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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Saw the Dragonlord Claws on the DQVC in my game this morning. Didn't pick them up as I had all my money stored in the bank but I'll be picking them up later. Been needing something to replace the ones on my thief (think he has the Fire Claws or something. The ones which he can simply hold aloft when it's his turn and hit all enemies for fire damage).


Also pleased with myself this morning. After going through a grotto on Wednesday night, I got to the boss who was Trauminator. Twice he put me down (first time he was close to being defeated but nailed my healer and then gigaslashed for OHKO on remaining 3 characters and second time he did his cannon move which wiped 3 characters and left my thief) but this morning I went in a pimp smacked him easily. Only levelled up 2 characters by one level.


So happy about that but think I should level up my characters beyond level 49, which is roughly where they're all at, as I got a lvl 34 grotto map which I'm guessing while generate one of the grotto bosses harder than Trauminator.


Also picked up my first legacy boss map, Malroth, and laughed as he took my team down in two hits :laughing: A long way to go before I can do any of those guys.

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I'm ashamed to say I only understood a certain pun last night. I was flicking through my fans when I began to realise what the names meant...


Critical Fan

Over-critical Fan

Hyper-critical Fan... etc


Brilliant! I also love "Critical Acclaim" and "Mercury Prize", amongst others. Is "Noscar" a pun? I don't understand that name at all.

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Wait a min! Is the DQVC universal? *clutches at straws* I didn't get on yesterday. :cry:


No, it varies between games. Each cartridge gets its own specific list of items on the DQVC each week, or the case of these current sales it's everyday based on a larger collective list. So one day you'll get a specific item but find someone else hasn't got it but they'll get it a day or so later.


I forgot to go back on the DQVC and buy the Dragonlord Claws anyway :nono: Oops indeed.

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Yeah, annoyed I forgot about the Claws. They may well turn up again on another day on my DQVC, as some of today's items are repeats of yesterdays which means there's no need for me to buy anything (although I did buy an Angel's Bow, Attribeauty and Heavy Hatchet for use/alchemy as I'm going to start changing vocations once I've finished the last couple of quests to get them all unlocked), so I'm crossing my fingers.

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Anyone have trouble connecting to DQVC today? I couldn't manage to. :hmm:

The screen just kept slowly filling up with slimes, instead of that bit when loads of them fall in, then I'd get an error message.


Just did offline DQVC in the end, noticed that the items were the same as the previous day, but everything was back in stock. :wtf: So does that mean once you get something good to appear, you can just check it again (offline) the following day(s) to buy multiples of those items?

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Anyone have trouble connecting to DQVC today? I couldn't manage to. :hmm:

The screen just kept slowly filling up with slimes, instead of that bit when loads of them fall in, then I'd get an error message.


I got an error first time but I put that down to me "only" having two bars of Wi-fi reception and not the full three. Second time I held my DSi up and it connected just fine... and I got the Dragonlord Claws! (And am now broke... again.) That's all I'm doing on DQ IX tonight. I need to play something different, something straightforward. Mario Kart or Goldeneye, along those lines.

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Anyone have trouble connecting to DQVC today? I couldn't manage to. :hmm:

The screen just kept slowly filling up with slimes, instead of that bit when loads of them fall in, then I'd get an error message.


Just did offline DQVC in the end, noticed that the items were the same as the previous day, but everything was back in stock. :wtf: So does that mean once you get something good to appear, you can just check it again (offline) the following day(s) to buy multiples of those items?


No problems here. Your not normally able to rebuy items from the DQVC if you've already bought them.

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No problems here. Your not normally able to rebuy items from the DQVC if you've already bought them.
That's what I thought too. Very strange, I'm tempted to not even attempt to connect to DQVC tomorrow to see if they're still the same and if I'm still able to buy stuff. :hmm:



Scratch that, just tried to connect now and this time it downloaded without any problem. And I had a load of new items to buy too. :smile:

2 different DQVC's in one day... cool!

Edited by RedShell
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That's all I'm doing on DQ IX tonight. I need to play something different, something straightforward. Mario Kart or Goldeneye, along those lines.


I love this game, but I can't wait to be finished with it, for it to lose its grip on me. It's just too complex, too obsessive, too time-consuming. Lots of high points, yes, but with huge gaps between them. I spend the best part of a week levelling a Legacy Boss up to 99 - in that time I could have played a whole Zelda, and yet I won't stop until I've risen to the challenge.


Dragon Quest should never be this obsessive again.

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Cor Blimey!


Yangus is this weeks new guest.


This weeks DQVC sale is Companion Sale Week 2, which includes Erinn's and Aquila's equipment. Not too exciting so I won't post a list, plus you should probably have all of them by now. Erinn's Headkerchief has the best defense against stop in the game so that's probably the most interesting item in the list.

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Erinn's Headkerchief has the best defense against stop in the game so that's probably the most interesting item in the list.


Oh, well I never. It's worth checking out the status-resistance of these speciality clothes. (For those that don't know, "Stop" is when you get scared by a Raging Roar or something like that.)


In other news, I finally got a good enough ice Grotto to have a Blight Knight in it!

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Cor Blimey!


Yangus is this weeks new guest.


