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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Do bosses in grottos "level up" with you? When I first fought the boss in my first grotto he really had to bring his best to kill me (and with a little luck he did :().


But after I've leveled up a bit he raped me in one turn. He attacked twice (which is normal). One dealt pretty much 90 damage to every character (this attack only did 50-60 in the first battle) the second was pretty much the same.


No they don't level up. Legacy Bosses do, but only if you choose to give them EXP.

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I've just leveled up the Martial Artist vocation with every character so they learn Psyche Up. Now back to their initial vocations :)


Looking forward to see what items DQVC will have in store next week.


It might be a good idea to stop saving and start spending newly earned gold. I think I need better equipment. But I won't touch the 70.000 coins I've deposited at the bank.


Love the little differences in how people speak. :D


The guy in Batsureg's church cracks me up:

Fresh! Then you had better be making a rap to me of all your happenings and doings, yo.


No way, I'm not going to save now, yo!


The Almighty One always has your back, yo. Peace out until the next time.

Edited by drahkon
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Looking forward to see what items DQVC will have in store next week.


It's the Spring theme this week,


  1. Spring Breeze Hat
  2. Bright Staff
  3. Slumber Stick
  4. Mercury's Bandana
  5. Malleable Mask
  6. Happy Hat
  7. Dragon Robe
  8. Springtime Skirt
  9. Pixie Boots
  10. Spirit Bracer
  11. Catholicon Ring
  12. Elfin Charm
  13. Goddess Ring
  14. Sainted Soma
  15. Ethereal Stone
  16. Sage's Elixir
  17. Yggdrasil Leaf
  18. Saint's Ashes
  19. Astral Plume
  20. Lucida Shard
  21. Enchanted Stone
  22. Reset Stone
  23. Elfin Elixir
  24. Yggdrasil Dew


Probably the most notable items are: Spring Breeze Hat, Bright Staff and Slumber Stick. Also useful are: Catholicon Ring, Elfin Charm and Goddess Ring.

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Sorry they aren't better items this week, dr4khon.


The rarest is the Bright Staff, which doesn't become available until very late in the game, and when you do find a Rank 10 chest (which is the only place you can get them), you only have a 1% chance of getting it. The downside to buying it is that you may not like using wands.


The Spring Breeze Hat is good for your healer. It's also Rank 10, but is a Grotto Boss drop, rather than a chest item. You have a 2% of getting it.


Some of the other stuff is good, but not particularly rare.

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Rank has nothing to do with rarity, has it? How do I know which rank an item has?


I've just found the Magic Key meaning I can now open magic doors. There are still some doors (like one at the bottom of a well in Coffinwell) I can't open. I'm assuming there is another key to be found later in the game?

Edited by drahkon
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Rank has nothing to do with rarity, has it? How do I know which rank an item has?


Well, Rank 10 items are what you get from Legacy Bosses and Rank 10 chests. Rank 9 items are all from Rank 9 chests. Rank 8 from Rank 8, etc... I'm probably not explaining it well, but trust me, the best items are also very rare.


I've just found the Magic Key meaning I can now open magic doors. There are still some doors (like one at the bottom of a well in Coffinwell) I can't open. I'm assuming there is another key to be found later in the game?




PS - I was too busy being cheeky to darksnowman about the Thief's Theory, when I should have tried to be helpful instead. There are a few ways to help your thievery:


1) Have the Thief's Theory in your main character's bag. Using Gloves and Accessories that boost Deftness may help with Thief's Theory. I certainly equip all my Deftness-boosting gear in those circumstances, just in case.


2) Using Half-Inch (and not worrying about Thief's Theory), it is probably better to use the Deftest Gloves you have, but Honour Amongst Thieves instead of a Deftness-boosting Accessory. However, if you're all stealing, I would give Honour Amongst Thieves to someone else instead, keeping my main character as Deft as possible.


3) Use the Thief's Coup de Grace (which guarantees a drop) or his Co-op de Grace (which guarantees the rare drop if you land on the right portion). You can repeat this until you do.

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so I'm currently enjoying this cracking game and died on the final boss with all my party at low level 40s, having gone through the whole game not realising changing vocations doesn't lose the skill points you earnt with one vocation. I am currently rectifying this by changing all the party vocations and building up skill points!


my question though is not related. is dragon quest monsters worth getting for my ds? is it anywhere near the same quality of ix? I have seen it for 15 quid so am tempted.



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my question though is not related. is dragon quest monsters worth getting for my ds? is it anywhere near the same quality of ix? I have seen it for 15 quid so am tempted.




I wouldn't say it's the same quality as IX, but it's very enjoyable. If you like Dragon Quest and Pokemon then go for it.

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my question though is not related. is dragon quest monsters worth getting for my ds? is it anywhere near the same quality of ix? I have seen it for 15 quid so am tempted.




Na, just wait for the inevitable arrival of Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 to be released, it's basically better in every way over the first.

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my question though is not related. is dragon quest monsters worth getting for my ds? is it anywhere near the same quality of ix? I have seen it for 15 quid so am tempted.


The graphics, music and fully 3D overworld (well, islands) are all better than IX. Furthermore, the tone is much closer to how I think Dragon Quest should be.


However, whilst IX is an in-depth and great RPG, DQ Monsters is massively complicated and more like Pokemon. I can't get my head round it, to be honest. The problem for me is that the game is about "Synthesising" monsters, but do you synthesise them straight away or wait until they've learnt more skills? I don't know the best strategy. They also have one trait such as "Psyche Up" which you lose if you "upgrade" to a different type of monster. It's very involved. That said, I want to go back to it if I get time, and also try Monsters 2 if it's released here.

