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Dilli Gee

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Everything posted by Dilli Gee

  1. You might see Time Splitters 4, because the second game sold well on all formats, so I assume that included GameCube. As for Rainbow Six, that's possible, but it was built directly for Xbox 360 and then ported to PS3, so downgrading it might be an issue. Resident Evil 5 isn't going to be on Wii, we've got Umbrella Chronicles instead.
  2. The DS isn't the Wii. And IIRC, Gameboy sold millions whilst GameCube had a flop of a launch in Japan, but built up, eventually falling behind. But it could sell 6 million around the world, now thinking about it, but I think the majority of those sales will be in Japan.
  3. Does anyone honestly think it'll sell that many?
  4. The game starts with an aerial pan of the forest, then you see the characters come into frame, and everyone thought it was FMV. But then you realise you can actually move the characters around and you then are gobsmacked because what you thought was FMV is actual in-game graphics. The gameplay looks awesome too, very FF. The games you listed are 2D graphics. They couldn't really get any better, at least on the 2D plane. 3D graphics can however, and titles like SM64 and even the original Zelda have awesome gameplay, but haven't stood the test of time as smoothly. Even on the DS (that's why many DS games are 2D rather than 3D). Please name a few actual next generation titles that are worst graphically than Zelda TP, I honestly would like to know.
  5. Is it weak compared to the Wii or Xbox 360? And how do you rate Wii's inner workings, and of course the 360's?
  6. I'm personally hoping Microsoft do well this Christmas, but those new bundles coming out speak for themselves; I told one of my neighbour's kid about the Gears of War one and he was glad. Then I said HMV are doing a "Premium System + PGR3 + Extra Controller = £300" deal and he said he'll probably buy one then.
  7. Don't think people actually think like that. For example, when I want to buy a particular TV and nobody has it in stock, I wouldn't then go a buy another one, regardless of it being cheaper. I think if a parent has put aside £500 for a PS3 and a few games, they won't then go and spend it on something else, as their child will just end up saying "I want a PS3" three-months down the line. There's also the fact that Sony's last two consoles not only sold bucketloads, they've also got the majority lead in audience and brand loyalty. Sony has many more consumers supporting it than Nintendo has, and because it's PlayStation 3, audiences "know" they'll be getting a quality system and tonnes and tonnes of games. And before the "PS3 is hard to develop for" shit starts flying around, the PS2 was also hard to develop for, that didn't stop many developers making games for it. GameCube was probably the easiest to make games for, yet many companies abandoned it. There's no major war any more, at least not on Nintendo's end. Whilst it'll probably end up selling loads, Wii isn't part of the conflict: it's Sony vs. Microsoft. I expect we'll rarely see any made-for-PS3/360 games getting Wii ports, because they're two completely different types of gaming machine. Wii I think will be more like the PC, with its own set of games and style of gameplay, away from Xbox 360 and the PS3 games.
  8. I like this game already.
  9. Sony have a low amount in the USA and Japan to stimulate buzz. What happens if a parent tries to buy a PS3 but they've run out, and the child wants one? They'll pre-order one for the new year. Entering low ensures healthy pre-orders for the second batch.
  10. I said one of the best. Of course there will be better. All I know is that Sony, Toshiba and IBM spent $400,000 to $500,000 on developing the processor, and it's meant to be good. The PS3 is only one product of many that is in development using it.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/new_media/1666671.stm
  12. Same as above. Unless the Barbie game had actual good gameplay and story, I would consider buying it. But if it's a Barbie game with fantastic graphics and excellent gameplay, then I would rent it or buy it (for my sister ) . It's not so much I bought them just for the graphics, more like they're the nicest looking (good rated) titles on the system, and it made me want to buy them more. When I got my N64 in 1999/2000, I had a choice from a couple of games. I got Zelda for the gameplay, and Pilotwings basically because it looked impressive with the scenery and stuff. With Rogue Leader, I wanted a game that would "test" my cube out, so I chose a bundle with the game. Otherwise I would have got Wave Racer. As for Resi 4, I read it had "ground-breaking" graphics and good controls, so I got it. I was also told it was "action" rather than "horror". I couldn't care less about the storyline, it didn't have much to do with the other RE games. I bought the remake of the original too, for similar reasons (of course that was flat out survival horror).
