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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I think it's good. Just haven't played much at all. Any free time I have nowadays go straight to Fire Emblem or Miiverse.
  2. RUMOUR Dragon Quest Monsters 2 remake. http://www.joystiq.com/2013/04/26/rumor-japanese-trademark-suggests-dragon-quest-monsters-2-remak/
  3. New trailer
  4. We should expect a Wii U Demo soon. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/04/resident_evil_revelations_demo_to_sneak_up_on_the_wii_u_eshop
  5. Hmmm, I thought that this would have been done via club nintendo. Sounds a bit long-winded for those who have yet to transfer. Can this only be done through a system transfer only?
  6. Here are my married couples so far: Chrom & Sumia Avatar & Tharja Gaius & Cordelia Stahl & Sully Miriel & Lon'qu Donnel & Cherche
  7. Sharing some Fan-art
  8. As glum as it looks now, I say we wait until E3. Regardless of how public Nintendo's events are, they must have surely prepared some major titles and surprises to kick start a proper turnaround. I'm confident.
  9. Fan-art of a Game Boy themed 3DS. I think it actually looks nice.
  10. Haha, I could tell by the title. Was it challenging?
  11. Wooo! which one did you get? About Lissa, I just promoted her to a sage because I wasn't really sure what I wanted from her. I know she's not gonna be a fighter but it's helpful if she can fend for herself. Maybe if I waited and thought about it more I may have changed to a War Cleric so that I could get the Renewal skill: Then after that I would've eventually gone back to a sage.
  12. Serebii is right although concerning Miiverse most of the great and the crap come in the YouTube community and I guess that can pretty much be almost every appropriate topic. Overall, I find that most communities are moderated quite well. My attempt at drawing Chrom: Clearly needs work. Will try to add more detail next time.
  13. No app. It's through the smartphone web browser.
  14. Sorry, I meant pairings/teams not marriage. I guess you're right then, it does come down to their power. I was thinking more along the lines of weapon burn through, needing to get healed and number of criticals and in that sense Gaius & Cordelia have been getting a lot of criticals and have been 1HKOing most enemies as of late.
  15. Simple question; What is your favourite couple in this game so far? I'll start: Mine is Gaius & Cordelia. They're just so much and devastatingly elusive, they're also very efficient in that they require the least amount of backup (getting healed) and they go through the least number of weapons (not counting Donnel because his skill stops him reducing his weapon usage). Update on some of my team members: Sully is a Great Knight Gaius is an Assassin Cordelia is Dark Flier Lon'qu is a Swordmaster Miriel & Stahl are both level 19.
  16. Just keep in mind that all the enemies are Level 7~8 in that DLC quest (Champions of Yore I). Thinking about promotions.
  17. You're nuts you know that, Fused?
  18. That was just from mentioning it...
  19. Just got a notification from Anna, there are some updates in the Wireless menu under the Bonus Box. We get more Bonus Teams under Fire Emblem (I've got 10 in total now) and a new section for Sacred Stones that only has a Seth team to challenge and we get a new item called Tyrfing; an A class sword that gives you +5 Resistance. We've also got two more DLC quests in the Outrealm Gate. That's probably the reason. I found the early chapters to be much more difficult than the others so far. Earlier on in the game I used to 'huddle' my characters a lot more, pairing up also works as it allows weaker units to get in on some hits, earn some exp and build up your relationships faster which in turn will help you stay alive longer when it comes to teaming up against the enemy. You should also try placing weaker units on forts, mountain peaks and the woods or anywhere else with a territorial advantage.
  20. Ah, you must mean E3 2010. That was an epic.
  21. No, I didn't mean in that regard. I also think the PS4 console will be revealed at E3 but I meant the positive reaction to Sony's PS4 event when compared to how people perceive Nintendo.
  22. I think that proves his point even more.
  23. Which is why I think this route that Nintendo are taking at this years E3 could work against them when it comes to how gamers/consumers view them. Very interesting times ahead.
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