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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Yes but they said for wii and DS, and I could see them porting it to the DS than the wii. Because they would have to create a new controller.
  2. So I take it you don't believe the doctors that people, not me mind you, have a condition called gender dysphoria. BTW your a bit arrogant for a 17 year old kid, you know.
  3. Now I know I will probably end up with an infraction point but we shall see: Anyway you will see some women act more masculine, and you will see some men act more femine. I believe this is an actual psychological problem called gender dysphoria. Meaning that gender (man/female) exists its all these people with this psychological problem. That have mixed gender which are the problem but they are trying to treat these people to make it better.
  4. Its not the boxart for it though, its the preorder package shot.
  5. I ordered ff12, god hand and okami off of gameplays website today at about 5pm. Thing is on the order page under okami it just has a '-' under the dispatch date. While the others have a dispatch date for them. Any thoughts guys?
  6. Don't you mean its not your sort of game, so it looks poor. I am more a fan of turn based rpgs. But I'll give it a go.. Plus the ability to go to any plannet in the galaxy it is set in is quite impressive.
  7. But that probably because I have a feeling that developers aren't trying to push the system graphically or through the controller. That is the wii though, but I want epic games only two systems for that ps3 and 360. I can get why you think the wii is better than sliced bread. I don't think it is, plus I don't like the way Nintendo is trying to get rid of its core gamers and take in more casuals. Yes casuals are good for the business of video games, but the games that each want are so incompatible of each other that I'm looking for someone to buy my wii off me. But heh back to ps3 discussion
  8. Or you could wait for the first adult - exclusive game Which you'll be waiting for a long time
  9. Yes its cool concept for a game, just like saw was for the movies. Its shocking yes. But come on get a life people - Guns/barbed wire/drugs/people kill people not games. Its all about whether it was still fun to play, the first game near the end it did get a bit on the repetitive side. P.S. Oh god sometimes the people are so idiotic. Everyone wanted a Rockstar game, they are about to get one and they start complaining. Yeesh
  10. Well apparently its been dated for a mid May release for Australia. However I think it'll probably be released in summer.
  11. Thats not, filthy though. Thats cool, funny if they open it up more from the original.
  12. Well sometimes these news sites like G4 never state the obvious though
  13. Well their the 4th largest country to get behind the ps3, I for one think its quite possible.
  14. What do you mean by filthy?
  15. I think when Final Fantasy 13, MGS4, and when Tekken 6 finally comes out in Japan then the system will sell bucketloads. However we must remember, which G4 seems not to realise that in Japan the playstation sales are about 1/3 to 1/2 of the US total sales. So yeah give the system time
  16. I thought Mark Rein said they were going to release an Unreal Engine 2.5 specially designed for the wii. Guess thats a no from them then. Shame hoped we may of seen something like GoW made from a 3rd party from a wii guess thats a no then.
  17. Ha Ha your so crazy. No I have friends. Its just too much money for the content your getting. When I was in Game at the weekend I was even from the staff there that it was overpriced for the content thats in WarioWare, and was recommened just to wait for a software price cut before purchasing it.
  18. I did say "would anyone like to buy it off me" BTW its a £5 cheaper than I thought wow I must go and buy yet another minigame compilation.
  19. Manhunt 2 is coming to wii/ps2/psp PS2 and PSP development is being done by Rockstar London being helped by Rockstar North. However the Toronto studio is doing all the stuff for the wii title. "With Manhunt 2 we have tried to create a game that stays close to the original concept of chilling suspense and stealth, whilst pushing the game design and storytelling forward," said Sam Houser, founder and executive producer of Rockstar Games. Sounds too good to be true, how many of you will buy it? Oh did I mention its supposed to be out by summer 2007
  20. Yes majoras mask travelling through the forest the skelleton kid thing steals epona and navi hows that. Who may I ask are the two other jackasses then.
  21. I bought a wii, because simply I believed the spin doctor, Reggie.
  22. Well its to train you as a games programmer but they teach you core elements of design. Anyway I think this game looks crap and will be reviewing it when it comes out for a friends site. So meh, do I bother what a bunch of randoms on the internet think. Do I? The answer is no!
  23. I thought it was deal with your fathers business by set date or never get anything from your fathers estate ever again.
  24. Yes well thats because we were promissed this great new control method and for me, all of this has left a nasty taste in my mouth. In 3 years, Nintendo will replace the wii with a new more powerful console. While ps3 and 360 have produced a nice range of true next gen gaming. Only one game on the wii interests me and it will just use the classic controller.
  25. Em well its like this: (1)Majoras mask - we want to tell the story of link losing navi (2)Wind waker - we want to tell the story of link trying to rescue his sister I have jut attened a lecture today at uni all about this sought of thing. We have to think of a story and from that explain the gameplay concepts. And turn this in a project design document. All great gameplay innovations come from truely unique stories.
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