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About Will

  • Birthday 11/11/1983

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  • Interests
    Games, Driving, F1, Internet
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    1915 3055 1423 3512
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  1. Good luck @Cube! Hope it goes well. Was quite interested on the number of jobs front, I’m at 10 in 18 years just counting from when my “career” started. Not too bad, but I’ve jumped around a fair bit post-covid compared to before.
  2. Will


    Yeah, for some reason I had it in my head they were coming out when the season started. Got me all excited for it now!
  3. Will


    Didn't think these were meant to be out yet, but had to buy one when I found them while doing the weekly shop. First Speed Champions set I've ever done and I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to getting the rest of them!
  4. It amazes me anyone would dare give a negative reference nowadays. I've had some terrible employees but the worst reference I can imagine giving it one that just confirms the details of their employment. Glad it seems like you've managed to sort something else - I'd have been tempted to bring up a damages claim if not. Hopefully you at least get a bit of cash and some time to sort everything out. Hope the opportunities you've found so far work out. Definitely one to try and see the positives from and move on to something better.
  5. We got on to Severance after we finished Silo. Been quite enjoying it but now that we're up to date it's a bit of a pain having to wait for each new episode. I really love the premise of the show but can't help but think everything will end up being something of a disappointment when we find out what is actually going on.
  6. Same for me, shame as I really enjoyed the one for the Switch.
  7. Oh they have other platforms and use them, every week its a detective game trying to work out if things will come via email, the private app they have, the website, facebook. I suppose my main position is that there shouldn't be any social media of kids at school regardless of the audience.
  8. I recently had to reactivate my Facebook account as my kids school for some insane reason put half of the school updates on there. It’s a primary school and they’re posting pictures of kids, trip details, school news, I just don’t get it. Personally I look at Instagram to keep up with friends and then Reddit for my idle browsing of stuff. I don’t have any desire to be signing up to any of these new things as ultimately they are all as bad as each other. Social media echo chambers are a huge contributor to a lot of the messed up stuff we see people doing and we’d all be better off without them.
  9. Thanks for the reminder! I’ve gone for the Friday afternoon session.
  10. I would guess at the very least they will work for original Switch games. I'd bet that they work for anything that doesn't need any additional functionalities of the new ones.
  11. I think (hope?) they have the Switch 2 take the OLEDs place in the range and they charge £300 for it. If they don’t do that then I reckon £400. The last console I bought in the UK was a PS3. Where will be the best place to order a Switch 2 to get one on launch day? My immediate thought is Amazon but I have no idea if that is actually my best option.
  12. Looks cool, I'll buy one. I went to the Switch event in January 2017 and I'm a little hazy but I feel like I remember knowing quite a lot of what was going to be there - was there a direct just before the event or did we find out stuff between the reveal and the first blowout? I guess what I'm wondering is will we get bits of info between now and April or do we have to now wait 2 and a half months to see anything else. I'm glad we're finally getting a new Mario Kart. If that was the only game at launch I'd definitely get one.
  13. I hadn’t heard of this but thanks for bringing it up - I’m going to download it and give it a go this weekend.
  14. Quite enjoyed Raw and can see myself watching at least through to WrestleMania. I do with these shows weren’t quite so long. Maybe I’m just getting old but 3 hours of Raw + (I assume) the same for Smackdown is just too much wrestling for me each week. I feel like 2 hours (so under 1.5 considering ad breaks) for each is quite enough for me.
  15. We’ve hated our sofa since we got it, too small, not that comfy, so have bought some Ikea modular stuff that has storage under the seats. A sofa: And a chaise longue to go with it:
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