in cel-shaded graphics ^_^ ) and when I saw Ganon in TP I was sooooo happy about Ganon finally appearing.....only to realize that all he did was run around like a pig :( hopefully that will not happen again in the future zelda games


I could have more complaints but then hey in the end they are both great in their own way and they should never be compared to each other IMO

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Okay maybe saying Wind Waker was too much like Ocarina of Time was a bit too extreme.


I just found Twilight Princess to be the anti-Wind Waker after being so bitterly dissapointed with Wind Waker's length, difficulty and sailing.


Twilight Princess was one of the longest games you'll ever play, it was pretty damn puzzling at times and the horseback riding was much more fun than sailing for me.


Not to say Twilight Princess was perfect either, it was just as dissapointing as Wind Waker after the huge wait for it, the story was a mess and as Killer Kirby said the Twilight Princess we saw in E3 2004 was a very different game to the one we got.


For me Zelda is all about the gameplay, while I understand for others in this thread that Zelda means a lot more than that making my arguments pointless, that's why I'm not going to bother posting in this thread anymore.


(In fact it would be nice if I was banned from this thread)

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But if you want a simple one sentence explanation as to why I think WW is better than TP, here you go:




It's more fun.




Not to say Twilight Princess was perfect either, it was just as dissapointing as Wind Waker after the huge wait for it


The Wind Waker brought many memorable Zelda experiences for me, as well as bringing something new to the table: a new graphical style and overworld. And better exploration. And great music. And you think it's disappointing because you found the sailing to be tedious? The sailing in my opinion was one of The Wind Waker's greatest aspects, because of the feeling it brought. Disappointing? I think not.


I know a few people who have finished Wind Waker but gave up on TP due to the lack of personality. To them it just felt like you were going from dungeon to dungeon without any real interaction with the world around you and to an extent I have to agree with them.


That's probably the main reason why I loved TWW and was disappointed with TP. The NPC's in TP felt like useless robots to me.


When I played WW I was sad that there was no Ganon (Imagine him in cel-shaded graphics ^_^ ) and when I saw Ganon in TP I was sooooo happy about Ganon finally appearing.....only to realize that all he did was run around like a pig


lol. After all, he is a giant pig.





Of course, by now you guys know that my pick is TWW.

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Yeah but in all the other Zelda games that Ganon has been in, he has had a spear or the 2 swords, he was TOUGH!!!! not like the crappy ganon in TP :(


Yeah, he was like a peed off bull. I was expecting Link to dress up like a bullfighter, whip out a red sheet and start teasing Ganon with it.

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Yeah but in all the other Zelda games that Ganon has been in, he has had a spear or the 2 swords, he was TOUGH!!!!


Except for OOT and TP. Pupper Ganon in WW was also easy. The only slightly difficult boss in the 3D Zelda games was Majora's Mask.


I always found exploration in WW a pain - I still haven't bothered visiting all the islands.

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Except for OOT and TP. Pupper Ganon in WW was also easy. The only slightly difficult boss in the 3D Zelda games was Majora's Mask.


I always found exploration in WW a pain - I still haven't bothered visiting all the islands.


What? I thought exploration in WW was great. Out of all of the 3D Zelda games, TWW had the best exploration in my opinion. Nothing like exploring an uncharted island and the secrets and treasure it holds.

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What? I thought exploration in WW was great. Out of all of the 3D Zelda games, TWW had the best exploration in my opinion. Nothing like exploring an uncharted island and the secrets and treasure it holds.


I think what Cube is getting at is the fact that you had to change wind directions by playing a song. I think he has mentioned it before, or maybe someone else did, that Nintendo should have made like a magic sail or something near the end of the game which constantly allowed your boat to move around with relying on the wind direction.


I admit it did bother me at first but once I got used to it I was fine, plus the Overworld music made it a joy to sail around.

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Oh, okay, I understand now. Yeah, it would be great if we had a magic sail, constantly having to change wind direction and wait half a minute just to turn the boat around was sort of annoying.


ok visually i liked Wind Waker mush mush more but TP was so mush bigger and more satisfying.


Physically, Wind Waker was about ten times bigger. And, since the overworld in that game had more life, it was also ten times more satisfying. But ah well. Each to their own.

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Physically, Wind Waker was about ten times bigger. And, since the overworld in that game had more life, it was also ten times more satisfying. But ah well. Each to their own.


Yeah it was a ten times bigger pool with little rocks on it. Yay. More life? There are more towns in Tp, a town with lots of people, which is the first town in a game that looks like a town (even if you can't talk to them), more enemies strolling around, wild animals in the forest, ghosts, bugs, birds, I'd hardly say there's more life in WW, which only had life on Outset, Dragon Roost and Windfall. Which is OK, because they rock and it makes sense, I'm not bashing WW.

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Yeah it was a ten times bigger pool with little rocks on it. Yay. More life? There are more towns in Tp, a town with lots of people, which is the first town in a game that looks like a town (even if you can't talk to them), more enemies strolling around, wild animals in the forest, ghosts, bugs, birds, I'd hardly say there's more life in WW, which only had life on Outset, Dragon Roost and Windfall. Which is OK, because they rock and it makes sense, I'm not bashing WW.


What I was trying to say was, there was much more interaction with characters (NPC's) in Wind Waker, which made the game feel like it had more life; I didn't exactly mean in a general sense, I should have elaborated more on that. Of course, as you've already stated, most of the NPC's don't even talk in Hyrule Town, and those who do in that game seem more like informational robots than people with an actual personality. Wind Waker definitely had the NPC's we all want in a video game. Twilight Princess didn't.


Ah yes thats one of the reasons why I liked TP more. getting out to Hyrule field for the very first time was just sooooo good. I mean the music and the scenery the first time your out on the field was just very good.


The music was great. The scenery, in my opinion, was crap. I've always wanted a HUGE Hyrule Field. I mean, I'm talking something really big. Maybe this is another reason why I liked Wind Waker more. Yeah, it may have been just a large pool with rocks on it and nothing to do, but it was huge, and that feeling alone gave out a great sense of freedom.



All in all, saying one is better than the other is really based on opinion and preference. Of course, I prefer The Wind Waker over Twilight Princess. Twilight Princess did indeed improve Wind Waker's flaws, but there were other aspects in Twilight Princess that were actually a step back from The Wind Waker. What I'm saying is, while TP strengthened TWW's weaknesses, TWW's strengths were even weaker in TP. I just prefer Wind Waker's themes over Twilight Princess' themes, and I personally believe Wind Waker has more of that Zelda feel to it than Twilight Princess.

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