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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. did anyone preoder this and/or MK at Game or Gamestation? i think i heard that they're giving out mario themed pouches. the same one for both games.
  2. its looks so damn gorgeous, if i didnt have a 3DS id buy this over any other bundle available! it oozes epicness.
  3. lol i wanted both! WW remake and an all new sequel to WW, having both on the 3DS would be magical. im already looking forward to E3 2012 and nintys next conference... but in the meantime SS, SM3DL & MK7!
  4. Freaky forms is on the EU eshop this week, with a price tag of £5.40. there will be some reviews coming out soon for this, i know @Coolness Bears will be getting this, anyone else? also it seems that the premium price for 3DS Download Software games are going to be £5.40, and perhaps the average is £3.60, just like the GB VC games.
  5. i bought some vc games; the good thing is that most of them are really good titles, i'd especially recommend Super Mario Land: 2, Donkey Kong (94) & Gargoyles Quest. recently i've been waiting for some 3DS Download software, and they're slowly coming around. pyramids seems like a pretty good puzzler, im still on the edge, after watching some vids i think i might enjoy it. but atm im just waiting for push & pull and rollin western and Mighty Switch Force (all coming soon). i also think that mutant mudds could still see a release this year unless im mistaken. also on a side note NA is getting freaky forms next week, but UK/EU is yet to be dated. freaky forms is a spore like game and i think the price is $6.99. if youre a golf fan then you could get golf 3D, but its just the port from the ios, i really want 3DS eshop exclusives, unless they're must haves. golf 3D received an array of scores ranging from 6 - 9/10.
  6. hahaha good point, we should wait and see. in the mean time a new zelda WW stlye in 3D or a sequel would be beyond epic! and a WW D-make would be the pinnacle of remakes!
  7. graphically the 3DS can do it justice, but im guessing that the game itself is very large in its scope, i thought that ninty could make a new WW styled game or sequel in a way thats similar to how capcom made revelations. in terms of how its practically a console resident evil through its graphics, gameplay, sound and even online connectivity. i think that they could make it but it will be difficult (not impossible) fitting all of those elements into a portable. SSF4 3D IMO is a solid port, so GC to 3DS should be easier, but it depends on the type of game it is. WW on 3DS would be harder to implement than SSF4 as its an overall much more vast game.
  8. I guess so, a WW styled game would still be great in 3D. im aware that its not capable of producing the GC experience completely but they could manage. bringing it down a notch or two, increasing the size of cartridge like RE: R. also aonuma said that they dont think that it will be a direct sequel to the DS outings, this could be a sequel to a home console zelda?
  9. http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=165529 create your own puzzles, share them via qr codes & street pass, from the creators of pyramids coming to the eshop. looks okay nothing standout the music is pretty nice, however this is the 1st vid. i'll be following this. what do you think?
  10. a new zelda for 3DS = awesomeness! originally i did want a 3D remake of WW, i thought that would really suit a portable, especially the 3DS thanks to the 3D. i think a WW sequel would be superb or at least have the new game in WW style as prodidgy mentioned. if they're considering a MM remake that would be nice but personally WW on 3DS will be the best of remakes! sailing on the king of red lions on the huge open sea in 3D...
  11. oh ok thanks. not complaining but i would've thought that it would have been better to include that with the update.
  12. does this mean that the firmware update is coming on the same day as 3D Land? or is the update coming before the game? or is it just bundled with 3D Land?
  13. -Dem0-

    F1 2011

    Any F1 fans, F1 2011, is going to be released on the 3DS on the 25th of November. Another game shoved within the "2 weeks of bankruptcy", and a week before MK7 no less. Its going to get absolutely over-shadowed. Is anyone considering this game?
  14. Adeventure island for £2.70, another VC game that i've never played. I was interested so im reading about this game atm. Also theres rytmik: retrobits aswell, 800 points. (EU)
  15. There are going to be more characters than the 16 that have already been confirmed. Hoping for some interesting characters, but no more goof-balls like wiggler & queen bee. I know someone mentioned kamek in this thread, I think kamek would be a very good choice. Who do you think will be revealed?
  16. Thanks mate, I really enjoy puzzles. Dont think that i will download this now though. I'll probably wait until after i get push&pull and rollin western.
  17. WTH? is that pic of wiggler from a past tennis? Or is it made up? But it emphasises the point of bad character choices. Perhaps nintendo are introducing these characters now, so gamers can get use to them when they're included in future titles. Wiggler in SSBD.
  18. Anyone downloaded pyramids? Its recieved some decent scores, the highest being 7/10. Just want to know if anyone here has played it.
  19. Beat the game (white) went to white forest for the 1st time, and its completely empty; no grass no water. Theres only that small house & a PC. I read that if you mess with the clock too much this happens and also if you havent visited in a long time, but the issue is i couldnt visit it before as i didnt finish the game & I havent changed the date or time.
  20. Btw Wario is a confirmed character. I agree on the metal mario subject, its just mario dipped in liquid metal... another new character should have been included instead!
  21. Two more characters reveaped; Honey Queen and Wiggler, I'll admit, I never expected them. This probably means no waluigi, even though I never play as him. I wont be suprised if I see 7 wigglers racing online in the 1st race! Im happy that kalimari desert is in this one of my all time favs!
  22. You can play as luigi, im guessing this is after you complete the game.
  23. I prefer DD over Wii any day, it received some of the lowest reviews compared to other MK's but IMO it was an absolute blast especially with 4 players, and a lot of the courses were excellent! Wii was still fun, but the only track I liked was luigi circuit... Whats the 1st track that you race on in MK? For me its always been luigi circuit/raceway if not then a similar track eg mario circuit, figure 8 etc.
  24. From the vids marios movement did seem slow, but IMO, it didnt look that bad, perhaps you'll really understand if you've played it.
  25. Has anyone preordered this +/ SM3DL? Im waiting for the best deals, but i might preorder in my local gamestation, because i want to trade in some games at the same time.
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