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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. At the earliest he'll be back around December so Wenger wouldn't bring him back into Premier League action until he has a good number games in reserve also we don't know what competitions they'll be in so I think the next time we see him play will be around Feb/March. Diaby is a good player no doubt, but he's made out of glass.
  2. True, it has been a very long wait. My copy arrived on Thursday, but I'm too busy playing Luig's Mansion 2 & MH3U so I'm going to put that on hold for a while. By the way, is that the first time you're playing Digital Devil Saga? how is it? You don't sound pleased about that extra scenario in Persona 3, was it not good?
  3. Seemed that Arsenal had a really good match today, apparently Cazorla played excellently too. Looking forward to watching it tonight. FT Arsenal 4-1 Reading.
  4. The Qurupeco is the easiest to read but I find also find it tough to take down. I wait for an opening and strike the back and & tail, or I wait for it to start doing its calls and strike its pelt, if I get some good hits, it falls down soon after that and serve up a barrage of combos. Rinse and repeat. Otherwise if I strike anywhere else I usually find my weapon bouncing off despite it being sharp (green). I'm liking your imagination when it comes to naming/identifying these monsters.
  5. Well I'm shuffling between a Switch-Axe, Long Sword & Dual Blades, but with the Lagiacrus it was easiest with the Long Sword. I get good damage when it hits, it's not very slow and dodging is smooth also the combos with that weapon are beastly good. I find that the Switch-Axe bounces off monsters the most especially the Qurupeco & Barroth.
  6. That's the one. It was hard, especially when you constantly have to change the camera as it moves so fast. I failed in the end though as the time had run out on me, I came close too. I'll do it again on the Wii U later on.
  7. Got 20 minutes left on the clock, 1/3 of my health bar remaining and 1 Mega Potion. I did however manage to cut off its tail which is nice. I dodge most of its attacks but a few of them have managed to hit me and they cut off at a 1/4 of my life.
  8. Anyone got advice for beating Lagiacrus? I'm doing my HR1 Urgent Quest (paused atm) and so far Im avoiding the big hits but whenever I come in close to attack I can't get more than 1 or 2 hits before it blazes off into the underwater sunset. It's just too fast. Hasn't happened to me. Although I haven't played much online so I hope it is just a glitch. Last thing I want is the Wii U freezing up on MH.
  9. If you start doing multiple assignments to one button it could get a bit confusing later on. It would have been nice to have an option to use the CPP.
  10. Good question. I guess if they're a fan of these kinds of RPGS then that's a start. Has anyone played on easy? there surely must be some kind of tutorial that's given throughout. Most of the reviews I've read all say that this game is great for newcomers and long-term fans alike.
  11. lol. That's a tough place to be in, but it's a great problem to have. Sometimes I think that I'm hearing some japanese words every now and then when the Professor starts speaking jibberish. Fused, am I just hearing things?
  12. Thanks, never bothered to check the options. The frame rate has definitely improved like you said. The thing is, I like playing with the 3D on, but since I still don't have a CPP I have to keep reaching for the dpad or the digital dpad eitherway, this looses the sweet spot which is even worse as you get into serious fast-paced battles. I'll go back to 3D when I get the CPP. Also, that text choice is disastrous. My eyesight is fine, but even I have trouble reading it. What I find is that the 3D actually makes the text more readable this is when it's set to around the halfway mark on the 3D slider.
  13. That post is gold. Anyway meat wouldn't tempt them, they're herbivores like you said. I noticed something though, after I went out an killed some monsters (not on a quest, just left the village normally) I returned back to the village and spoke to the chiefs son (for resource points) I sometimes get dung as well, can't remember which monster this was from but you should give it a go.
  14. I play this game with the 3D slider wacked all the way up. Stunning. Those who finished the 1st Mansion how many of the jewels did you find? Were you able to get all of them? I'm missing two but will go back and look for them tomorrow.
  15. Oh, so the demo was already pre-set to English voice acting?
  16. Spot on. So far I've only seen adverts for this game on Cartoon Network & Nick toons, Disney etc. Although I'm not very good to judge as the only time I see those channels is when my little sister is watching TV. The ads were quite good, but the actual quality of the footage shown was horrendous at times. Some people might take it the wrong way.
  17. Well a quick look on Hukd gives you quite a few results. 32gb should be enough, do you mind what class the SD Card is? I use to have a class 8 16gb SD Card and saw no difference in speed (start-up or data transfer) compared to my current class 4 32gb card. http://www.hotukdeals.com/search?action=search&keywords=32gb+sd+card Some of those Class 10's are well priced. Here's the SD Card I'm using at the moment. http://www.amazon.co.uk/SanDisk-SDSDB-032G-B35-32GB-Class-Memory/dp/B002G12OBO/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1364567118&sr=1-1
  18. Not in the least, no need to apologise either. Actually, a lot of people thought Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars was a 3D FPS back at launch in 2011. They were just as shocked when they found a tactical RPG
  19. Was just researching some monsters then I came across a wiki about monster hunter sizes which had this pic.
  20. You still didn't add me Added.
  21. I don't know, I'm on the last level (Boss) of the 1st Mansion. I think it's the 6th level. Don't know if the other mansions are the same.
  22. Good thing this was a demo :P But yeah, pretty much. At its core Fire Emblem is a Tactical RPG. You control a group of characters taking turns to maneuver your soldiers across a grid like map with the sole purpose of defeating the enemy units which can be done in a number of ways (based on the chapter objectives) i.e. Defeating the map boss, survive a certain number of turns or seizing the base. Even though this may look very simplistic at first, it's amazingly deep. Through combat your units (characters) gain EXP points, for every hundred they amass, you gain a level. When units reach a certain level a special item can be used that will 'promote' your unit into a more powerful class. Before engaging with the enemy unit you should take a look at what weapon types they're wielding as each weapon has an advantage over the other. Lance beats Sword, Sword beats Axe & Axe beats Lance. However, in combat if your unit is killed, they're done for you can't get them back this is known as permadeath (aka permanent death, but if you want to you can turn this off in Awakening). So in itself, leveling up your units, especially the weaker ones will bring a huge sense of satisfaction and not only that, the more units you can keep alive the better. Eventually you will reach a point where you can't have more than a certain number of characters per map/chapter e.g. "Select 11 units for this stage". This is where having more units comes into play, as the more units you have at your disposal the better. You can look at the map and decide which units would work best e.g. battling on a mountain-range, chose a pegasis knight. If you're fighting on a map with a lot of water, pick a pirate. There's a lot more to Fire Emblem that I could keep talking about such as "Character Support", but its better to grasp the basics first. Btw, I haven't played the demo but did you finish the battle? Did the game give you a tutorial?
  23. 10% Discount to celebrate its launch. http://twotribes.com/message/how-much-this-much/
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