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Everything posted by ipaul

  1. I've just started playing this, I recently bought it new for around £13, thought it was a bargain coudln't help myself.
  2. My fav mag is ngc, i sometimes get edge as well. Anyone read nintendo power? i thought they were pretty good going off the two issues i got in the states.
  3. Hmmmm...... lets see now, in no particular order 1.In Zelda:ww going back to hyrule underwater. 2.Resident Evil 4. From start to finish it's such an amazing game. 3.Playing Paper Mario 2 untill 2 in the morninig and getting yoshi 4.Getting a Silent Assassin rating in Hitman 2 5.And many great multiplayer momments from donkey konga, MK:DD, Wario Ware, Timesplitters 3 and many more The gamecube is far from dead though, and ive just started baten katios:)
  4. Macs aren't that godamn expensive. So is Mac OSX much better than windows? Does OSX get viruses? I heard somewhere it doesn't.
  5. I don't have time/ cant be bothered for building my own one. Is £459 for mac mini, tft monitor, apple keyboard and mouse good?
  6. Wow. That seems very good for £800. Any anti-virus software with it? Also have you considerd an imac? Just a suggestion.
  7. What does everyone think is the best pc game ever? Half-life gets my vote
  8. Why the hell are games on mac so damned expensive? Oh well, i don't really need it to play games on in any case. Out of intrest, what is the ultimate computer for gaming? Anyone got any links?
  9. Imacs are too expensive, i'm asking for a mac mini for christmas. What games are on macs?
  10. I dont mind them from time to time but they do get annoying.
  11. Your biased though
  12. ok is that a yes or a no?
  13. can u talk to people with msn for microsoft with msn for mac?
  14. That doesn't anwser my question. Is under 1.5ghz very slow?
  15. Thanks for that goonface
  16. How much are the new imacs? also have they discontinued the emacs, and is 1.25ghz not very slow?
  17. Im gonna ask for one for chritmas now.
  18. Fifa is ok, but pro evo is so much better. Anyone know when pro evo 5 is coming out?
  19. Why are they so extortionate? 1 GB= £100! thats ridiculous! Or are they a secial kind of memory card?
  20. Get a graphics card that works. Simple as.
  21. Didn't the gadget show also say the DS was crap? I've seen 1 in Pc world with flat screen monitor, mouse + keyboard for £459 or thereabouts so you know. What are the possible near-future upgrades?
  22. Cool. I heard they run sims 2 fine as well. Is OSX Tiger really way better than XP?
  23. I hope this is truthful, as at £500, it will surely flop, even if it is a sony. I wonder if apple could get away with releasing a console at that price!
  24. i dont really want 1 for gaming, just for more basic uses like photos, songs and home movies. Will it run halo fine?
  25. i want a mac min, is it worth it?
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