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paperwario II

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Everything posted by paperwario II

  1. i believe you need to post things to do with the topic abouit the game you like. for examplar i believe the boos on wind warer (not a spoiler) was too easy. hope that helps prood membar of the anti thing member
  2. calza? it's like a name that could easily be said with a k instead of a c. one point off for being confusing. 6/7. and don't bother with my name, it's been done to death (and i give myself a y out of g)
  3. i guess my login name thing started it. it was meant to be like the original paper wario - while i can't take responsibility for the other 'papers' i'm sure they'll all get bored eventually. you're all copiers, you copiers.
  4. longer than the previous one. but i bet it isn't going to be a let down anyways
  5. cough controller rules cough. look at how hrd ti si to type on a kjeybaird
  6. the colors are all wrong . but i still give it an 9
  7. i will answer that question with another question how do you define work?
  8. that is the best name ever. i give it a II out of 7
  9. i lost the remote but it didn't matter because there wasn't anything good on. what ever happened to hogan's heroes or gilligan's island? they had reruns but never on at the right time. then there's too many ads. i don't even think my remote had any batteries in it, the channels would just look different because there were ads every two seconds. hmmmm. and high definition hurts my eyes
  10. can't remember what it was like when i did my test. i think there was a lot of reversing. its a lot easier driving behind a tv screen. hope to see you all out there on the road...possibly sideways
  11. i only have one eye so everything is in 2d to me
  12. cause it's sterile and i like the taste
  13. 4 way? you could play revolution spoons where you grab your controller when you have 4 of a kind square and flat? more like, gumby and pineapple
  14. under the sea, under the sea, there'll be no accusations, just friendly crustaceans under the sea
  15. NES is a 1st console where manufacturers openly courted third-partys. i just cut and pasted that here's another one not like Xbox, Nintendo, or PS later, hardware manufacturers lost exclusive control of platform's game supply. leading to floods of low-qual third-party titles no dice, what a drag!
  16. cough. that was bad i have a better one.... ready Ray, .... .... zoom
  17. i think someguy already won here's my contribution "ok, when i let go of his mouth...get ready to run....we don't want the alopecia to spread"
  18. it'd pretty dark reading rays stuff i'm not sure i read everything..it flew away maybe boolean algebra is your thing? i don't know. typing random words on the internet seems good therapy. if only i ocudl get off the couch to type. if you paint something with your mouth and it looks as good as something someone painted by hand, does it make a noise?
  19. don't konw which print you're talking about *buys print* am i folded in half or just happy to post stuff?
  20. "Think before you act, act before you die" --Ray Falling hate to die before you think. what do you think? don't answer that. welcome back to reading my stuff
  21. Boo? you scared them not liking the forums as much as the post comment thing - i don't know where to start i don't recognise any names here? where is ray falling! and how do you spell fwhqgads?
  22. i'd like to unofficially commision paper boo y'all if that is their real name to make me a sig thing too. *crosses fingers* what's a sig?
  23. this is a Very Pyure Happening post-fest likeing the words (word) please see overleaf for some foiliage good tread ...h ummmm, don't tell anyone i said that girth? good one! i am also a nintendo revolution and am buying a noob
  24. is this thing on? hello i read the topic and have no opinion no i didn't read it or not re-read
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