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if you look at the new gameplay video on Gametrailers.com

this game looks and plays really good on how the control is fixed

maybe just maybe im going to buy this game ( just maybe haha )


first i'm waiting for the dragonball game that is coming out here in on march 25th and batailon wars and Pokemon becouse it has Online play and finally they have taken out the Friend codes for pokemon do you can search in your region for Online gamers and with region i mean Europe


I'll wait for some reviews on this one, looks good so far.


Does anyone know if it havs multipleyer? (Have the latest few had multiplayer? bots?)


After some hunting:


Split-Screen Multiplayer, Up to 4 Players

- Deathmatch

- Capture The Flag

- King of the Hill

- Scavenger Hunt (opponents race to capture supply drops that land throughout the battlefield)


No information on use of bots, tho. EA say more information on multiplayer will be released in March.


(information from GameSpot)



Does anyone have any official word on Airborne?


Looks like your average WWII shooter. It does look rather plain too visually but the video quality is bad. At least they bothered putting a multiplayer mode in, whether it's any good we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully the multiplayer maps are decent enough. If that's not any good I might not bother.

After some hunting:


Split-Screen Multiplayer, Up to 4 Players

- Deathmatch

- Capture The Flag

- King of the Hill

- Scavenger Hunt (opponents race to capture supply drops that land throughout the battlefield)



does that mean no online multiplayer? :(

does that mean no online multiplayer? :(


No online multiplayer. Which doesn't change my thoughts on the game. (I couldn't care less about online)


The graphics look ok. They are going to be Cube like, EA may had started working on this on Cube development kits. Wii dev tools will get better then we will see better graphics.


Don't hold out for 360 version, only on PS2 and Wii and I'd wager the Wii version is better.


Quit complaining about EA's support. Better than not having them on board, they're doing a good job with the Wii controls.


I was going to buy this...but i'm not now. It's just not doing alot for me and theres other games i'm getting, so i think i give it a miss.


I played Heroes on PSP last night and although i found it enjoyable, i just prefer the COD series overall i think.


Don't look a bad game though.


Just read through IGN's Preview, looks promising. I'll wait for reviews of both this an heatseeker before I decide which one to get, tho. The controls sound promising, too.


IGN say a problem is turning, then say "It's not as bad as Red Steel's turning". From that, it seems that MoHV's turning is more than great (as I found nothing wrong with turning in Red Steel)


red steel controls are far from perfect. I'm sure yes you do get used to them.. I did but really you should not have to. Everyone knows how you hold a gun and fire it but red steel makes you hold your hand and even at the lowest sensitivity level if you make a small move it moves far on the screen. It is a problem

  • 2 weeks later...

Godfather got better reviews.

Talking about godfather I have had trouble finding it in stock for a good price in the online stores, looks like EA might have underestimated the demand. Medla of Honor is actually in stock at Play.


Sounds good from the IGN review. Will probs pick up The Godfather first tho, and save this for the summer, when it could be cheaper on a website or two.


Peeking round corners excites me!


Sounds good. But I'll wait for some reviews on heatseeker first. The Wii Controls made Red Steel (which would brobably be an utterly avarage game on other consoles) fantastic, so the Wii Controls on what sounds like a solid FPS which holds up on other consoles should be great.


I got the game today. I'll write about it tonight.





The good: The wiimote controls are pretty good. And the 180 degree turn is a welcome addition.

The bad: They have mapped to much to the nunchuck, you may try to reload but your guy will do an 180 backflip. You reload,jump,chrouch,quickturn by moving around the nunchuck. The game isn't groundbraking in anyway, just another EA ww2 game.

The ugly:The graphics look ps2ish. granades don't destroy crates. ( I may be spoiled by "nextgen")


Controls are great. Ive made a few adjustments (removed motion control for jump/crouch & turn speed). Its quite fun, too. Graphics arent great, but they're not bad either.


For some reason it seems to have a TimeSplitters 'feel' about it. Except multiplayer. Sure, it has enough levels and modes, but bots would have been nice.

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