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Everything posted by BlackMesa

  1. Bit 'o' Welsh and South African over here Edit: Ancestor who pwned a lot of Tibetans: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Younghusband's_Expedition
  2. World Of Warcraft imo
  3. Matches nicely with avatar and looks good. 8/10
  4. Doing GCSEs in the Summer, although got an A* in a short course IT.
  5. Kim Jong Il. Eventually I reckon America will peek their noses into the situation and create another Iraq War/Vietnam.
  6. Taken from the Eurogamer.net forums.
  7. Get it if World Of Warcraft isn't a viable option.
  8. What was your favourite thing about AOE III Demo? I liked the whole Experience Points dealie.
  9. Crapping myself whenever I saw the Happy Mask Sales Man in MM. When you find out Tingle is a unsuccessful porn-star. Meeting Mantorok in Eternal Darkness. And of course, when Link defeats Ganon in OoT.
  10. Palmyrans ftw
  11. About god damn time Any idea when it will be aired over here?
  12. AoE III + Mocks = teh l0se. Might get it for Xmas or something though. Liked the demo, but still prefer AoE II Series.
  13. Lon Lon Milk ftw.. :p 4/5
  14. My life is complete now, thanks Stocka ^_^
  15. /cheer. Just love that one =D
  16. Processor: AMD Athlon 2400+ Processor GFX Card: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (128mb) RAM: 768mb OS: Windows 2000 Pro SP3 Hard Drive(s): 120gb Sound Card: SoundMAX
  17. Hey welcome and have fun ^_^
  18. Grr, I hate Slippy >_>
  19. My favourites are Talim and the pirate guy (Cervantes?)
  20. BlackMesa


    I gots me the full Object Desktop pack ^_^
  21. As far as my knowledge og BIOS goes, yes.
  22. Aye, checked them numerous times =(
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