This weeks DQVC sale is Companion Sale Week 2, which includes Erinn's and Aquila's equipment. Not too exciting so I won't post a list, plus you should probably have all of them by now.


Sweet. I'll continue with my DQ IX down time then.


In other news, I finally got a good enough ice Grotto to have a Blight Knight in it!


You beat me to it then. :heh:

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Another good sale on the DQVC this week, Unbeatable Armor Extravaganza sale!



  • Dark Shield
  • Boss Shield
  • Ruinous Shield
  • Metal Slime Shield
  • Brain Drainer
  • Metal Slime Helm
  • Hallowed Helm
  • Sacred Armor
  • Veteran's Armor
  • Mirror Armor
  • Gigant Armor
  • Metal Slime Armor
  • Victorious Armor
  • Metal Slime Gauntlets
  • Vesta Gauntlets
  • Trodeface
  • Cannock Helm
  • Alefgard Helm
  • Midenhall Helm
  • Aliahan Headpiece
  • Zenithian Helm
  • Alefgard Armor
  • Nera's Bracelets
  • Milly's Bracers
  • Bianca's Bracelets
  • Meena's Bracelets
  • Blindin' Bracers
  • Gothan Wristbands


Some Metal Slime equipment are available and items 22 - 25 are obtained only available from the guest characters after you get 30 tags.


Also, this weeks quest gives a

Zoma map


as a reward.

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If anyone wants to know my picks of DQVC this week, they're:


Rank 10 equipment:

Brain Drainer

Hallowed Helm

Victorious Armour


Rank 9 equipment:

Metal Slime Armour

Metal Slime Helm

...and everything else Metal Slime (but the above remain the most useful)


The Metal Slime Armour is absolutely awesome. Take a look at these comparisons:


Metal Slime Armour: -15% all elements

Liquid Metal Armour: - 18% all elements

Metal King Armour: -20% all elements


Victorious Armour: -18% fire, ice

Glorious Armour: -20% fire, ice

Mythical Armour: -22% fire, ice

Legendary Armour: -25% fire, ice


From: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/937281-dragon-quest-ix-sentinels-of-the-starry-skies/faqs/60936


So, you have to upgrade the Victorious Armour with 4 orbs and 4 agates before it's better than the Metal King, and even then, only against fire and ice. I still recommend the Victorious Armour though. It's great fun for Grottoes, as it restores HP and MP as you walk.


Also, this weeks quest gives a

Zoma map


as a reward.


[spoiler=]Yep, "Graham the Bird" gave me a chuckle. I'm enjoying Zoma, as he seems nice and easy (I was getting bored with Malroth). He tries to sap and blunt you a lot, so I'm wearing Metal King Gloves and Lucky Charms.


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You chose a good week to leave it, darksnowman, as the DQVC sale was not really worth it (only for completionists). This week it's great again though. I was thinking about how rare these items actually are. The chances of getting them are:


Rank 10 armour - 2%

Rank 10 weapons - 1%

Rank 9 armour - 1%

Rank 9 weapons - 1%


Still, the real reason Rank 10 armour eventually becomes easier to obtain is because you can use the Thief's Co-op de Grace, like RedShell mentioned a while ago (Rank 10 armour is the rare drop of Grotto bosses). However, you really need four Critical Fans for this to be fast enough, so certainly buy it instead if you can.


That'll teach me to boast. No sooner did I say he was easy, he's giving me trouble now! For the first 47 levels I got by with:


Gladiator, Gladiator, Gladiator, Priest


However, at level 48 I needed to change to:


Gladiator, Gladiator, Sage, Priest


Onwards and upwards! Oh, by the way, plug in your headphones, the music's great.


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Was going to try the next legacy boss, but the quest involves one of those grotto specific monsters and I can't remember which grotto they're in... :wtf:


Very high fire Grottoes, eg. "Void". Personally, I don't have one of those, but luckily I've got a fire "World" which is deep enough to have them.

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Beaten the latest one:


At first, I thought Zoma was easy. However, he became difficult for the last 20 levels. This boss is tough, but wastes lots of turns, so I recommend being semi-defensive. If you're not at full health, be careful, because he can easily knock you out in one or two hits.





As you can see from my HP, he was no pushover.



Here's what you get.



Only Malroth and Mortamor to go, apart from the ones that aren't available yet.


Zoma only uses ice, so it's ice protection all the way. The exception is the gloves. Zoma tries to blunt you a lot, so I had my fighters wear Metal King rather than Ethereal Gloves...



...Well, that's what I thought anyway. I've just seen they resist Sap, not Blunt! Oh well, they look cool.



Note that Dave doesn't have a status-resisting Lucky Pendant. Well, where's the fun in Gladiators if you can't use Critical Acclaim? :)








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Yeah, I overdid it a bit. Just looked on GameFAQs, and the only things that resist Blunt are Lucky Charms and Steely Sweatbands, the latter of which only Martial Artists can wear. So, Ethereal Gloves are definitely the best!


The secret to levelling-up your party is Metal King Slimes. Once you find a floor with them (I still think water Grottoes are the best) and you know where they appear, go for it. Mind you, if you're +8, you're a lot of the way there.

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