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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. It just wasn't. The DS version was released here last year but that's it. You just reminded me though, a NEW Adventure Time game will be coming soon. It's titled: "Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!" D3Publisher: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20130514005667/en/D3Publisher-Cartoon-Network-Announce-Video-Games-Adventure
  2. Metallic Red 3DS (Japan).
  3. What’s on your wishlist for the new Wii U Zelda game? (Wind Waker) http://operationrainfall.com/press-release-fan-requests-for-zelda/ I don't really agree with the 3rd point, but I'm aware that many people didn't like much, especially the Triforce Quest.
  4. Unlockable Costumes.
  5. The back lid looks nice but the top lid reminds me of some 80's styled wallpaper.
  6. We played well early on and Wigan slowly got back into the game to the point where they were level (wasn't a free kick). The 2nd goal came at a good time and we got back into the groove with goals 3 & 4. Good performance good win. Although I'm sad to see Wigan relegated. They're sorta my 'second team'.
  7. That Pokemon X Box art...... DAMN!
  8. I don't remember much about the reinforcements, but one thing I do know is that I paired up most of my units and lined everyone up. We took less damage, avoided most attacks and countered with devastating team attacks & criticals.
  9. Don't remember anything about blindness but I definitely recall their extremely negative and ill-informed articles from the early days of the 3DS.
  10. 3DS Downloads this week
  11. Building on what Serebii posted in the VC thread. I think it's an all-around great week for the Wii U. Tempted by Runner 2 at that price. Also I think that's a decent price for Tekken considering you have an external hard drive. Also you'll make some good points off the Deluxe Digital Promotion.
  12. Positive article from The Sun. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/fun/gaming/4924287/Why-Wiis-little-brother-the-handheld-3DS-is-the-best-console-EVER.html
  13. I've added you mate, it's definitely going to be fun! By the way
  14. First post updated once more. Added @Happenstance & @Sheikah Should I do that for you?
  15. This will also be my first time playing Super Metroid! I hear nothing but greatness about this game so I eagerly anticipate the VC release.
  16. Those designs are nice, really liking Elikiteru & Yancham especially. Any mention on how early you'll meet these Pokemon?
  17. Damn Mike, those pictures paint a lovely story. Such a relaxing game! I guess I'm happy I skipped Animal Crossing Wii and I haven't touched Wild World since 2008/9 so I'm itching for this series once more.
  18. Haha, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. What are those two Project X Zone icons for? Two different demo modes?
  19. Sounds impressive. My target would be a 32GB memory card but if I can't find a good deal/afford it then I'll settle with 16GB. How many digital retail games do you have on your Vita?
  20. Here's my setup: From left to right: R: Retail Downloads N: NES M: Misc. A: GBA S: Game Gear D: Demos & DSiWare C: 3D Classics 3: 3DS Download Software G: GB/GBC My opinion on the rest. Serebii, yours is far too messy, Aneres is far too tidy, Ike... better than before and Cube probably has the nicest one to look at. You can slightly notice it in the top right corner of the screen.
  21. Nice thread. I'll post mine in a bit. Here I thought I had too many folders
  22. http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/eshop/super_little_acorns_3d_turbo
  23. Sheesh, talk about a small time frame... Great deals though.
  24. I bought it along with Liberation Maiden just because they were on sale. Haven't played it yet.
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