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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. But they don't have higher development costs and that is simply because of the fact that they aren't coming out on a next gen system. Stores by them wholesale from publishers for about £27.99 for wii games. Thats the true price of wii games. Yes I did think about the stores and if stores told developers were not buying games at £30 per game at wholesale price. Then they would reduce there costs by maybe a £5 and passing on the savings for about £5 And Warioware doesn't even deserve a £40 price tag, simply because its just a slight update - grainger games recommened I didn't buy it off them because it wasn't worth it and you know thats pretty bad for an indie shop to state that.
  2. Afraid to say this to you but this is a producer where talking about. Secondly, it doesn't create more fluid gameplay, fluid gameplay comes from a nice neat story from which the characters have objectives so that buy the end of the game all of their realisations have been fulfilled. Shame, I can see this game as a downloadable for about £10 on XBLA. And out of all the possiblities of control options they stick with one that is SMB: BB uses.
  3. Is this game being redeveloped by reflections interactive.
  4. Don't ou realise its all about gameplay not graphics. LOL Nah I know what you mean but HeatSeeker looks like it could of produced those visuls on the cube. I want better graphic considering the wii is supposed to be 2-3 times as powerful as the gc.
  5. Right first off soul caliber and f-zero franchises are about 80% multiplayer to 20% single player game experiences. Second, a predominately single player based adventure needs a strong rewarding story. Why do you think a game like GoW or Final Fantasy or even Fire Emblem keep people playing is it for the gameplay, no! Its for the bloody story.
  6. Those screenshots, my my how they burn my eyes. Another developer not being arsed in pushing the graphical powers of the wii again.
  7. Apparently konami couldn't even confirm if the game would make it over here to europe within the next year.
  8. He designed the gameplay first and then the story. Urk! Why didn't he design the story first then made the gameplay match seems a bit clueless if you ask me
  9. Now what I would say is keep the £40 and sell your wii. Buy a ds or a 360.
  10. You'll never get conker. FACT You'll never get a random character. FACT You may see Goron link at a push and that is a push. I make my prediction for when this game will come out. Japan: Winter 2007 US: Winter 2007 Europe: Q2 2008
  11. Well you can when the wii was over hyped for the launch and failed to deliver on fantastic games for the launch. There was one fantastic game the rest was mediocre. And why the hell are nintedo charging £40 for warioware smooth moves. £20 good price. But £40 thats a rip off considering the GC game was only £20. So the 3 best games for wii come out by nintendo this december. Wow nintendo you really have let the ball slipped. So I have a system with one game and a demo. Anyone want to buy it?
  12. So it can produce smoke, I want them pushing the wii harder on the graphics. Not just leave them like it is. That isn't volumetric smoke. Its the same smoke you see when you open the mummys coffin in chibi robo, the first time.
  13. I would hope so considering the gc could do it.
  14. Yes couldn't agree more that it takes trial and effort for the control schematics to be fully realised. However Ubisofts QA staff said the red steel controls were pretty bad and yet they push it out. Thats why Nintendo should of releashed the control dev kits to developers really early so they could test how the controller worked. But they didn't. And there are so many fanboys on this forum, that laugh when sony and microsoft (& of course their publishing partners) however when Nintendo(& its publishing partners) screws up, they blame it on everything other than ther incompetence.
  15. I had 3 games with my wii, rayman/red steel/zelda. Then completed rayman and red steel quickly then sold them. Futhermore perfect dark zero was far more playable than red steel. To be fair I was expecting perfect controls for every wii game and each game disappoints on the wii thats why I stick with my 360/ps2/and when I get one a ps3
  16. They have a relative noob producer, they haven't invested alot in it. I love okami and wind waker. I never said the art sucked, the game can still have better graphics. I don't like games that are overly realistic. If they carn't make an epic game for the wii, then they need to stick with 360 and ps3
  17. Well you get $20 million dollars get a decent producer for the game, have an enthused art department with lots of talented artists. And have a game that gives at least 36 hours of single player gameplay. Thats how you make an epic title by konami for the wii
  18. You must have extremly low expectations if this is how you thought the wii would be like. And its always difficult for the launch period of any console. The problem is with the ps3 and 360 those games were actually playable. The only full game with controls that work is zelda.
  19. I know the screens were resized it still looks extremly bad, look at a game like super mario galaxy, put this next to it, you can tell they are going half arsed on graphics. If graphics weren't important I would play noughts and crosses on paper. But they are for the entertainment mediums such as games. Konami can not be arsed to put a bucket load of money into a fantastic wii title face it, thats why they want to produce these games aimed at kids.
  20. Before the wii was released people spoke of a time when nintendo home consoles would not be seen as a kiddie console. Yet as time wavers on its getting more and more likely that people will refer to it as a kids console.
  21. I am afraid spamming is against the rules.
  22. Listen thing is the gamecube is at least twice the power so I want, nay, I think anyone who is going to buy the system will have second thoughts. Its either all minigame compilations or seemingly bad titles only decent game on the system I have played was zelda. And if konami are happy with the graphics in the game, they seem to miss the part where they want to actually push the game system. They could of created a game with a gritty real hero with new ways of playing. But they appeal to the kids. Nintendo if you want mature games on your system, just refuse konami a license for their game.
  23. They don't look good seen as the console is supposed to be 2-3 times the power of the gamecube. And the screens make it look like billy hatcher and that was one of the first games within a year of the GC coming out.
  24. Or they could be looking at making new styles of games now that the download size has been increased. Oh and live arcade have a mixture of new and old games
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