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Everything posted by Will

  1. Looks really nice. That speed golf mode looks like it will be a ton of fun for multiplayer. Definitely going to pick this one up.
  2. A bit of old news but we have the first car for 2021: Nothing particularly unexpected but continues to look great IMO.
  3. You realize we’re on a public forum in a thread to discuss this exact topic, right? It’s fine if you don’t want to share, just seemed an interesting topic to cover given your strong views on it. We’ve now played through the first couple of levels and I’m definitely still not feeling it. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is with this one, it just doesn’t seem to have the magic of the other Mario games. My wife and I also don’t seem to be a very good team, I fear this might lead us to a huge argument if not worse at some point.
  4. Forgot to pick this up earlier but my copy should be delivered today. I found the Wii U version a bit lacking and not all that memorable, but it came out at a point where I wasn’t really playing games so wanted to give it another chance. Intending to only do this in co-op with my wife so hopefully it shines like that and we can enjoy playing through in a more relaxed style. @drahkon, I can’t quite fathom your thoughts on it. You think it’s so bad that it warrants being one of the worst platformers of all time, yet played it through to 100% completion twice? Now it sounds like you can’t be bothered to pay full price for the new content but will pick it up reduced to play it later? Why do it to yourself? Just ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist. I do think it’s the weakest of the 3D Mario games but to call something of this quality one of the worst ever seems a little over the top. What did you find so lacking in it?
  5. Just need to find the right yellow for you! But yeah, I think yellow can be a bit tough, will give everyone an update on how (un)cool I look when this comes.
  6. What do you think of the cap though?
  7. Unfortunately my lack of hair is meaning I’m starting to burn the top of my head whenever we go in the pool. Decided to splurge a bit and buy my favourite cap from last years F1.
  8. Can’t say I’ll miss her all that much, for me she was one of the less interesting characters in the show.
  9. This is a great watch and I’d recommend anyone using social media platforms to watch it as an introduction to what is happening when you’re on those platforms. It’s not just social media that has all of these things either, it’s exactly how most free to play games are designed too and manipulating a persons actions is key to them operating as intended. Really made myself and many of my colleagues take a step back and wonder if it’s really something we want to be doing. There’s just so much money available in doing these things that someone will always take advantage of it. I can’t remember the exact way they word it but I think the key takeaway for me was that the product they are selling is the ability to manipulate peoples individual view points by a small amount but on such a large scale you can make things like Trump/Brexit happen without anyone really noticing what you’re doing. That’s the really scary thing.
  10. You mean negative interest rates? It’s entirely possible though would be unlikely to be passed on to the consumer, you’d just see savings rates be even worse and borrowing rates hover around where they are now. If it happens it will be a pretty strong indicator of the economy being in a really bad place more than anything, they’ll avoid doing it if at all possible.
  11. I last posted on Facebook two years ago, Twitter I have no idea when and I am “active” on instagram but probably post only a few times a year. At some point last year I realized that there was generally nothing good about facebook and it just acts as an echo chamber for people to self-reinforce their own insane point of view. It’s become a mirror for what happens in politics in that people only want to hear things they agree with and will not budge their opinions no matter how much the evidence is against it. I think it was the thoughts on BLM certain childhood “friends” were posting that eventually made me suspend my account. I still use Reddit as I think in the right subs it’s actually a great place to get info on whatever topic you might have an interest in. Aside from that and posting here I’ve pretty much given up on all of these sites. I don’t need to see the life highlights of people I don’t care about and certainly don’t need my views to be manipulated by a clever algorithm of content. Social media is something amazing that we’ve pretty much managed to turn into the worst part of our society. If someone would take facebook back to what it was around 2008 or so (before the marketing took over basically) I’d gladly pay for it.
  12. Quite disappointed by this. It’s a great concept but it’s just missing something to make it an enjoyable game to play. Totally makes sense and I agree. The focus should have been the other way around. I guess they were going for the Fall Guys model of success with this but it just doesn’t have the right ingredients to make it work IMO. Might give it a few more goes but can’t say I’m super excited to get back into it.
  13. I’m not sure you can really count crypto as an investment but its a good gamble that could net you a nice return. Yeah they’re all terrible, I get more cashback from my credit cards.
  14. I set up a N-Europe Fantasy League for us.
  15. Will


