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No More Heroes


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People are blowing this sales thing way out of proportion. Suda 51 games have never sold over there, I mean Killer 7, the spiritual predescesor of No More Heroes sold under 30k for it's lifetime combined between GC and PS2 sales. No More Heroes has done 10k first day sales and looks like it's going to sell more then Killer7 ever did in Japan.


It's nothing to do with a change in the Japanese market or a hatred towards hardcore games, it's just games like this have never sold in Japan since day one :/.


It's always been hoping America will save it sales-wise, and in all honesty I think it can. Of course at the moment they're releasing it on the same day as Smash Bro's, sigh. Still, the Japanese sales are hardly anything we shouldn't have expected..

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it would actually sell a lot better in europe if it had blood. It's not a stupid assumption it's true.


Not sure, I mean this game is already horribly nishe (Cel-shaded graphics, New IP, Japanese design), surely an 18+ rating could give the game the kiss of death sales-wise? The European market has always been less accepting to violent games in terms of sales when compared to the US.


I'm not saying I'm for the edit but it's surely going to help the game sell and have a hope in hell of reaching some mainstream appeal.

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it doesn't look crap and saying it's a rip off of gta is like saying sonic is a rip off of mario.


what's your excuses guys?


who cares, let's just kill them.


I really live Suda's aproach to games.

Killer 7: "I want a weird mind fuck game, let's just just put this shit on rails and get it over with."

NMH: "OK, he's a professional killer, let's just throw in an unfinished overworld as a nod to GTA and make a fucking awesome and visceral combat system. FUck those critics."

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well without blood(and for the record i don't understand the big deal in blood anyway, even in movies)this is 15+ rating.


I think it's more a cultural thing anyway. Games with blood and gore and violence have for the most part sold poorly in Europe, except in the UK where we have a very similiar culture to that of the USA. There are obvious exceptions but most of these are from major franchises which are recognised worldwide, so it's hardly a legit comparison.

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For those who haven't read this in the Manhunt 2 thread

, the Video Appeals Committee has overturned the BBFC ruling to ban Manhunt 2.


If the BBFC don't appeal this, it could have an effect on Rising stars decision on which version of NMH to release in Europe. With enough pressure from consumers, they may seriously reconsider.

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it doesn't look crap and saying it's a rip off of gta is like saying sonic is a rip off of mario.


what's your excuses guys?


It's a lot more drastic a difference than that. The hub in this game apparently is nothing like GTA at all, it's just like an empty overworld that serves solely as a way to travel from mission to mission and apparently isn't even very refined. It's just like a field in a Zelda game but probably without even actual combat or much to do.


So it's like apples and oranges making any GTA comparisons.

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Anybody who says GTA > anything needs to get their brain out of their arse.


Well the GTA series has a lot of character, or at least had. The scripts of the main Rockstar North games have always been well written, especially the radio hosts which have always had tons of hilarious dialogue (Vice City especially). The cities have a nice attention to detail too, each area of a city feels defined and not like the attempts at recreating real cities in the Spiderman and other sandbox games where everything feels like endless strings of the same buildings.


All it's really ever been is the same sort of concept as gangster and mafia films, yet applied to game format and with tongue in cheek humour. It was never just a "crime simulator".


So yeah, I would actually say the GTA series > Virtually every other sandbox game out there, though I haven't played enough of Crackdown to really determine that (It seemed totally awesome).

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