  13. Well I guess if you think that, then fine. Considering you're getting the new generation's most powerful system with inevitable killer applications, one of the best microprocessors ever (although it'll also be used in PCs and other electronics in the future), a Blu-ray player and a complete online network, I think it's worth it. Well, worth more than a Wii is, which is just a modified Xbox with nifty controller, and a tweaked online system which allows downloads. As for all this picture viewing and online browsing, it's nothing new.
  14. Wowee! Just like Gamecube was!
  15. They could very easily have made a letterboxed title with a GC kit and then made it anamorphic for the actual game. Resident Evil 4 was produced in widescreen, I think.
  16. He asked me if I ever bought a game just for the graphics, I said I have and gave 3 Nintendo examples.
  17. PS3 could well sell out through pre-orders, so it would do nothing to the PS3's launch. There's no point thinking the Wii will compete with the PS3, it won't. It's really PS3 vs. Xbox 360. Nintendo has distanced itself from the traditional gaming market, so it's not a competitor to the PS3, or the Xbox 360. But the new 360 bundles sound like they could kill Wii's chances in the UK. Even I would wait until next year for a Wii, if I didn't have a 360 already.
  18. I'd like to say no, but that's not true. Pilotwings 64 was really only for the graphics, same with Rogue Leader on the GC. Resi 4 too.
  19. In the modern digital age, that's not a wise choice. Especially in the UK, where everything (even TV) is widescreen. After 2010, we'll only be able to watch TV in widescreen (or letterboxed on full-screen sets). And I think there's no reason AT ALL for a game not to be in widescreen. None at all. Not even the slightest possibility of a reason. No. Reason. At. All. Widescreen on full-screen isn't a problem. Full-screen on widescreen is a problem. Just as HD on SDTV isn't a problem, but SD on HDTV is (sometimes).
  20. My biggest problem is that if/when I spend £350 to £400 on a PS3, I won't leave the shops feeling it's not worth the money. With a PS3, I'm getting not only one of the most powerful systems ever, I'm also getting a Blu-ray player and various other nuggets. I've also got guarantee it'll be future proof, for at least 10 years. Wii however doesn't feel like it's worth £180. There's nothing grabbing me, I think the price is still £50 over, and they should reduce it as soon as possible. And features like integrated brower and photo/video player isn't original at all, my Xbox 360 can do all that as well as play music off of my iPod.
  21. Zelda is pretty much finalised, but nothing has been 100% confirmed. But PS3's in-development titles are superior to Wii's in-development titles, so it's fair enough to make a comparison. But I don't care about Wii not having the power of a PS3. I'm annoyed that they don't have 360 graphical capabilities, regardless of the type of game. For £180, they could very easily be MORE powerful than the Xbox 360, but for whatever reason they have chosen not to be. I'm actually pissed off now, because I thought Wii had both widescreen capabilities, and 5.1 surround sound. I've just found out the widescreen option is optional for developers, so some games will be full-screen, and there's no 5.1 support. Both really should have been made compulsory.
  22. I think there was a Capcom comment a few days ago that it's only currently planned for release on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
  23. Good graphics doesn't mean photo-realism. The Incredibles looks far from realistic, but it has better graphics than Toy Story.
  24. I spoke to an editor of a popular game site today (not going to say who), and he said himself that he doesn't think the Wii is worth the $250 it costs in the USA. I'm split. I'll pay £180 for the system, but I still don't think it's worth that much.
  25. Then no. There's no way Wii could have graphics like that. I don't think it's physically possible.
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