    Definitely going to be picking that up!
  16. Got myself a nice looking tool box to keep the mass of stuff I’ve bought for console modding in.
  17. So far not much, but my progress is all here. Haven’t updated the thread in a little while but have had a ton of things delivered over the last week. Hoping to spend a bit of time over the weekend doing the HDMI mod for the GameCube.
  18. For me: Games Played: 24 Top Games: F1 2019 - 140 Hours F1 2020 - 89 Hours GTA5 - 36 Hours Total hours of gameplay: 373 Local / Online: 354 / 19 Hours in VR: 3 Days Played: 202 Trophies Earned: 128 Gold: 3 Silver: 23 Bronze: 102 Top PS5 Game: Spider-Man Remastered (32 Hours) Total PS5 Hours: 67 Total PS5 Trophies: 161 PS+ Games Downloaded: 39 Nothing too surprising for me, wish it had broken down the PS5 trophies as that was a lot more impressive than what I managed on PS4. Although I’m playing for more stuff in 2021 I imagine the F1 games will come out on top again this year too.
  19. That’s great! Glad their are people actually taking some profit from this. Yeah, there is a huge risk of being left holding essentially worthless stock well below what you’re buying in at. The people who are putting their life savings in at $300+ are playing a very risky game indeed. Worth giving it another try this week, seems like they’re going to open it back up. It’s a good way to see which platforms are willing to cut people off I guess.
  20. I use Saxo which is available in the UK and has great reviews. It’s a little more expensive to use than others available there it seems but I really like it. It has app and web portal and gives you a ton of data to trade numerous types of stuff. Other apps may well be better but I don’t have access to them. I think the main thing is to invest in companies you believe in, consider it long term, and don’t worry about short term dips. Stuff like the Gamestop situation is not normal and you shouldn’t (generally) think about investing as quick money. I’d recommend getting a trial account somewhere and play around with things for a bit. Ask questions and do some research then start off slowly and build up. Once you have a few decent investments it’s really nice to have your money actually doing something for you. Alternatively open an account immediately and YOLO your life savings into gamestop then diamond hand it all the way to the moon and beyond.
  21. Will


    Very fair point and I know many would totally agree with you. As I see it it’s never quite a fair comparison as although you’re getting the same specifications for less it’s not put together the same way or with the same level of quality as you get with a Mac. This is a really good point too, do not expect to be doing any good gaming on a Mac. Another thing I just thought of is what phone/tablets/devices do you have? One of the great things about being in the apple ‘ecosystem’ is things really do just work. We have multiple Macs, iPhones, iPads, Apple TV etc. and I can use one to control the other, buy things on one device and have them immediately available on the other, take calls on whichever device is closest to me... and the list goes on. For personal stuff it can be a real value add having everything work together like that. If you don’t have that sort of interest it’s another plus point of the apple stuff you won’t be gaining from.
  22. Will


    Yeah, back in the day they needed their own file format, nowadays they will understand whatever you plug into them. i really think this is a false saving though. Buy something for half the price and it will only last you a third as long. Though I will caveat that with it’s not a Mac vs PC thing, I’m sure if you buy a top end windows laptop it will last you just as long as a Mac will, it’s just that Apple don’t really make low end devices. Honestly they seem to be so good you don’t even need the Pro, seems the Airs are absolutely phenomenal. It really does seem like the M1 line is by far the best you can buy right now. If you do decide to go Mac @Retro_Link, I don’t think you can go to far wrong with any of the M1 lineup available right now. Dependent on how quickly you need something, you may benefit from waiting as this years models are meant to be the ‘big’ revisions with new form factors and features etc.
  23. I think people are reading far too much into this. SEGA re-structures whenever they need to give Haruki a promotion. The key thing about this restructure? Haruki is becoming CEO of both companies and becoming chairman of SEGA. It allows him to learn the ropes on one side while his Dad covers the other half of the business. Next promotion time they’ll re-merge them and put him in charge of the whole thing.
  24. Welcome to the club! As long as you’re happy losing the 200 then all good. I guess you’ll get about half a share for that when it opens but if things go in the right direction you still stand to make a bit of money. I’m going to see how the opening goes and make a decision on what price to sell at from that. I definitely like being part of this thing but I’d prefer $10k in my bank account a bit more.
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