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Everything posted by Smowza

  1. I've just read about these being available and free.. i soon found out they are for US residents only as the 'unite to fight ad' where you get the download page from doesn't show up in the UK.... cheers microsoft. Anyhoo, i just downloaded them by changing my locale to US and restarting my machine, the ad came right up. Just incase anyone didn't know i thought i'd post it before the 30th comes and they no longer will be available. :awesome: p.s no flaming if it's already known, i tried to see if it was but couldn't see it anywhere : peace:
  2. Argos don't have a swap warranty m8, chances are you will get a new one if microsoft tells the employee it should be replaced (3 red lights of doom usually gets this). It also depends on who serves you at the store, if you came to my store in york i'd swap it for you even without 3 red lights no porbs if the seals arn't broken/tampered with : peace: cuz i'm a nice guy
  3. I downloaded it and completed the demo, it's good. Aiming feels differnet to other fps (but only had a pistol mostly so difficult to judge) Arts style and attention to detail is amazing not scary at all (thats a good thing for me!) Listening in 5.1 you realise how good the game sounds Not quite matching the hype but it is only a short demo Good demo, bioshock's story deserves an award. Fighting a big daddy is going to be insane P.S it only took me about an hour an a half to download, guess i was just lucky?
  4. Fair enough, point taken on board Nice text on yours, matches the theme well. Although i think your sig needs a border of some sort, maybe : peace: .......8/10
  5. Thats the only bad thing about 360's, i'm now on my 4th since i got it at launch. Only had the ring of death once thou for some reason. I would be more annoyed if i had to post it to microsoft but i guess i'm lucky i can just swap mine for a new one. I feel for all you guys/gals who have to wait ages for it to come back.
  6. Snikbah - Love the blue colour, nice styling to it, not sure about the multi coloured bit (what is it?) 7.5/10
  7. I'm a Wii60 follower. I must admit i play on my 360 a lot more than my Wii thou, don't get me wrong i love the Wii but for some reason i just prefer getting games for my 360 atm. I'm sure as soon as metroid and mario come out my 360 will be pushed aside thou
  8. Smowza

    GTA IV

    I didn't really think about that but now that you mention it, this is great news for Wii. I'm kinda gutted it's delayed but there are LOADS of games i want around oct/nov so it's not too bad.
  9. The controls are good. 1:1 would be bad imo, but having sword controls like horizontal, vertical and diagonal swing instead of just one swing would have been better.
  10. well i cant put them on hd dvd, i just download them and stream via media center or media connect and watch them. They are about 4-6gig
  11. anyone think microsoft might get round to adding 5.1 to video's streamed from a computer or played from a disc (like a HD movie downloaded from torrent which has 5.1)? the only time i can get 5.1 is on games and when watching a hd-dvd
  12. £400 hmmmmm.... i want MGS4 and a blu-ray player would be nice, but i have a 360 with HD-DVD drive and i love it to bits so unless sony drop the price to about £150 (probably never going to happen)then they can kiss my white ass. MGS4 might come to 360 eventually anyway, if not then at least 360 has Ace Combat
  13. thankyou! i might stay with it then and maybe improve it a little
  14. Well after making my new sig (which took me a while) i decided to take a peek at some sigs on this thread.... MISTAKE! I now think mine kinda sux ahh well, it has Mariokart and my woman so i guess it will do..... 4 now
  15. Ta! not too far away i guess, painfull waiting thou! I suppose i should finally get round to completing the first one *puts flame resistant suit on* I did finish prime 2 thou strangely enough
  16. i too was shocked at the graphical difference between melee and brawl, i just hope it's going to end up online like they said it would be. I wonder which control scheme will be most popular amoung hardcore smash players and will you be able to use the VC pad for one player and Single Wii remote connected to it for the other player?
  17. the title screen vid looks sweet, how long before europe gets this game again?
  18. I did do that once in an online MKDS, saved me the win. I remember the guy just held onto it for ages deliberatly waiting to use it on the last corner, i was loving it most other times the blue shell just causes annoyance... ....trying to think of a way they could make it more fair, a huge explosion or shockwave is the only solution i can think of but the huge explosion i'm thinking of would probably be way too big!
  19. Snes mariokart was the best, the speed was great once you got all coined up oh and there was no blue shell so thats a plus in my eyes. I enjoyed super circuit as it too had a nice sense of speed but the framerate was very choppy at times and some of the tracks seemed out of place to me like the cake type track. But one thing it did have was the speed boost for a good powerslide, this should be implememnted in the Wii version imo. I didn't really enjoy MK64, i've given it a good chance as i've even bought it off virtual console. MKDD was ok, a bit slow like MK64 and the whole 2 people concept felt a bit cheap. MKDS was a good game, i agree with previous posts about funny handling. The whole snaking thing gets on my nerves thou so that kinda ruined online for me. I'd really like items to be more usefull and fair. The star was an item to be feared in the snes version but now it just doesnt seem as good (more speed might be the answer). Mushrooms have now turned crap, the golden mushroom hardly gets you anywhere when you compare it to the standard mushroom in the original MK. Blue shells just seem to spoil the game more often that not. Red and green shells actually have improved.
  20. I will buy it, even thou right now it's not impressed me much. I will always buy Mario Kart I just wish it had the look or style of mario galaxy, now that looks sexy as hell.
  21. Now that would be mariokart heaven
  22. 'not your fathers mario kart' is that supposed to mean mario kart is now more kiddy or am i reading it wrong? I know we only saw a little clip but it really did look like double dash with DS karts and tracks, hard to tell how fast it will end up either. Steering wheel gives me mixed feelings, will it stop snaking? i'm not sure about playing MK wit a floating wheel
  23. more speed is definatley needed, i'm not a fan of the 'wacky' karts either. Wii-mote control over weapon shooting might be nice, i'm not a huge fan of excite truck style steering.
  24. First time i played Wii Sports was when we got a demo pod in at work... customers were looking in amazment as me and my work mates played. I thought it was fantastic then but of course after a while i got bored of it big time. I'm really needing a new big game for Wii, i think the last time i played on my Wii was about 3 weeks ago Metroid prime 3 please
  25. is it me or are they merging together? i like the official box art, but then i love metroid. Maybe it should be more exciting to get new people to pick it up. Do we know when this is out in europe yet?
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