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Everything posted by ipaul

  1. I think the Labour party's decline may now be terminal. I can't see any way out of the woods for them on this. Corbyn, for all of his (very agreeable) anti austerity politics is completely unelectable. He also at various points supprted the IRA, Hamas/Hezbollah, Hugo Chavez and has a full on Stalinist as his spin doctor. He's not a decent man, as people so often like to state, and has suffered 'character assasination' for very good reason. The tories will now rule for a very long time to come.
  2. Christ he'll never win anything
  3. Get off my internets.
  4. I always considered myself considerably to the left of the leadership when Ed Miliband was in charge, but Corbyn is a disaster. I hope the PLP manage to get rid of him and all of the regressive leftists who've been 'Labour' all of 5 minutes fuck off back to the Socialist Workers Party or wherever else they came from.
  5. To be fair they're just talking about sending back mackems who've moved here from Sunderland. Quite right too.
  6. Obviously I'm bias but I really feel we could have used someone like Townsend today. Bloody England, if only they won that game I could have watched the R16/QF games. As it is now I'll be in work for both - if we even get that far. I'm off for the semi finals at least, so it looks like no more England games for me this year.
  7. Does anybody else think 24 teams for the tournament was a mistake? Don't get me wrong, I like results such as Iceland 1 - 1 Portugal. But its such an awkward number. This whole '3rd place might be enough' is a bit unnerving.
  8. Raaaaafaaaa benitez
  9. Haha he is sooo miserable. When Atletico beat Barca in the CL his main post match comment was 'Dunno why they're celebrating, they haven't won anything yet'. Like cheer up for fucks sake. It's mental how well they do, especially considering the competition is designed such that you're not supposed to really be competing in consecutive years. Bit gutted for Liverpool.
  10. The system does look mental when results like this occur. I think it's because there's so many teams in the Championship that they don't want so much of it to look like mid table with nothing to play for. I agree though, it should just be the top 3 teams. Although maybe I'll change my mind if we finish 6th next season....
  11. GET REKT YOU SPURRRRSSSSS Best footballing side in the league conceded 3 against 10 men relegated Newcastle.
  12. It's early days but the standouts so far for me are Burn The Witch, Ful Stop and True Love Waits. The Kid A/Amnesiac era of Radiohead is really my jam but I love most of their stuff. The only albums I find meh are Pablo Honey and KOL.
  13. Completely deserved. Nice guy, noble intentions, but can't organise a defence to save his life.
  14. Radiohead recently released their 9th LP, A Moon Shaped Pool, so in light of that I thought I'd start this for a bit of general discussion. Like the band? Love them? Hate them? What about the new record? Personally I love them, the new record is great return to form (after the misstep that was the King Of Limbs).
  15. Fuck everything.
  16. For years I've been patiently waiting for Villa to get relegated. You finally do jt and we go down again too Burton Albion away next season though woohooo.
  17. Urrgghhh. All that hope just to fuck it up against Villa AGAIN. See you in August, Championship.
  18. The superb and standout thing Leicester did this season was mix their styles up in order to win. In the beginning of the season they were amazingly fun to watch, simply trying to outscore opponents in a shootout and hope the whistle blew at the right time. The real credit to Ranieri, I think, is that he reaised around new year (arguably when they were having a slight wobble) that they desperately needed to defend well if they were going to make a genuine challenge. The fact he tightened up that defence so drastically was immensely impressive. He basically changed the team from Keegan's Entertainers to Mourinho's Chelsea halfway through the season.
  19. ipaul


    Not a big fan of complex craft beers, prefer a good simple lager. Probably my favourite, never get sick of it. This is pretty boiler plate by Czech standards but it's still lovely. Went on a micro brewery tour in Prague last year and some of those were samples were amazing.
  20. Sooo how do people think Leicester will do in the Champions League next season? I'm going to be bold and predict they'll make it to the quarter finals. They're champions so they should get a favourable draw, as long as they avoid whichever spanish team(s) drops into pot 2. From there they could finish top of their group, beating their opponents in the round of 16. After that I feel the strongest teams will have too much for them, but who knows eh!
  21. Yes Atleticooooo! Get rekt Bayern
  22. See this is the thing with Arsenal fans, you haven't been awful. You've been excellent in patches and just calamitous in others. But you look good for 3rd, it's no title but still! Villa, Norwich, Us, Palace, West Brom, Everton and Chelsea are teams who stick out as having had awful seasons. Arsenal/Man U/Liverpool/Man City have merely been underwhelming and even then they could all still win silverware.
  23. Oh the scenes, well done Leicester. Couldn't watch the match as I was at work tonight but god I'm pleased for them. Sounded like a ferocious London derby. Absolutely fucking mental that they've done it. Very pleased for them. Looks like Spurs might have a few players out for the last day of the season as well!
  24. Was at the match, what a result! Combined with the other results we are for now out of the drop zone. The other teams have a game in hand though, I think if we are staying up we need all 6 points left. Gahh I can't take this, sick of relegation battles
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