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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Do you have any particular size? the one I found is 8gb & it's class 10 (you'll get a minimum of 10mb/s read/write speeds, however they say it can go upto 20mb/s) http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/-/3184/2451/-/4949676/SanDisk-Extreme-HD-Video-8GB-SDHC-Memory-Card/Product.html In terms of speed & size while keeping the price under £10, I think this was the best I found... and it's in stock.
  2. Yeah it does, almost everytime I leave for uni I get a streetpass
  3. Thank you @welsh_gamer you are awesome! I finally get to play it!
  4. Looks nice, but it seems to be quite slow.
  5. Nice one @Mokong X\-C interesting video, this is my 1st time watching one of your videos, I'll be looking forward to your other videos & stories. when I have free time I'll watch your older vids too, thanks!
  6. eshop Update! Prince of Persia is hitting the 3DS VC this week, this is the GBC game from Ubisoft that was originally released in 1999 (NA) but it's here for a £4.50 tag. also the WiiVC has FINALLY been Resurrected! this week with Prince of Persia aswell! this is the 1989 classic that was originally released on the Apple II, but was shortly after ported to the SNES, it's available for 800pts.
  7. OK, thank's for the advice
  8. DLC for DQ X is confirmed Source: Official Nintendo Magazine Source: http://andriasang.com/comznr/dqx_update/
  9. rumours Source: Nintendolife
  10. Personal best of 9 Street Pass hits today! I saw two guy who had a 3DS along the way, one of which was the LOZ edition... it looked pretty good in real life.
  11. yup, I agree when ever chambo plays be it a full match, or 20 minutes he's always going forward, beats his players and provides some deliveries not forgetting his work rate, he also come's back and helps the full back behind him. whereas arshavin... I've got nothing to say really. this kinda game would've suited arteta pretty well, he's experienced he knows how to break down the play really well and it would've helped. but seriously the defence is a shambles. koscielny & miquel played pretty well, but the overall team performance was poor.
  12. *sigh* seriously, there was some jolly roger defending going today. conceding after scoring, that's just pathetic it's not the first time this has happened. rambo had a bad day today, mertesacker played horrendously. but credit to swansea they played a fantastic 2nd half.
  13. I've only just started playing M vs DK, mainly because of yoshi's island being that damn good. yeah M vs DK is fantastic! I've also got Donkey Kong (94) and I play that too! there both fantastic. im sorted on the VC side of things for a very long time!
  14. yeah sunshine get's quite a bit of criticism, I enjoyed it. one of the main reasons for it's unfair criticism is due to it being so different, nintendo stuck a FLUDD on Mario's back. that idea most likely came from luigis mansion (poltergust 3000) as both games were in development at around the same time and both were released in the same year. (PAL 2002) but what most people do is compare it with what came before and after it, meaning Mario 64 & Galaxy. when you compare it to them imo, it's not as good. sunshine received stellar reviews! but it's never said on it's own, it's always being compared to its predecessors/successors, im not saying it shouldn't be, but that's probably the main reason for some of the negative comments.
  15. I played sunshine when I was thirsty, it was fun but didn't quench my thirst.
  16. I think you've made some excellent points, I don't know what SS is like, I've got it but only seen the intro. but that's what i've noticed in other zelda titles perhaps Wind Waker was closest to what you're talking about, but I still don't remeber clearly enough as I haven't played it for over 4/5 years! but i think the problem with making dungeons/temples more like an actual "Temple" with historic artifacts, ruins, covering vast spaces of land etc. is that it may shift the focus of the temple. perhaps the current dungeon format makes it easier for players to navigate. or for example, if a player stops playing halfway through a dungeon and returns to the game after a few days/weeks/months they might still have an idea of what they were doing or where they have to go. but in the end this may boil down to not being enough horsepower to represent a more realistic feeling of a 'Temple'
  17. @Retro_Link tell me when you receive SM3DL, and your impressions! imo it's the best game on the 3DS atm I think it's my most played 3DS game aswell.
  18. I bought it a few weeks ago, it's fantastic! but like you said it is a little confusing, but I've only played a handful of times so im bound to understand more as I continue to play!
  19. @Deku\-Nutz i've registered you too!
  20. Pullblox is the best eshop game, but i've hardly played it since the arrival of the GBA-A games. since then I've just been playing Wario Land 4, Metroid: Fusion, Minish Cap, Sacred Stones, M vs DK and the almighty Yoshi's Island which is probably my favourite handheld game ever!
  21. ah sorry, I didn't know about your situation, hopefully it'll work out for you soon! :D

  22. where were you for the MK League GP's last night? :(

  23. @Hamishmash I don't think it does, but I haven't read their pre-order policy. EDIT: the only relevant piece of info i found from zavvi. EDIT: I've just checked my order and the price is still the same for me, £29.99.
  24. the zavvi RE:R CPP bundle went up in price; from £29.99 to £37.95
  25. well most people who have used the CPP have said that it feels quite comfortable, but there might be a slight problem with small-handed gamers when reaching for the four face buttons. but im excited too!
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