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SSX Blur


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Wooo, Tesco's had it! I'm loving it... took me about 10mins to get used to the controls... Uber tricks are still a bit of a bugger to pull off, well, a couple of them are!


I think it's a bit easy to score very highly on this first peak though! It's like there's no competition!

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I'm just going to stick with Gameplay. At least you get them launch-day, like they say! Unlike Shop-to and Amazon now it seems, what is going on?....:confused: Sorry to all the guys who didn't get it!

I'll blame my late order. Anyway I've canceled it now and I'm going to pick it up from GAME with Wario Ware Touched trade-in later today. Does anyone know if the trade-in prices from the website are accurate. £18 for WWT seems too good to be true.

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Just traded in some old games to get this. Got £18 for Trauma Centre :o £25 for Wario Ware :o:O and £22 for Red Steel :o:O:O I got Red Steel for free.


Anyway, hope it's decent.


God, the controls are mental. I think once you get used to them they'll be good, but it's not exactly intuitive. Gonna stick with it.


These controls are fucking god awful. Uber Tricks? Bollocks. NOT impressed one bit.


And just to add to that, I'm yet to see a game other than Wii Sports that makes playing a game easier than a 360 pad. Red Steel sucked, Excite Truck is only decent by the track design, Sonic took a while to get used to, Monkey Ball is nothing compared the GC version, and don't even get me started on Wario Ware.


Reckon I should calm down? Lol, all this in one post :D

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Received mine this morning (along with Tiger Woods) , excellent service by Gameplay and Royal Mail (for once).


Haven't managed to spend too much time with it (been battling Tiger mostly) , but yes the controls are a bitch to get used to - ubers are tough as hell , and don't get me started on the slalom courses , jeez they are a f'ing impossibility.


Maybe it will all click at some point.


Did take a while to figure how the progression worked (despite playing previous versions) but seem to be getting that sussed slowly and the usual piss-poor manual from EA told you naff all.


Once thing that does concern me , in only a couple of hours play my Wii has crashed twice on this game (once on a loading screen , and another time when trying to go to the map) , and the only cure was the old unplug at mains routine.


Just wondered if this has happened to anyone else ? or do I just have a dodgy copy of the game ? Hopefully it's not the Wii but I will be keeping a close eye on it.

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I'll blame my late order. Anyway I've canceled it now and I'm going to pick it up from GAME with Wario Ware Touched trade-in later today. Does anyone know if the trade-in prices from the website are accurate. £18 for WWT seems too good to be true.


gamestation regularly does £18 for trade in for 1st party ds games... recently I traded another code, tetris, phenonix writght, advance wars all for £18 a piece

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I just traded in Trauma Centre for £18.


Anyway, worked out what I was doing wrong, and while it's still annoying me, I'm getting better at the game, and the controls are starting to click.


There's something about the game that keeps pulling me back in and wanting to play it until I like it.

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Just tried Ubertraining and jesus it sucks. There are some that just I just can't get at all, and I'm doing what looks like the exact motion, there was one I got every time though.


The music in this game is cool, and I even landed an uber trick in a challenge. Games getting much better now, and I'm glad I stuck through the initial learning curve. The same happened with Sonic and the Secret Rings as well, so maybe I'm going to need a bit more patience with a lot of Wii games before I really learn how to play them.

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I'm really getting into this game now. The first hour I couldn't really figure out what was going on. The controls were straightforward enough (in theory anyway) but the career mode had me baffled. The second hour I'd worked out how the exploratory nature of career mode worked but I couldn't land any of the flips. The third hour I finally managed to start landing tricks and build up my score. Ubertricks mostly pass me by still but I'm sure that'll come. I'm enjoying the variety of the game - love the halfpipe games particularly as they are good for trick practising.


Seems a good game but you need to put some hours in before you start to reap the rewards.


I have a slight problem though. This game seems to have buggered up one of my remotes. It suddenly won't perform spins and flips, although the point and click element still works. I've switched to my other remote but does anyone know what might be going on and if it's possible to resolve it? Cheers.

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I was loving this game at last getting 1st place in everything... then I entered a slalom event. Ruined my enjoyment. Thanks EA. They're so stupidly fucking hard, I can't seem to tilt far enough to get around the fucking flags.


Anyone got any tips for these mother bastard events?


Haha, after a bit more practice and a bit of control tinkering I managed to get 1st place on this as well.


It takes a while to get there but this game is excellent.


WOOHOOO on to peak 2.

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I hate this game. I lift the Wii remote to do a trick, then put it back to level but my character continues to do the trick until I fucking smack the ground.


press A or B to land the trick.


Just tried Ubertraining and jesus it sucks. There are some that just I just can't get at all, and I'm doing what looks like the exact motion, there was one I got every time though.


I found all the übertricks to be easy do to except the zigzag one.


The music in this game is cool


It's more than cool. Hope more games learn from this


I was loving this game at last getting 1st place in everything... then I entered a slalom event. Ruined my enjoyment. Thanks EA. They're so stupidly fucking hard, I can't seem to tilt far enough to get around the fucking flags.


I unlucked a board with -1 speed and +1 edge. Made it really easy.


Seriously, 1UP 5.5? Yeah, about right.

It takes a while to get there but this game is excellent.


I found the game to be really enjoyable when I got the controls down. I'd probably give it an 7.8/10

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press A or B to land the trick.




I found all the übertricks to be easy do to except the zigzag one.




It's more than cool. Hope more games learn from this




I unlucked a board with -1 speed and +1 edge. Made it really easy.





I found the game to be really enjoyable when I got the controls down. I'd probably give it an 7.8/10


Lol, my posts go from pure hatred to loving it in about 1 page. Yeah I got the controls sorted now, can consistently do about 3 uber tricks at the moment, and have unlocked peak 2 after sort of mastering-ish the slalom event. Had to do it 3 times for the tournament, which was hard but good.


Seriously, reviewers must only play the beginning of games because any issues with Excite Truck, Sonic, and SSX have all been sorted once i've played 2-3 hours of each and learned how to play them properly.

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I hate this game. I lift the Wii remote to do a trick, then put it back to level but my character continues to do the trick until I fucking smack the ground. Seriously, 1UP 5.5? Yeah, about right.


Thats exactly my problem. I had to stop playing it today because it was getting on my nerves...


However, strangely enough..it has a kinda 'One more go' factor. I like it, i really do...but at the moment the actual controls are annoying the hell out of me still, i'm going to keep at it!

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Thats exactly my problem. I had to stop playing it today because it was getting on my nerves...


However, strangely enough..it has a kinda 'One more go' factor. I like it, i really do...but at the moment the actual controls are annoying the hell out of me still, i'm going to keep at it!


When you're doing tricks tap A to land, that was my problem. And yeah, stick with it and it'll click, and the game will become awesome.

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I am still just not clicking in this game (admittedly Tiger Woods has consumed most of my playtime) - it's the ubers that are really killing me , have managed a couple in training but when it comes to getting them down in an event it's just not happening.


With this inability to land ubers any progression is tough , Peak 2 access is still beyond me and frustration is setting in.


I refuse to give in and be beaten but it is not easy when hanging yourself with the Nunchuk wire seems the more favourable option.

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