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Official Bitch about Twilight Princess Thread!


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I think it has more character

You think wrong. It lacks depth on every level- it is just raw sounds.

which couldn't be done with orchestrated music.

You think wrong again, it is possible. Movies do it all the time.


It costs a lot more, it requires more time and effort- something that Nintendo had plenty off which increases the tedium for many gamers.


I am/used to be a musiciain and I distinctly notice the different between shit and the shit. Just because your ears are not trained/cleaned to appreciate it does not mean that MIDI, a super primitive form of music production is better.

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You think wrong. It lacks depth on every level- it is just raw sounds.


It's actual tunes, especially in that trailer, it sounded like everything else that's ever been orchestrated. Not zelda-ish.


You think wrong again, it is possible. Movies do it all the time.


That's because that's all pre-recorded. In a game, they don't know exactly what you are going to do. They need it to change when you go near enemies, and fade into the new one, which would sound shit if it was orchestrated.


It costs a lot more, it requires more time and effort- something that Nintendo had plenty off which increases the tedium for many gamers.


I am/used to be a musiciain and I distinctly notice the different between shit and the shit. Just because your ears are not trained/cleaned to appreciate it does not mean that MIDI, a super primitive form of music production is better.


I didn't say it was better. I said it had more character and suited Zelda better.

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Obviously evidenced by the overwhelming amount of criticism in this thread, what i've been saying all along is true. Nintendo ultimately have "misleaded and deceived" the gaming community in saying that this is the best Zelda game ever made. They could've easily have had a civil lawsuit on their hands. They've gotta be more careful in the future with making these sorts of BOLD statements. But after giving it some thought, the game was doomed to failure anyway, even if they had been working on it for the past 20 years, how can you top something that many considered perfect? You can't.

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Obviously evidenced by the overwhelming amount of criticism in this thread, what i've been saying all along is true. Nintendo ultimately have "misleaded and deceived" the gaming community in saying that this is the best Zelda game ever made. They could've easily have had a civil lawsuit on their hands. They've gotta be more careful in the future with making these sorts of BOLD statements. But after giving it some thought, the game was doomed to failure anyway, even if they had been working on it for the past 20 years, how can you top something that many considered perfect? You can't.


People are just pointing out tiny little things, that are just tiny distractions to what is a fantastic game. There are about 4 criticisms being repeated and discussed.

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It costs a lot more, it requires more time and effort- something that Nintendo had plenty off which increases the tedium for many gamers.


It's odd that I've never heard any game that has an outstanding orchestral soundtrack. Games with midi (and some with bands making the music - e.g. F-Zero GX...but that doesn't require much changing of music in-game, and uses the "final lap" sound to cover up the change in track) seem to have better soundtracks.


Fighting in Hyrule Field doesn't really seem as immersive as fighting in areas with midi music - apart from scripted sections with different music - due to the music not changing it just doesn't feel right.


The Hitman games have great main-menu theme tunes, the in-game music doesn't sound too good tho. (yet the soundtrack - which uses the same tracks - sounds amazing). The main problem is "changing tracks" ruins the music a lot.


Surely, with you "fine-tuned" ears, you can hear the cut-off and horrible half-second of music which ruins orchestral music for games?

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You keep calling them tiny.


Music is not a tiny part of the game.


It is in this game ;)


I really enjoyed TP. It was easy but not as easy as WW, the storyline was ok and the game lasted for a fair amount of time. I do think OoT and MM are both better games but it's close between TP and MM for me.

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It's odd that I've never heard any game that has an outstanding orchestral soundtrack. Games with midi (and some with bands making the music - e.g. F-Zero GX...but that doesn't require much changing of music in-game, and uses the "final lap" sound to cover up the change in track) seem to have better soundtracks.


Fighting in Hyrule Field doesn't really seem as immersive as fighting in areas with midi music - apart from scripted sections with different music - due to the music not changing it just doesn't feel right.


The Hitman games have great main-menu theme tunes, the in-game music doesn't sound too good tho. (yet the soundtrack - which uses the same tracks - sounds amazing). The main problem is "changing tracks" ruins the music a lot.


Surely, with you "fine-tuned" ears, you can hear the cut-off and horrible half-second of music which ruins orchestral music for games?




Time to piss of the Zelda Zealots by mentioning a game, or a series rather, called Final Fantasy.


