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With the price change also come a specs change.


Whats going on there?


I wanted to get a macbook, but I don't understand how they've changed.


I don't know which one to get now!


I understood the differences in the old ones, but whats the difference between the £699 model and the £819 model.

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With the price change also come a specs change.


Whats going on there?


I wanted to get a macbook, but I don't understand how they've changed.


I don't know which one to get now!


I understood the differences in the old ones, but whats the difference between the £699 model and the £819 model.


They've added double RAM basicly, large HDD space, faster super drive and faster processors and also managed to cut the price in europe-don't ask me how but ^_^


Now let's be honest, we just created the 'bash windows and hail mac' thread over there, almost every single post is over-positive (especially you, Takeo). What's that about those maclovers all the time, even though Windows is a decent Operating System as well (certainly with Vista)? I'm sure that in no time all the Windows-defenders will be scared of by the ever-repeating 'Mac Rulezzzzzz! Windows SuXors!' and it'll end up a 'praise to Steve' thread...


Looking forward to that.


that thread was created by Ashley as Jordan kinda sparked the mac v PC debate thing again, the posts got moved and a new thread was born, i would've though he'd have posted in it but he hasn't said a word since yesterday.


My attitude is my attitude, don't like it then like a lollipop.

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Cheers Takeo!


I'm definitely getting one.


Two computers of mine have crapped out in the past two years.


Hoping the Mac will buck this trend.


I got annoyed at my laptops doing that, so decided to give a MacBook Pro a try and i'm in love. Also got 3 years protection on it for only £50 extra-Apple really love students ^_^


In the past 2 weeks, 2 of my friends and Ashley on here has ordered/bought a MacBook. I hope everyone will be as happy with their Macs as i am with mine.

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What student cards do they take?


I only have a UCAS card, but I'm going to Uni in September so I should get a new card from there.




Best bet is to phone up the store or the apple people, i think they offer some discount to college-y people but i'm not sure if its as extensive as the one offered to Uni students. Click on educational discounts when on the Apple Store and it should give you a phone number there.


I was the same with wanting a mac ASAP, because i had done so much research about them before getting one to make sure it was right for me, i just couldn't wait till june when they may bring out an updated MBPro. hehe

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I got annoyed at my laptops doing that, so decided to give a MacBook Pro a try and i'm in love. Also got 3 years protection on it for only £50 extra-Apple really love students ^_^


In the past 2 weeks, 2 of my friends and Ashley on here has ordered/bought a MacBook. I hope everyone will be as happy with their Macs as i am with mine.


To be fair I was intended to get one five weeks back :p


But the cover, think the store would let me take it out even though I've ordered one? Because on the site its like several hundred.

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;447237]To be fair I was intended to get one five weeks back :p


But the cover' date=' think the store would let me take it out even though I've ordered one? Because on the site its like several hundred.[/quote']


if you ordered through the education site for a university you'd get it for about £50 instead of £279.99. If you go into an Apple store that offers the student discount then you should be able to buy it there with a quick flash of your student card, then you just have to go to the apple support website and register the code thats in the box.


I had a problem signing in using my .Mac address for some reason so i had to phone them up, got a confirmation email so i'm covered. Hope that all helped.

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What student cards do they take?


I only have a UCAS card, but I'm going to Uni in September so I should get a new card from there.



If you're ordering online you've got two choices:


1. Higher Education Store - you need to be on a university network to access it. Massive discounts.


2. Education store - available to pretty much anyone who is involved with any school/college/university. Slightly smaller but still pretty good discounts. They never actually check you're eligibility, but if they do ask you can fax/post them proof that you're a student such as a university acceptance letter. But like I said, they never check anyway so go ahead and order. Enjoy :D


Oh and Takeo: .mac. Worth the cash? I've been tempted for a while now but it does seem like a bit of an expensive luxury. What advantages does it have over equivilant free services?

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Oh and Takeo: .mac. Worth the cash? I've been tempted for a while now but it does seem like a bit of an expensive luxury. What advantages does it have over equivilant free services?


