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Mercury Meltdown Revolution


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I'll probably be getting this (when I get my Wii). Puzzle games like this are sadly lacking in the market these days - if it's not a 'party game' or interspersed with pointless platforming sections, it doesn't get released. I remember back in the good old Amiga days with games like Pushover, X-It, Benefactor, Chips Challenge etc. Perfect for consoles too.

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& you'll be one of the ONLY people on Planet Earth to buy this game and this is really unfortunate. We need more people like you to buy these mediocre experimentation games to keep third party developers developing for Wii. If the games don't perform sales wise, they'll flock to Playstation 3 instead...


I'll probably get it. Ouch SO MUCH FOR THAT THEORY!

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Wrong, best game to get is both :idea::D :D


Correct, these mediocre efforts need to be purchased to continue third party support for Wii. Through this initial support during the experimental phase, we'll probably see a slurry of higher quality titles, when the user base is CONFIRMED.

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You could say that you get better quality in titles like this, as it's a simpler concept, so the majority of the development can be spent on polish and content, rather than the gameplay mechanics themselves.


But that'd just be a sweeping statement wouldn't it :) :) :)

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Isn't this meant to be out next Friday along with Mario Strikers? Amazon has it down for that date and my local GAME has boxes on the shelves with preorder stickers.


I quite want this, but I'm getting Strikers so it's got no chance for a month or so :)

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Yep, I've been wondering if it's coming out next Friday. I've got it on pre-order at Amazon but wasn't sure whether the date given was right. If Game have it on their shelves with pre-order stickers it's seeming quite likely though.


Having loved Kororinpa, I'm really looking forward to this title. Getting Mario Strikers too so looking forwards to getting back into my Wii after a spell on the DS.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Out this Friday in the UK (8th June) and getting some high scores.


Eurogamer: 9


IGN: 7.9

Official Nintendo Mag: 81%

NGamer: 80%


A must buy for me.


Really? Sweet, I want this too. Might wait and get it for my birthday (start of July) though.

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It's a lot of fun actually. I'm on the third lab out of eight (I think) and it's become quite challenging. It's been easy to progress but getting decent scores is starting to get more difficult now. The game is about mental agility as well as manual dexterity as you have to split the mercury up, change its colour and mix them in order to get through coloured barriers etc. This means you sometimes end up spending the first go on a level just figuring out what you need to do and the best strategy. It's pretty addictive in that 'I'll just play another level' kind of way.

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