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Big Red

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Everything posted by Big Red

  1. havana club rum and ginger ale and tell them to squeeze the god dam limes into it, as it makes all the differance...........dont drink vodak especialy if you dont drink................or just go for wine its much more lady like and its great for social banter, just dont drink too fast........or you can just go all out and order taquila but dont blame me if you end up in a strange bed or the gutter in the morn......lol i love that shit
  2. wednesday break beat night at the audio,plenty of fun to be had
  3. blood diamond............................thought this was a very food film best i have seen in a while apocalypto...........................REALY REALY GOOD well don mel gib....car chase through the jungle
  4. ha i love this i have had an argument about this before.......more like a taunting session with close mates not randoms on the street. as this would be rong. demonmike04 that banner hurts me up as i have a very bad throught...probably through smokin but your banner just makes me want to smoke as i can see the pixles enjoyin that cig soooo much
  5. im mainly worried that i may fall asleep and wake up in the future a bit like that erick cartmen kid......im worried that santa may not actualy be real and be draggin his fat booty through my non excisting smokey joe house pipe but mainly im most worried about the fact that i have no pre order console and that im going to get burnt on release as the stats for the release date in america makes me wince. im worried that theirs no rumble in my pack.
  6. oh my oh my oh my. im tryin to hold it in but i swear im gona piss my self soon with all this susspence. i mean first the zelda feeds now the advert. i havent been this excited in a very long time i dont just stay in all day geeking it up on the computer and it still turns me on. it came as a total suprise for me and the others in the room they didnt share the same enthusiasim and i think sojme one shat their pants when i burst out in uncontrollable glee WII SHALL BE
  7. just because some one has an extreamist view does not mean they have extreamist actions. for every thing that is their is every thing that is not. we need to start learning that we need both sides not just one as it is the way of the univers and excistance as we no it even in the unknown knoledge. if you follow me. and no, people do not learn from the past they just find better ways of getting away with things. if we truly learnt from the past we would all have to accept war and meaning less death as a part of our lives and excistance on this planet. as the coin has two sides im sure many people would have a problem with this. but does also maintain a little truth. any who these are just ramblings of a mad man, a mentalist, one of those who belives we dont excist.........so nothing realy matters if you like it so in your reality.
  8. bottom line is i learnt about this just after saddam had finished gassing people. so how the hell is it a big issue now. surly we could have started work back then to change things other than not using spray on deodarent eerrrr! blairs just tryin to paint himself in a better light thats why hes jumped on the band waggon. im sticking with branson. only he can save us now. woooooooooooooooould yoooouu, like to swing on a star, or carry moon base home in a jar. eeeeeeeerrr think i will take star bob and no i dont need to phone a friend and who ever the american is GUNNA is a word. if shizzel has enterd the dictionary i think you should let gunna slide to be honest go to manchester and you will see it being used like water with tea because i am going to..................naa just doesnt work GONNA thats better and faster.
  9. ha ha your funny.. as for me hangin some one anit a problem as long as every one is treated in the same way...............i have two extra nusses for blair and bush...shit i can wait another 10 years to see it happen just as long as it does. if one should die for war crimes then so should all:idea:
  10. i just ment they couldnt bomb any where if they wanted it was just the first place to pop into my head. like i said before korea china iran. that could be a formidable force. america has played this game before with the same results china taking controll as america are deep within chinas pockets. iran does what it wants as long as they play the americans at their own game and china would kick ass if anything is launched at their general direction witch would be korea. japans scared of china and even with america protecting them they wouldnt be so silly to attack korea. nor can america embark on another war. check out sun zue art of war the basics are in thier. plus they would have to go to china for yet more money see where this is going plus today china said their would be no millatery action................america must obay again becuse of the money:bowdown: and i think russia would be easyer swayed to go the china root than the stars and stripes road and if america do fade out of power i dont think anyone will be cryin for them to come back. DO YOU HEAR ANY ONE CRYIN OUT FOR THE REBUILD OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE NO NO NO NO WAY. BECAUSE IT WAS WRONG WRONG WRONG china is on the side of korea and iran they just get pissed off with them when they dont talk befor they act but it dosent mean china will abandon the two. you realy have to read between the lines with all this its not all so straight forward like most of you may think it is. look at the progress from afgan to iraq theirs plenty of things in that that tell you one thing is conected to most things. THE END:zzz:
  11. did they do this with a n war head sorry long week end as i said already. i shall try harder to gain your english spelling wizzardry respect
  12. im looking at a chart but it aint telling me anything. are you saying russia has bombed more than america eerrrr you might have to spell that one out to me as its been the week end for me since wednesday and my brains being a little slow. maybe not necesarry!!?? ARE YOU HAVIN A LAUGH MATE. NECESSATY WAS NEVER AN ISSUE IT WAS ALL OUT WRONG WRONG WRONG and you no it even the americans no it the fish in the sea no it. so you would put trust into some one that has done something wrong and distrust the person who aint done a thing. er thought police. oh crap yeh thats right your the masia as your gender is jesus. you should come lock me up because i thought about killing my parents as a young boy.
  13. errr america im sure they should be at the top of the list seeing as their the only ones to deploy an active nuke on to someone elses bonce:shock: twice for that matter. i saw in the papper the other day that a man was arrested and sentanced for thinking about rape. he never acted on this nor did he try. and in another storey a man got less time for actualy killing some one. sounds like your mate is hand in hand with the dark side letting thes kind of things happen are our selves as god aint coming to save us we have to save our own
  14. dont be silly why would i say korea bomb hiroshima:woops: that wouldnt be very nice now would it............you must realise thair talking about any kind of nuculare capability well they were with iran.
