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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. i had a hunch that this was gonna happen, it felt too quiet!
  2. @Mokong X\-C thanks for links, ive read the history of the league, i didnt know how it worked so thanks!
  3. i preordered this over a month ago, even though i didnt like MKWii, i still had a blast but this sounds like the best multiplayer game till the next smash/kart IMO. ive been trying to get as much of my courseworks done so that i can at least have a week of uniterrupted gameplay. ive been so hyped for this, i mean SO HYPED! Wednesday can't come soon enough.......i mean friday
  4. from what ive seen on MK7, it does look like that could be the case, after SS this has been my most anticipated GOTY.
  5. i did not know how awesome the bottom of the console looked, especially the card slot...its gorgeous! @Retro_Link are you pointing out how she just ripped that box open? either way if it were me i would handle with the entire package with care lol! if someone gets this post some pics please!
  6. Looks like the eshop will be picking up some major speed in the next few months. we'll finally be seeing Pullblox next month, and I also believe that Mighty Switch Force will also be released next month. heres the trailer for Pullblox (note that Pushmo is the NA name) also the much anticipated Mutant Mudds has a new trailer and heres the link; : peace: btw for anyone interested, zen pinball is coming to the eshop this time next week.
  7. really wanted to preorder this, but ive already bought quite a few games already. ill be waiting for your views on this game!
  8. famitsu gave it 37/40 (10,9,9,9) heres what they said: "The game's made so you're always able to stage a comeback, making it approachable and enjoyable for anyone. Competing for time is also exciting, and there's more than enough room for hardcore play here. The Community feature makes netplay a lot more accessible than before, and finding opponents via Street Pass is also impressive. It's really exciting to think how the community's going to unfold. There are a lot of changes here, but play it and it's definitely still Mario Kart. That goes to show how complete a game it's become. It's accessible enough that even new players can enjoy it, and when you get into it, you really get into it."
  9. also theres a new eshop game thats been announced its called samurai sword destiny, its a side-scroling action game and will be released in Q4 2011...meaning december. like the member above mentioned metroid II, is on the eshop this week, ive had £5.80 on the eshop for some time, still waiting for those 2 specific 3DS downloads; rollin western & pullblox. but metroid II does sound nice, mainly because i havent played it before.
  10. is it just me or has anybody else not seen this invincible tanooki power up? ive not seen anything like it at all! the only thing invincible ive seen is the star. anyway the post game stages are excellent! i promised myself that i wouldnt play more than 1hr a day but each time i end up doubling it! its a testament to nintendo's fantastic design, craft and overall quality.
  11. i dont preorder from amazon anymore, my last 3 preorders were very late and one time i bought a nunchuck and it never arrived! the seller was excellent, he was very fast in responding to any messages or emails. the first order was lost thanks to royal mail, the seller then sent out a replacement after i told him i never received the order during the delivery period, whats worse is that the replacement never reached me aswell! royal mail screwed up twice on the same order. in the end the seller just refunded me the order and i think they sent a complaint to royal mail, for messing up my order and losing 2 of they're products... shambolic! royal mail? more like royal pain! i understand how you feel and hope its sorted asap.
  12. @Hero\-of\-Time when you hit the top of the pole you get one extra life "1Up". everytime i hit the top it says 1Up and you get that little 1Up "chime" and instead of the standard red flag, you get a gold one.
  13. ive only seen the eshop cards in whsmith.
  14. what a refreshing story @Hero-ofTime after helping my mum today, as soon as i got back i went the forums, and your post made me play it again!
  15. loooooool you guys are hilarious @yesteryeargames £25 from morrison is a great price atm. im currently on world 8-6 this game is awesome... but for me its almost SS time, either going to start tonight or tomorrow night. amazon has done that to me so many times! @Debug Mode I also wanted to thank the peeps who reccomended shopto, first time i preordered from there it came 2 days early.
  16. the controls feel very good for me, i play the same way i did in nsmb, im having a blast with this. also if you do nothing at the start screen for about 1-2 mins, then theres like a small practice stage in the form of those classic eye illusion things (similar to the trailer), but when 3D is on it helps you to understand the stage better. during gameplay when the 3D is on press down on the dpad for added depth, and up for normal 3D
  17. while i was writing this fused_king was online using mii plaza, and he was sent to the front.
  18. when you launch the game it says that a system update is needed, and its friend list update, online friends pushed to the front, and theres a big button to let you join their game. on another note my friend just got his LE copy of SS from tesco.
  19. Just as i read some of these comments my copy from shopto has also arrived!
  20. hehe i will if it arrives, good move btw the ice white is an awesome bundle, but have you considered the LE Zelda 3DS bundle? that would mean that you would have to also buy SM3DL. playing SS will make any long wait easier, the only reason i want 3DL early is so i can get some play time in before SS. Absolutely. Cannot. Wait.
  21. theres seriously no point in arguing with anyone over an absolutely retarded, baseless concept. in other news... it seems that shopto now have stock for SM3DL as my account has been charged this morning, i highly doubt this but is there a chance that the package could arrive tomorrow? wednesday is my day off.
  22. ive got freaky forms, and im having fun with it! ive made 3 formees for now, ill make some more tonight and will probably share some of mine too.
  23. yet to see any reviews for SS or SM3DL, thank uni for that!
  24. after reading these comments its seems that i might enjoy this. and ive got some ideas running through my mind already so ill probably get this. btw @RedShell that duck-looking creature (is that an egg attached to it) and that happy turd... made me LOL!
  25. theres a new kirby shelf on the eshop that shows the trailer of 3D Classics kirbys adventure. the actual game is going to be available for download next week. insta-download for me! also theres the kirby TV series, with a trailer and ep1 already available. didnt know but im happy nonetheless. i think i read somewhere that there was a trailer for block factory on the eshop (3DS Download software from Enjoy Gaming) btw any views on freaky forms?
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