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Thanks for all your input, but to be hnest you have made my decision even harder to make now! I do have DQ4 and 5 still sealed to move onto so I think I will possibly wait for for the second release of Joker 2 if it's getting released here (unless I see joker 1 for dirt cheap).


I am still currently leveling up all my party in their new vocations and alreay it's clear how much stronger they are going to be seeing as though I can kick arse easily in the last dungeon despite my characters only being in their early 20s!

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Thanks for all your input, but to be hnest you have made my decision even harder to make now!


Sorry, I have a habit of doing that. Ike said it best: if you like Dragon Quest and Pokemon, why not give it a go? You might love it.

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It's Friday again. Yay! This week is History of Heroes week featuring clothing worn by the DQI's, DQII's and DQIII's heroes!


  1. Alefgard Helm
  2. Midenhall Helm
  3. Aliahan Headpiece
  4. Alefgard Armor
  5. Midenhall Garb
  6. Aliahan Clothes
  7. Alefgard Gloves
  8. Midenhall Gloves
  9. Aliahan Gloves
  10. Alefgard Trousers
  11. Midenhall Trousers
  12. Aliahan Trousers
  13. Alefgard Boots
  14. Midenhall Boots
  15. Aliahan Boots
  16. Mystifying Mixture
  17. Malicite
  18. Sage's Elixir
  19. Yggdrasil Leaf
  20. Saint's Ashes
  21. Astral Plume
  22. Lucida Shard
  23. Enchanted Stone
  24. Reset Stone
  25. Perfect Panacea


Probably not a great week for those who've levelled up the Legacy bosses like Grazza :laughing:

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Oh dear, that's a completionist's line-up (I think that's the most polite way to put it!) Thanks anyway though, Ike.


dr4khon, I would avoid most of that unless you really want to collect it all. By the way, how are you doing in the game?

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Phew, I've beaten all the available Legacy bosses at level 99.


I saved Mortamor until last...




Despite expectations, Mortamor was not one of the more difficult bosses at all. For one thing, his difficulty increases much less than the others. He has three attacks per round from the beginning (which is why he seems hard first of all), but he never gets more than that.


Secondly, he doesn't have a critical attack, so he needs to clobber any one of you twice to knock you out.


Thirdly, as long as you attack his left claw first (which you should, as it casts Kazing), he soon loses one attack. Take out the other claw and he's left with only one attack per round. Keep your HP topped-up though, because Magic Burst can knock a lot off.


Fourthly, his breath attacks aren't much trouble at all.


So, an enjoyable boss! You don't have to be ultra defensive with him (I kept my staple boss team of Paladin, Gladiator, Sage, Priest all the way up to 99). Coups de Grace were used, but never waited-for.


My favourite Legacy boss has been Zoma and my least favourite and most time consuming was Malroth.


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How did you go with Nocturnus?


[spoiler=]Nocturnus, Rhapthorne and Orgodemir aren't available here yet.


Orgodemir is 13 May

Rhapthorne is 3 June

Nocturnus is 8 July


Incidentally, Erdrick's Armour is 20 May, so I'm looking forward to that as well.


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A few days but late, but I was busy and/or busy :P I expected this week to be another Heroes week but nope, it's Guy Guest week 2.


  1. Torneko's Cap
  2. Borya's Bouffant
  3. Kiefer's Hair
  4. Trodeface
  5. Torneko's Clothes
  6. Borya's Robe
  7. Kiefer's Clothes
  8. Trode's Robes
  9. Kiefer's Gloves
  10. Torneko's Trousers
  11. Kiefer's Trousers
  12. Torneko's Sandals
  13. Borya's Boots
  14. Kiefer's Shoes
  15. Trode's Treads
  16. Mystifying Mixture
  17. Malicite
  18. Sage's Elixir
  19. Yggdrasil Leaf
  20. Saint's Ashes
  21. Astral Plume
  22. Lucida Shard
  23. Enchanted Stone
  24. Reset Stone
  25. Perfect Panacea


Make sure to complete Borya's set you need them for a future quest. His boots are his full inn reward.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Haven't touched it since my last post in this thread. :(


Can't get myself to it. Help...


Oh dear, you're so close as well.


Now you've got the Ultimate Key, I suggest unlocking some of the better chests and doors with it, such as these:


Dourbridge[/b] - there's a building to the east that you can enter from behind (you cannot see the door at all).


Dourbridge - Mini Medal tent (don't equip the items though: they're cursed).


Bloomingdale - the well.


Your ship - don't miss this one.


Gleeba - enter the Plumbed Depths (the dungeon) and make your way to the cells. You can use the reward to purify a cursed item.


Swinedimples - main building.




At least that might be fun and get you back into it


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This weeks DQVC sale features the equipment of the heroes from DQ IV, V and VI:


  1. Zenithian Helm
  2. Gothan Turban
  3. Somnia Hair
  4. Zenithian Clothes
  5. Zenithian Leotard
  6. Gothan Robe
  7. Somnia Clothes
  8. Zenithian Gauntlet
  9. Gothan Wristbands
  10. Somnia Gloves
  11. Zenithian Trousers
  12. Zenithian Leggings
  13. Somnia Shorts
  14. Zenithian Boots
  15. Gothan Gumboots
  16. Somnia Boots
  17. Mystifying Mixture
  18. Malicite
  19. Sage's Elixir
  20. Yggdrasil Leaf
  21. Saint's Ashes
  22. Astral Plume
  23. Lucida Shard
  24. Enchanted Stone
  25. Reset Stone


We also got Carver this week, his class is Gladiator. I think there are only 2-3 guests left.


3 weeks to DQVI :)

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