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Dilli Gee

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Everything posted by Dilli Gee

  1. As said above, 1080p support will be added soon, in time for the HD-DVD player. It seems likely there'll be HDMI support too. And if HD-DVD takes off, they'll probably be built in next year sometime, with the external player being sold even cheaper for those who don't have the built-in version (it's current price will probably be around $180). I think in 2 years time we'll see Xbox 360 HD titles, that will only work with the HD-DVD player. They designed the Xbox 360 for such things. And before you jump on my ass, Nintendo did the same thing with the expansion pack on N64.
  2. I'm not sure that's the case entirely. If HD-DVD kicks off, it's likely the next version of Xbox 360 will have it built in. But the normal external drive should be out soon, as they're releasing a 1080p update for Xbox 360 soon (on Live). They're incredibly popular in Japan, just like FIFA is in the UK. As TGS is a Japanese event, they'll obviously play on that factor more than others. As for Blue eyes white dragon, I did a Google check and it's not a video game, it's a Yu-Gi-Oh trading card. I've assumed you meant Blue Dragon, and Wii will probably eventually have graphics like that as standard, but by then Xbox 360 will be miles ahead. And Blue Dragon is a relatively small production, of only a few dozen people. I think it's also a Japan exclusive. Twilight Princess isn't really a Wii title. And out of all of those, MP3 and Red Steel are the only stellar differences between generations. Burnout Revenge on Xbox is pretty much the same graphically as Excite Truck.
  3. I know graphics aren't everything, but you'd think Nintendo would create a system with a little bit more potential in that department. Wii seems really lazy on that front. No wonder so many developers are jumping on the Wii wagon, all they need to do is port over the Xbox version of their games and change the controls. It's cheap to port. But that's not a "revolution" at all. If the Wii had Xbox 360 graphics, nobody here would ever say "graphics aren't important", because they would never need to. And the Wii is coming out a whole year after the Xbox 360. You'd think for £180 they could afford graphics as powerful as the Xbox 360, if not better, but they haven't even tried. I personally think it's to do with Nintendo not wanting to lose any money from the system itself, that's why it's a "souped-up" GameCube.
  4. I'm sure the PS3 looks just fine in SD most. And as for the price, remember it's got a brand new shiny Blu-ray player with it, that does raise the price a bit. As for this White Knight Story, I'm impressed. Very impressed. I guess this is the PS3's Elder Scrolls IV. But Heavenly Sword still kicks total arse (and is actually the title I'm most anticipating); it's PoP on steroids.
  5. What I said has no relevance to whether or not I'll buy it. DOA4 for Xbox 360 looked not that much different to the previous game, that didn't mean I didn't buy it.
  6. Haven't you bothered reading this thread? Xbox 360 Premium + Project Gotham Racing 3 + Extra Wireless Controller = £300 That's only £230 for the Premium system. They've also apprently got a bundle with this year's big killer app in the works.
  7. Super Mario Galaxy doesn't look that much of an improvement over Super Mario Sunshine, it just a bit more rounded. And widescreen.
  8. At under £10 for some of the best games around, new, you can't fault the Xbox. Make sure you get the decent controller though, and not the shitty one.
  9. That's PR bullshit you're being fed, so that just in case Nintendo Wii fails, Nintendo can say "we weren't aiming for the mass market". Nintendo's target audience = Microsoft's target audience. Only PS3's audience is slightly higher, both in age and class/wealth. This price cut will cut Nintendo's wrists, deep. Especially as GoW comes out just before the Wii does - the hype and reviews will create a lagged response just in time for Christmas. We should be worried.
  10. The system is getting a kind of relaunch in Japan, with a new marketing scheme, a cheaper system and a new game line-up designed exclusively for Japan.
  11. Wii is online compatible, so it would be worth having GTA4 on it.
  12. I don't think that's really much of an excuse if their developer's kit is more powerful than an Xbox. Their pre-finalised designs should still look better than Halo 2, from the start, right?
  13. ... why does a 2004 game still blow many Wii ones out of the water, in terms of graphics? This is a serious question. Halo 2 is a last generation 2004 game (that many mistake for an Xbox 360 title), so just by default every Wii title should look better than it, or at least equal. Excite Truck, Red Steel, Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda seem to be the only titles that clearly are a entire step above Halo 2, but that's a few games out of many. All the others look the same, or like below, even worse. Is there an actual reason for this?
  14. That's the plan, according to rumours. The rumours say there will be a fully loaded single player game, with optional 2 player like the last big one, but then there will also be the ability to form clans online, with other players, to face off each other and to do online missions and stuff. I guess that's why it's launching on both Xbox 360 and PS3 at the same time, so that players of both can face off.
  15. That's bad news. Gears of War = Halo 2 of 2006.
  16. I've seen some of the Gears of War marketing campaign, it's apparently the most expensive campaign in gaming history, bigger than Halo 2. We've got to hope they don't do a GoW bundle last minute, because I honestly believe both Sony and Nintendo will be in the shit.
  17. Blu-ray will win because it has most of the industry support. Go look it up, you'll understand me. The only movie studio supporting both formats is Warner Brothers; most are supporting Sony. It means "If I Recall Correctly".
  18. Zelda suffers from over-sensitivity, according to many people. I hope they add some sort of lag to prevent that.
  19. I don't think that's any excuse, it's not like the system is so groundbreaking Nintendo are hard pushed elsewhere to deliver. Microsoft managed to churn out 3 major launch titles (Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero and PRG3), so Nintendo's Excited Truck and Zelda is a bit unexpected. But Ubisoft is doing a fantastic job.
  20. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/732/732879p1.html But it doesn't look as bad in motion, although a bit basic: http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/853/853783/vids_1.html
  21. I dunno, I still feel the Wii launch line-up is just as bad as the Xbox 360's one. Or maybe it's just the fact the only actual Wii-through-and-through title Nintendo are releasing in Excite Truck. Seriously, Ubisoft should consider making games consoles.
  22. I think the best launch line-up ever was for GameCube. Wii's is average imo, mainly just ports of last generation games with new controls.
  23. This looks good, and what Wii developers should be using Wii for. That Wing Island game looks poor, this actually looks like a real title. And I can imagine how we'll be able to use the Wii-mote for all these different farm activities.
  24. They don't "completely" own it, I was over the top. But Sony is the main financier of the BRA, and they own and have patent for the standard 25GB disk (50GB dual layered) and the 50GB Blu-ray disk (which can become 100GB with dual layer) that Blu-ray will be using for its movies, music and games. (TDK also have a patent for BR, but it's for 33.3GB disks with the intent of having 6 layers for 200GB.) HD-DVD is an extension of normal DVD, so the disk design is not controlled by any individual company. Blu-ray is pretty much Sony's game.
  25. There needs to be a cynic on these boards, and I want to be that cynic. Besides looking like a PSP game, the screen is also too cluttered and doesn't really evoke any aesthetic appeal, especially the fonts. And we're in 2006 people, even baby-aimed TV shows like Balamory are produced in widescreen; it's standard and makes one wonder why this game isn't.
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