  15. a mad man dose not need a motive you little detective you. nor dose a sane man for that matter. but you are kind of right their is no real motive for them to attack any one. lets considder this all the fighting with israle palistine and now lebbonon. iran providing cash for israle to get smashed and inbaris america. america providing israel with funds to do their dirty work just like saddam all over again. china stepping up on the world podium and havin more say with america as it has been lending masses of funds to the great usa even tho their human rights is outragouse with a blind eye provided by the rest of us. usa wants iran to stop but their not showing any sign of retreat. now lets throw korea in to all this things are looking bad for america if more powers with nuclulare capability are against them and their polacies. like you all no americas army is scaterd all over the world leavin the home land quite vunrable. korea dont need a motive the rest of the world does bring on the china as the next supper power thats what i say:horse:
  16. if korea and america want to blow each other up that is fine by me but we are the ones who get caught in the cross fire. hold on marey were no were in the the cross fire, google your self a map. america and korea can bomb the crap out of each other for all i care were no were in the midle of fire as long as blair can be gaged. america wouldnt be calling on the un to act quckly if they had left them to deal with afganistan as now they dont realy weild any kind of power so bush should just wait in line like the rest of us. QUOTE if they had a delivery system, which is what they were testing a few months ago, they could attck anyone they wanted. and they are brainwashed to think that the way they are living is good. also if they dont die in battle they will be killed for deserting. so it is better to fight an survive than not fight and die at the hands of a firing squad. what like ice land i dont think so. the same could be said about the western world that were all brainwashed to think that are way is better and the democratic sytem is the only way to live life. witch america is still proving it dosent work in all parts of the earth. I THINK GOOD ON THEM. it wsent that long ago that england drew up plans to replace their many nucular active submarines with some nice new shiney war heads. NUCULAR WAR HEADS. then instead of making more effort to use renewable fule they drew up plans for yet more NUCLARE POWER PLANTS. MMMMMMMMMMMMM doesnt seem faire for us or america to tell the world to stop going nuculare when were steaming ahead with are next gen wepons as nuclulare power could help the koreans sustain them selves and after all all we want on this planet is security. even if that doese mean snuglein up next to your war head at night.
  17. pirates of the carribean 2 dead mans chest 9/10 any thing with pirates and silly fight sceens is always a winner with me
  18. my lord some people are realy scared fo exersize you should all start to fill up empty milk bottles and start to train if its that much of a problem:laughing: this is me laughing at yall
  19. goombers yoshi and the mini bomb bomb mint i love it so
  20. oh my! iv never wanted to go out so much in my life after watching part of that:bowdown: its all irelevant, dosent matter weather their legal or not as its not hard to obtain them even when illegal. and if they were legal i and i had to steal to feed my addiction i wouldt rob a tv or car i would just rob the drugs so it wouldnt affect others that are non users. in fact the only thing you can struggle in getting is weed as a drought can be a bitch and yet you can still get all the other drugs so legalise cannabis so i dont go short, not like thats much of a problem. dont think its all that realistic as people dont just start droping like flys in a club. last week at gay pride i did 90 hourses without sleep and im not going to go into what i had or how much but i love to test my body and mind in all ways concievable but its not what every one should do KNOS knoledge of ones self
  21. you do realise thats a racial ryhm from not that long ago now, only their was no ds involved. so i wouldnt go round singing it and claimin you came up with it as it could be seen as somthing you dont want any way, MINT I WANT THAT ONE. YEH ANO dont matter what couler to me as long as i canb shake my thang with that controller:bouncy:
  22. im not sure if it realy could be called excersize. i mean how lazey and fat are these people, walkin a mile and a half is bearly excesize. eat some protein
  23. some games feel like they never finish in my experience. for example ufo, enemy unknown for the PC i played, battled through this game, of back then epic proportions. till one day sat with my gameing accomplice, it stopt. could it be! the wait was so intence,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bast@*&$ they gipt us. five lines of some thing that i can bearly read, this can not be! ash ! all these hours for this.............. about 2 months later he came grining and bouncin at my door waving in the air what looked like a disk. he ran past me and went straight to the computer with in minuets - more like 6 minutes - he had the base that we had saved up on the screen. watch this! he beamed---half an houre later we had bought all we needed and had the base kited out we even had the ability to take over the alians oooooooooooooohhhhhh:yay: ITS,,,,,,,,INCREDIBLE.. the game didnt realy loose any thing it gained everything. As you came across the harder alians early'er we even discoverd more alians and ships......well done cheat disk!! a bit like gta sa or any of them. you can finish it with great satisfaction but untill your having a dog fight, diving towards the earth orderin your self a new harrier from the sky and defeating your 5 or 6 star team that waits for you at the bottom with supream and god like efficenatse you havent completed it. for me compleating a game is being able to dominate it in all aspects. untill you can do this to a game you havent complated it, even if you have seen the credits. and if its a two player game something like golden eye then it is never compleated as you can still go to any town and challenge some one and if you have got to agod like status then you will win against all those who have just seen the credits. THE END if you read through all that your just as board as i am: peace:
  24. i have had a flying dream for the last 10 to 13 years. and it dosent matter whats going on in the dream, 90% of the time i can fly to some level. and im crap in after i wake as im so tired. that is when i do eventualy get to sleep
  25. cristena applegate daaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm drible drible she is still soooooooooo hot
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