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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. I have a UK 3DS as well, and I've had no problems using the eShop on that via the UK eShop. With the 3DS it is console specific, so a 3DS bought in Europe will only work on the European 3DS eShop. I should imagine that it'll be the same for the eShop on the WiiU, and if it is I have a UK VISA card so no problems spending on it. So, as you have an American console it'll automatically put you through to the American eShop.


    The only downside I can see, may or may not happen, is the Premium Nintendo Network Discount Deal. I read in these forums that someone in our situation, playing a console in a region different from purchase, could get the eShop but not the 10% discount vouchers. We'll both see soon enough though.



  2. Yeah, you'll be OK with those plug adapters. Taiwan uses exactly the same as the US, so I don't think I'll need any extra plug adapters, but they're cheap enough.


    The outer delivery box my WiiU came in was battered to hell, but everything inside looks in order. I just hope it didn't take too much of a beating going through its travels and it's all OK inside.:p What condition was yours in when it arrived?



  3. Yeah, done it Beni.


    Marked it as a gift for 20 US dollars. The post office told my wife they would 'process' the package and to come back later for the tracking number, but she didn't. There is now a long bank holiday for the new year, and the post office won't be open until Wednesday, but the package is there and on its way. Will send you the number as soon as my wife picks it up.


    What website can I go to to check out the tracking number. (Don't worry Beni a few searches and found it online)


    Here's a better image of that new zapper;




    Thanks again,


  4. I've never had problems with Zavvi or their secondary company The Hut. I have read so many comments about their bad customer service, too. I don't live in the UK, but they'll deliver Internationally and only 1 game has gone missing in the post (after travelling all around the world), and after the allocated number of days, an email pops up requesting do I want a refund or replacement. No problem with them, and my WiiU arrived last week. Still unable to play it though because of the AC adapter problems. On that front a new member @Beni and I have done a swap of our adapters, so I should be playing the WiiU in about 3 weeks, hopefully.
  5. Excellent Beni,


    The Gamepad is so light, I can easily hold it in one hand without tiring, the buttons feel bigger and more substantial than the ones on the older consoles, I'm liking it a lot.

    I have the old motion plus add-on's for my old Wii Remotes, the integrated ones are really nice. As my son and his 2 cousins, with me, would play Wii together a lot I have 4 of them all ready for action.

    I quite like the look of the first smaller one, the Scorpion, but I used to use the Nintendo Zapper and have no knowledge of others.




    But, Nintendo, in the old E3 2011 tech demo for the WiiU, showed this;




    Which looks like it'll be amazing for sniper games like Sniper 2: The ghost (of something), which will be coming to Wii U next year some time.


    Send you a message with the tracking number very soon.




  6. Hi Beni,


    2 messages in one day, just to tell you that my WiiU arrived this afternoon, as I was on my way to evening work. I just came home, boxed and labelled the adapters and will send them off first thing tomorrow morning for you.


    Game on, and am now going to test the gamepad in my hands, can't wait to turn it on.


    Keep in touch,


  7. Hi Beni,


    I know it's expensive, but I would prefer to have the original adapters. It's about the same price from Taiwan to Norway approx. $2000 Taiwan dollars, probably the weight. I'm still up for the trade.


    A little bit of news about my console, it was sent to China by mistake (been sitting there for a week and a half) and arrived in Taiwan this morning. I found out via an email from the Tracking website. So, I definitely know it's near now, unfortunately the Bank Holiday is coming and might delay it another couple of days.


    Send you message soon,


  8. Hi again Beni,

    Still waiting on the delivery of my Wii U. It's now over 5 days (3 working days) later than the last date it should have arrived. I get a little bit more worried as the days go by, but the online tracking shows it's still on its way, and the retailer say give it a maximum of 7 working days before it's truly classified as late.


    Maybe tomorrow,


    How's your Christmas been. We opened a few presents on Sunday for the little one, and it was his first big Xmas, so that feeling of amazement was full in him. Good day. Hope yours has been a good one,


    Will write soon,

  9. Hi Beni,


    Just checked my sent items folder in the PMs and mine are empty, too. Strange. No change here still waiting on the Wii U.


    How's you,


  10. I do so hope it's coming soon, and not only for the 3DS, but also for the WiiU.
  11. I just picked up a normal/no frills SanDisk 32GB SDHC, works a treat.
  12. Just picked up Hydroventure. Only played the first 5 levels of the first world. At first when watching the trailer I thought the water physics seemed too slow and sticky, but upon playing it feels really nice and well balanced with the gyro controls. Plenty of levels to play, which I'm taking from the number of Rainbow Sprites you have to save (1 on each level), from the top of my head 60. There are many different powers you can gain by completing certain levels (I only have 1 ATM), but it seems you can get 8-10. This will increase the replayability of each level incredibly as there are collectibles like puzzle pieces which you can only get them whilst using other powers. Overall, I'm enjoying this and it feels like it's a nice addition to my quick pick and play in short bursts game collection.
  13. It should have been in the top 50, and at a fiver that's an awesome price for an overall good game. Some generic repetition is made up for by the wonderful visual style and smooth fluid frame rate. Whack it up to Max. difficulty and it's an enjoyable romp.
  14. I'd be very surprised if an Angry Birds game didn't make it onto the Wii U.
  15. Just picked this up today via Digital Download, and after just 1 hour I love this game (finished W1-1 only). Crisp 'paper' graphics. Fighting system is streamlined, easy to use, and not over-indulgent (I get bored of heavy RPG's). Humorous. And to cap it all off, the shiny stickers on the lower screen, top notch.
  16. I've used a UK 3DS charger in Taiwan since I bought it at launch. It must have something to do with the power consumption of the device (the Ampage/Wattage). I don't think I'll plug a beast like the Wii U in to find out though.
  17. Remember that if you are going to some downloading off the old eShop, the Deluxe Wii U has the free Nintendo Network Discount scheme going for it.
  18. They're selling this online, but don't know if they'll send it to Sweden. Type the full name of the product into your search engine and good luck!
  19. 3rd party accessory developer NKYO are now selling a larger battery for the Gamepad that is claimed to last 10 hours.
  20. @Beni Was looking on Amazon.com (the USA) website and they have shit loads of accessories for the Wii U including stands that hold the Wii remote, Gamepad (charging both) including a docking station for the Wii U console itelf. Saw no nunchuk placement though.
  21. Thanks @Guy. I guessed as much the Wii U AC adapter is so much bigger than the original Wii one. Was doing a lot of research, downloading the manuals for both the Wii and Wii U, but the Wii U manuals tell you that if you want to learn more about the power supply to the Wii U then use the Wii U Electronic manual; the one built into the Wii U OS. Amazing you have to have a working power supply to see if it's all right by turning the console on. Anyway, I got an offer from a new member of these forums in the same predicament as me, except in reverse. If he can be patient maybe we could swap.
  22. Hi Beni,


    Welcome to the forums. I will seriously consider swapping the 2 Wii U AC adapters with you, but as yet I am still waiting for the delivery of my console. It will get shipped on Monday and then take, a maximum, 2-3 weeks to arrive in my hands. Keep in touch if you're still interested, and I'll keep you informed of what happens at my end.

  23. Got a reply from NoA, after pleading with them to as what the best solution is, and whether they could help me out in any way, here's their response; Thanks for nothing. Still have a reply from NoUK about the use of a Wii AC adapter to come, hopefully.
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