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Knights of Cydonia


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You're right about Assassin, harribo. For me it builds up to Invincible and it and then kinda tails off again to the finish and leaves you wanting more of that midpoint quality.


Theres a severe lack of classical style Butterflies and Hurricanes style songs on the newest album. But I still wont fault Muse for broadening their horizons and Ill be buying the next album on day one... possibly the next album Ill buy :hehe:

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Last.fm is a joke, thats all I have to say. According to those retard I listened to Knights 3 times last night at 8:14pm and now that I've started listening it today it's just put that in - missing out the other 47 odd listenings. Fucking 'tards!

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See what ya mean, brother. I doubt lastfm are just experiencing some technical difficulties at the minute? The sooner that McFly stuff gets pushed off the bottom of your list the better :heh:


:mad: If you weren't a fellow 26ther....


Nothing wrong with McFly!


Thank you!

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Sarka my dear boy, what are you thinking? Well, if you like Franz Ferdinand that explains alot :heh:


You like the cheesy Muse stuff do ya? Well Ill tell you one thing, know how Knights o' Cydonia grew on me after seeing em in November? Well the same thing happened with Exo-Politics. Soldiers Poems really good, and was all the better when they performed it on piano. :hehe:


Citizen Erased though, show it some love and restore some of our confidence in you!


I listened to it, but had to listen to TiRo straight after due to severe boredom - the starts ok I suppose...


I'm now listening to Black-holes, it's such a super album, probably my favorite Muse album in fact.

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Never saw him surfin like that chez nous laddo.


Did you get:


"Is anyone here from Antrim?"


*Big cheer from 80% of the crowd* (Even me, Im close enough for government work.)


*Well this songs for you." And they proceded to play the best live Starlight they've ever managed to date. :bouncy:

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I've actually been listening to Assassin (Grand Omega Bosses edit) a lot, and I think it's brilliant! A lot better than the album version of Assassin. Though I even find that brilliant! Knights is by far the best track on BH&R though.


As for my top 3 Muse tracks... I can't say, it's too difficult to choose, lol.


No it's not... 2nd date added :D




You rule!! :D I deffo need to get some tickets. ^^

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Citizen Erased live is so fucking incredible on hullabaloo. Amazin :)


I don't like it as much. The intro is too rushed. The whole song sounds rushed.


I'm sure it would be awesome if you were there though. This was the one song they didn't plat at B'ham, which is a shame. Maybe it would be back on my topspot if they had.

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As you can see it's gone from three plays of knights last night, to the one I played today, missing out the other 47 in between!


the thing I've noticed with last.fm is that if you put a song on repeat it only counts it once (at least when I use iTunes) so that is probably what happened




with regards to KoC I felt it was the most "Muse" song on the album if you know what I mean :)


epic song, great riff, amazing live, nice bit for headbanging as well :)

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