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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I plan to marry my avatar & Lissa, Chrom & Sumia, Sully & Stahl, Lon'qu & Miriel. Those are my certainties. I've also got some other pairings going on during battles such as; Avatar & Donnel and Stahl & Kellam. The latter of which has been doing excellently together, I'm mean they surprised me at how efficient they are in terms of damage given and taken.
  2. In the meantime why don't you guys fill out the surveys and claim your Nintendo stars from all your previous downloads?
  3. Excitebike VC page is up on Nintendo.com It's going to be released this Tuesday (23/4/13).
  4. I'll be happy if we at least get a few every week (2+), but really all you have to do is look at the 3DS VC service and see how long its taken to get to its current position. I hope I'm wrong as I completely overlooked the Wii VC games and will be getting them now.
  5. Wow, that was fast! I'm still trying to get my created character & Lissa to improve their relationship, I think it's on C or B at the moment. Quite a few B's too.
  6. Chapter 5 was hard but I was able to get it done. It was a looooong battle but thanks to that I was able to find some nice combos between different pairings. Afterwards me and my sister decided to try out the Double Duel under the Wireless section. It was very fun! both players pick 3 units for battle (making a total of 6) the goal is to simply defeat 3 enemies in a 2 vs 1 scenario. We were able to win the first two challenges but the third; Maribelle's Mercy proved far too difficult as we're both using relatively low-level units. Will definitely come back to it later on.
  7. I think I got one recently, thanks for the pointer.
  8. I just sorted out my inventory, done some more support conversations (some of these are hilarious!) and deciding what units I should pick, it definitely looks hard though. A map, a character and sometimes you can get an item too.
  9. I just caught a wild:
  10. Hmmmm, more disgusting than funny.
  11. Back in stock for UK consumers! Nintendo UK statement
  12. Didn't know there was a soft reset for this game, every time I wanted to restart the Chapter I closed the game and started it up again. For those like me who didn't know here's how you do it: L + R + Start
  13. At least it won't be late
  14. This is definitely nice to see. Japanese 3DS owners for now though. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/04/japanese_3ds_owners_can_now_post_images_directly_to_social_networks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The year of 3DS Roger Langford- 3DS product manager http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/nintendo-this-is-the-year-of-3ds/0114400
  15. No it isn't. However the first DLC Pack, Champions of Yore I is FREE to celebrate the launch of the game. It ends on the 22nd of May. Just saw this from Nintendolife: Here's the link: https://cloudpt.pt/link/e0abc460-f735-4ccd-8619-5607413a201b/Shiryu-FireEmblemWarMemories.zip
  16. That depends. I say wait it out for a bit as you can buy Download versions of new games for the standard price. Just saw LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins for the 3DS which is currently priced at £29.99 as a Digital download from GAME. EDIT: It's a download pre-order, still it's the same price as getting it physically. http://www.game.co.uk/en/lego-city-undercover-the-chase-begins-185804?attributeName1=Shop%20By&pageSize=20&provenance=Download&categoryIdentifier=428847&attributeValue1=107&sortBy=PRICE_ASC Here's what the Bonus offer looks like:
  17. I even liked Gangrel better than him... and I hated Gangrel (put me off as a kid).
  18. Chapter 3 cleared! I've also managed to get some support conversations going too:
  19. That 25% extra for trade-ins that go towards Digital downloads looks interesting. It ends on the 17th of May, I've got some games I can trade in and I already have a reward card so I could get something if there's a sale before the promotion ends or I find something suitable for my 3DS.
  20. Nintendo.co.uk Hasn't even updated its "How to buy" section. Gamesrocket is still the sole retailer on the list.
  21. Not posted and didn't know about it either, nice!
  22. Just got a notification for the DLC, can't download it now because the Wireless feature still hasn't been opened up to me yet, also I'm still on Chapter 3 as I didn't play much yesterday as I was busy with renovation.
  23. Think I'm still looking through my Hyrule Historia glasses. Anyway this game... holy crap is it good! I'm on Chapter 3 at the moment and I've just closed the 3DS, will come back to it after I've had some lunch (late I know). I'll admit, I had to restart Chapter 2 a few times as I tried to get Lissa into some support situations but ended up getting her killed, what was more annoying was that it was near the end of the map, I only had three more enemies to take out and she was exposed to a hand-axe that 1HKO'd her. I want to pace myself as much as possible.
  24. Me too! Wind Waker is my favourite Zelda. Can't say it's better than ALTTP as I hardly played that game.
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