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Everything posted by Peachie

  1. That's kind of the look I'm aiming for. ^_^
  2. I want to die by suicide, 'cause then at least I know when it's going to happen.
  3. I don't believe anything happens after death, meh, non-existance sounds pretty sweet to me but heaven would kick too. Second most likely to me would be reincarnation, but anything other than ceasing to exist seems a bit unrealistic.
  4. lollerskate
  5. I've had Killer7 for weeks and I still ain't played it much... got it on PS2, and the loadings times are sooo long.
  6. Then they're not depressed. Not severely. Feeling down, sad, or hopeless, isn't depression. It's just natural behaviour. And measuring someone's sadness is "for us", because it's the only way we can help them. Ever heard of the Beck Depression Inventory? If you don't know how depressed someone is, you won't know what to do to get them out of it.
  7. It wasn't supposed to be. I'm just saying, thousands of people get bullied and feel like shit, but coming on a forum and telling people isn't going to do anything. You can give him support, but in the long run it's not going to stop people bullying him, is it? To me... and... I can't put this any other way without sounding insensitive/rude, it's just attention seeking. If you were truly depressed, you would not be sitting telling people on a computer. When I said the "others have it worse" thing I wasn't telling him to shut up about it. It *does* help to think that no matter how bad it is, there's always going to be someone worse off, and if that doesn't, he could try finding inspiration in people who had it shit but pulled through in the end. And by me going through a lot worse, again I wasn't saying that he shouldn't go on about it because it's nothing compared to me, I was kind of telling him that he could talk to me about it, because I don't think (and you'll probably disagree with this) that someone who hasn't been depressed before can properly help someone having a hard time, because they'll find it harder to relate and say something truly helpful (that's not meant to be disrespectful to anyone...). I dunno, I guess... I can't explain it properly. Can't find the right words, I never can, so people usually take everything I say the wrong way.
  8. Ocarina of Time has awesome music, I remember sitting at the piano playing all the tunes for hours... ~
  9. I guess "mature" wasn't the right word... hm xD. Well... like... I think there's a difference between a film about black slaves and a film about gangsters who casually use the N word. I can't really explain it... it's like how you get Tom and Jerry, which is obviously childish violence, then you get something like Braveheart, which is violent but in a completely different way.
  10. I don't agree. If a game is supposed to be realistic, I'd want to it be properly realistic, not just "we'll make this like in real life but we can't go toooo far". In real life, if you're killing someone, I don't think you'll be scared to go "too far". I wouldn't mind playing a game with people being racist in it, as long as it's done in a mature way. Why should I? I see it in films all the time. And younger children will generally find it easier to get hold of an 18 rated movie than an 18 rated game.
  11. hmm.. The Smashing Pumpkins- Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness is my favourite album ever... I want "Tonight, Tonight" played at my wedding ^_^; I used to love Pearl Jam's Ten... the only track I like from it now is Black.
  12. Gutted ;_; I thought 42 was good.
  13. The Wind Waker rocks... because of the music. It's a cool game, buuut to me music is the most important part of any game and to me tWW has the best music out of anything on the GC. I was expecting this to be some kind of video, or something.
  14. 42/70. I rock. =D
  15. I didn't log in for 2 months and it was fine... so.. no. x']
  16. wow. the guy even *looks* like a psycho o.O
  17. heh o.O I'm still getting it but that's pretty disappointing...
  18. haha, I hate when they say crap like that. It's the same with NOM, always "DUDE" this and "TOTALLY COOL" that, trying to be down with the kids... which they need to be, since most of their readers are under 14.
  19. Cassandra... I love SC2 but I could start a world record for sucking at it >_>;
  21. Sent you one ^_^
  22. I've seen them give Nintendo games low scores.
  23. Fair enough, Edge is pretentious and it is filled with elitists, but they've got a reason to be elitist x']. It's one of the most intelligent, well-written, unbiased game magazines I've ever read, and some of their reviews are really clever (especially the San Andreas one). And yeah GamesTM is more "entertaining" sometimes, but they do come across as "Hello we want to be Edge" at times, as someone said on Cube-Europe like a year ago.
  24. A kickass email thingie (hehe ^_^) that totally rapes the shit out of hotmail. You need an invitation to use it though, 'cause only cool kids are allowed into the party. I shalt throw one your way if you wish ^^;
  25. I've got 100 if anyone wants one...
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