I haven't researched the free alternatives at all, i know its very integrated with iWeb and Backup which is nice if you have it, it IS expensive for what it is but there's expected to be a major revision of what it does around the time of WWDC. At the moment i'm enjoying it, but if you don't mind the faffing around then free is always better. I don't use the iDisk much-just for the odd file for uni, but photcasting to my mom if and when i'm in japan is going to be VERY handy.

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I haven't researched the free alternatives at all, i know its very integrated with iWeb and Backup which is nice if you have it, it IS expensive for what it is but there's expected to be a major revision of what it does around the time of WWDC. At the moment i'm enjoying it, but if you don't mind the faffing around then free is always better. I don't use the iDisk much-just for the odd file for uni, but photcasting to my mom if and when i'm in japan is going to be VERY handy.


I agree with this, but certainly £70 a year is very over the top. I'd think twice if it was £70 for life actually.

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I agree with this, but certainly £70 a year is very over the top. I'd think twice if it was £70 for life actually.


i bought when i had money, and it had £20 knocked off it so i thought, i'd give it a try. i can see myself renewing it though next year, especially if with leopard they add lots of new stuff to it.


What would people recommend me getting for my MacBook Pro, to allow me to watch and record digital tv straight to my hard drive, i want it so that i can set it up to record a channel at a given time.


At the moment i think the EyeTV is the best but i'm struggling between cost and features, like do i really need picture in pircture?!

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Does anyone have information about making your Mac run faster? I think my Mac runs slower than it did when I bought it and I can't seem to find much information on it.


I read somewhere that files on a Mac disk don't fragment because the way the OS handles files; but then I read that this was in fact a lie. There doesn't seem to be much help about this sort of stuff.

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Does anyone have information about making your Mac run faster? I think my Mac runs slower than it did when I bought it and I can't seem to find much information on it.


I read somewhere that files on a Mac disk don't fragment because the way the OS handles files; but then I read that this was in fact a lie. There doesn't seem to be much help about this sort of stuff.


One thing to check is disk permissions , periodic repairing of these can speed up the mac a bit.


Clearing out application caches will also help , as well as frequently resetting Safari , as good as the browser is it can be overly zealous in caching stuff. The only downside to resetting it is losing any passwords stored in keychain , why the hell they haven't sorted this out I don't know , especially when Camino can reset everything barring the keychain.


Regarding defrag , there still doesn't seem to be a definate answer, I am aware that OSX will run periodic (daily, weekly and monthly) scripts that defrags some files and helos with disk optimisation.


The problem is that these are done in the early hours of the morning so if the mac is not on it will not be done , some had said that since 10.4.3 these are done whenever you boot up but others have stated that this doesn't hold true. You can do these tasks manually , and for that I periodically run macjanitor (check at version tracker) but in all honesty I can't say whether I have noticed that many (if any) speed improvements.

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Apparently my MacBook arrived earlier, so it shall be waiting for me when I get home tomorrow night. No doubt I'll be too tired and just leave it, then Wednesday is VM-Day so I may get round to opening it Wednesday afternoon.

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;448667"]Im not one of those that genders or even names anything I own. So it shall be neither.


Grrrrr! mines neither gender as well, it has that stupid default name too, but i can't think of a good one, my last laptop was called Jameema-lee ^_^

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What kinda music software can I get for a mac.


I would like to get one but I want something really powerful to use for recording/editing/mixing quite the varied mix of genres and instruments.


Inform me mac folk!

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What kinda music software can I get for a mac.


I would like to get one but I want something really powerful to use for recording/editing/mixing quite the varied mix of genres and instruments.


Inform me mac folk!


Logic/Pro is supposedly the way to go , but lack of funds means I can't confirm this as yet but to start out with you may want to look at Garageband which comes with the mac as part of the iLife package.


You can use multiple tracks to record your own instruments (audio interface needed) , software instruments and loops which should cover all your needs across various genres.


Also comes with a good selection of built-in FX or you could use your own FX unit (as I do).


It will also supposedly integrate well with Logic too should you decide you wish to trade up.

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