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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. You should always take it with you. 1 or 2 streetpasses are better than none.
  2. Got the notification too.
  3. After I read this the postman arrived and there it was... Haha, thanks man :wink: First of all I thought the Art book would be bigger than this:
  4. Oh no, I plan to play it that's a cert, it's just... I'm not feeling it at the moment. The NintendoLand Pikmin attraction was very fun if that's anything to go by.
  5. I still haven't played Pikmin...
  6. Nintendolife Review: http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/3ds/lego_city_undercover_the_chase_begins
  7. Ah right, never had a DS and never played Mario Party DS so I wouldn't know. That sure does sound re-assuring though.
  8. Don't really like the art style myself, thought they had a winner with the original Yoshi's Island. I still think that it's one of the best games I've ever played and the visual style of that game is timeless. Always looks great, but this game it seems that the backgrounds look better than Yoshi & Baby Mario... and the enemies... That stage is sheer awesomeness (good thing I've always got it with me!). I know Hamish is HUGE fan it and Yoshi's Island as a whole... Where is he?! Audio
  9. I LOVE Mario Party! It's the ultimate party game series and there's no other video game series that I've spent more time playing other than SSB. As with four N64 controllers, but that's the thing, 4 controllers. This game would be perfect for the Wii U since the controls are simple, most likely a Wii-mote + Nunchuck would be enough and most Wii/U owners will have them already. I know that this could've had an online multiplayer mode but I don't think that would work well at all. First of all finishing a board with a normal number of turns (20?) would definitely take you over an hour long, some people probably wouldn't be able to do that or some may just drop out if they're loosing. Although it seems that they've clearly taken this into consideration by making some boards that will finish much sooner. Also since all of the players are apart then there's no communication which would be awful when it comes to 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 1 mini games. Local multiplayer would work but it's going to be hard to get 2 or more people together to play this. My sister has a 3DS but she's going to move soon (getting married) and my brother might not even get it.
  10. As nice as that is (so many luigi's!!!!), it just makes me want a green 3DS even more.
  11. Just finished watching this and... Well said and I completely agree. Nintendo Direct has been on an absolute roll as of late, each conference bettering the last and this one just had me glued to my seat from start to finish. I'll be honest, Animal Crossing is a certainty for me but I haven't been 'hyped' for it, yet Shibby watering some flowers and checking out his pals place managed to put me in a state of zen. That's comfortable gaming right there and now I'm hyped for this... in a calm way... Surprisingly what excited me most from this conference was: Mario & Luigi: Simply put, my next most wanted 3DS game! Mario Party:
  12. Ah, forgot to ask, does the game give you a choice of language?
  13. Looks like I'm missing this. Going to leave now then come back at around 4, then I'll leave at 5 and come back around 6. Then I think I'm going again later tonight... why today?
  14. That last part absolutely cracked me up!
  15. Me neither. If a game gives me a choice of difficulty, I always opt for the middle one. In this case it's Hard (Normal/Hard/Lunatic) and that's why I'm going for it.
  16. Well, I'm going to play on Hard too. Please GAME surprise me! Well, looks like there's no surprise for me whereas my sister got her ShopTo order. Oh the agony
  17. Actually, I just got word that this game will be delayed for another 7 months so that it will be ready for a multiplatform release. Don't worry it seems we're getting another exclusive demo.
  18. Japanese fashion. Nah sorry, in all seriousness here's why:
  19. We got a new prosecutor on our hands
  20. I'm not sure. I used to stand outside the curtains/door for my sister/mom or a female friend and never had any issues...but that's because I never looked at my surroundings. It was actually early last year when I accompanied my sister to one of these stores and asked me to wait outside the changing rooms but this time I had nothing to do (forgot my phone). That's when I started to notice others around me, I was stunned. Never in my life was I stared at so intently, some women even stood there whispering to each other whilst pointing towards me. That was the last time I ever waited in front of a changing room. I don't remember this happening in the past, I'm guessing its how the world has changed and how the environment has become more dangerous, crime-wise. I think they're trying to prevent crimes such as pedophilia. I'm fine with it though, I don't want to cause other women any kind of discomfort. I haven't noticed this happen the other way around though but I hardly ever have a female accompany me whilst I'm in the changing room so I probably wouldn't know best.
  21. Gibson came in with a full on body check to Walcott, that should've been a 2nd yellow for sure. Everton defended well throughout the game and they were fastest to most of the second balls. We grew into the game slowly but wasted some very good chances. Giroud had a poor night.
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