In terms of scope both Zelda and FF games are comparable, they aim to be both big, and epic.


And this is where the following happens, the orchestral music used in FF games, and not just FF games, but MGS, WoW, Soul Calibur, and many many more games that are EPIC get their reputation from their music.


You dont need to have merging music into battle, it CAN be done with mp3 music, MGS does it, almost all mmorpgs does it. So many other games to name.

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Crap things about TP:


- For the most part, rubbish soundtrack.

- Very dodgy looking graphics in places.

- Still far too easy.

- Hyrule Field may be bigger but there's pretty much nothing to do in it.

- Kakariko Village is a joke. Empty, devoid of anything to do, population count of about 2.

- Castle Town deceptively big. Again, not much to do.

- Hardly any sidequests.

- Dungeons 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are tiny.

- Travel time between dungeons 4 and 5, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 8 and 9 is practically non existant.

- Coolest items hardly get used apart from in their temple.

- Very few note-worthy characters

- Buggy Z-Targeting/camera

- NO SENSE OF URGENCY, DANGER, FOREBODING. Link could have sat in the field for 10 years and nothing would have happened. No sense of time scale like Majora's Mask.

- We have no clue what the final boss WANTED to do and no evidence that he was actually doing anything.

- Link and final boss don't meet until the last second, big mistake.

- Ending feels rushed.

- Second half of game feels rushed.

- No spells, medallion type weapons or magic.

- Link picking up and marvelling at rupees every 5 seconds (and randomly)

- Castle town is no where near as cool as Clock Town or Windfall Island.

- Story seems to have been made up as the developers went along.

- Boss fights, while cool, are WAY too easy still.

- Not the 70 hour adventure we were promised, more like 30-35. What a misleading quote that was from Nintendo.

- No character, magic, soul in the entire game bar a couple of moments.

- Zora's domain and Goron mountain were a joke. A waterfall and a room where they fight? Give me a break.

- Graveyard was no where near as cool as the one from OoT

- Puzzles are very simple.

- Nothing to do in Desert bar 1 thing, compared to Gerudo fortress + training ground, Desert Collusus and Wasteland from OoT

- Cutscenes showed promise but got crap after dungeon 4.



At the end of the day, I think that Twilight Princess is a fantastic game when you compare it to other games on other platforms etc... but as a Zelda game, it's disappointing. OoT was far more special/magical/epic, Majora was way cooler, moodier, darker, Wind Waker looked amazing and felt very magical.

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Yeah, especially in comparison to the huge landscapes, stroyline and dungeons.


More misleading claims courtesy of Nintendo. If they really were that huge, it would take people the actual 70 hours to complete the game like they originally said it would instead of the average of around 30 to 35 hours.

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I don't understand your problem with the "second half of the game". The dungeons, especially, are freaking awesome. The Ice mansion was so much fun.


More misleading claims courtesy of Nintendo. If they really were that huge, it would take people the actual 70 hours to complete the game like they originally said it would instead of the average of around 30 to 35 hours.


So 30 hours is small now?

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More misleading claims courtesy of Nintendo. If they really were that huge, it would take people the actual 70 hours to complete the game like they originally said it would instead of the average of around 30 to 35 hours.


30/35 hours for this type of game is much better, 70 hours for a Zelda main quest is just too long....the game would start dragging.

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30/35 hours for this type of game is much better, 70 hours for a Zelda main quest is just too long....the game would start dragging.


Thats fine, the problem is they said the game would be 70 hours. People wouldn't have had as much of a problem with it if the gaming community weren't told these lies to begin with.

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Thats fine, the problem is they said the game would be 70 hours. People wouldn't have had as much of a problem with it if the gaming community weren't told these lies to begin with.


IIRC, that was never an official statement...

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IIRC, that was never an official statement...


I remember at e3 2004 they said that including all sidequests and collections that it could take as much as 70 hours to complete. I still have that NOM lying around, so I can check it out.

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That's because that's all pre-recorded. In a game, they don't know exactly what you are going to do. They need it to change when you go near enemies, and fade into the new one, which would sound shit if it was orchestrated.


oh come on star fox assualt was orchestrated

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Did people really think the puzzles were easy in this game?


The push block puzzle in snowpeak mansion was hard.

The push block puzzle in the hidden area was hard and so was the ToT staute puzzle.


But to me people find a reason to make sure that TP is not better than OoT.

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