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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I had a pretty good day today, but quite a few of you have final year projects going on around here, so good luck to you all!
  2. Denpa Ningen a new 3DS Download Software from Genius Sonority, from what I've seen in the trailer, you catch "Denpa Ningen's" by using the 3DS camera. then make a team to fight other monsters. this looks like a pretty quirky RPG. it's going to be released in Japan on the 8th (next thursday) for ¥800. however they're getting the demo for this game tomorrow. here's the 1st trailer:
  3. heres the review from Nintendolife: http://3dsware.nintendolife.com/reviews/2012/01/sakura_samurai_art_of_the_sword_3dsware
  4. @Jav_NE got your FC.
  5. Wowza! that's the worst that i've heard, how many boss battles has this happened in? It only occurs during lifts and going through those 'Golden Wheel Doors' on either side of the Hall for me.
  6. Arsenal came from 0-2 down to win 3-2.
  7. wow down by 2, but now ahead!? wenger must've verbally kicked some ass. although I don't know the circumstances, or how the pens came about. can't wait to watch the highlights tonight! it's over now, the gooners progress!
  8. ah, considering they decide to this route that is.
  9. I was on that part yesterday, straight after you receive the key from red-head, forgot his name already the door to the casino is exactly underneath you.
  10. a bit too late H-o-T, but no problem I soon after watched an episode of OP and that made me forget it.
  11. Yes, Yes, Yes... if this is on the 3DS, how would it use 3D, even though this game doesn't need it. perhaps this could be released on the WiiU? still a new AA! Woohoo!
  12. Here's IGN's review for Mutant Mudds: http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/121/1217148p1.html also if you want to hear another, Here's Nintendolife's review: http://3dsware.nintendolife.com/reviews/2012/01/mutant_mudds_3dsware
  13. hmm, I can't remember if this had the same controls as mercs, but it's great to hear you're enjoying the game now... PAIN FREE!
  14. I doubt we'd see a price below £30 so soon Retro, but I do remember reading through quite a lot of forums & threads from other sites where some NA gamers were complaining about a $50 tag, thats roughly £30 over here? anyway did you guy's no that you can power up your melee attack by holding down the button for longer? I didn't know until I saw a random performing it. it's nice!
  15. Good point, I gave the 3DS it's own entire Draw, but now that's starting to get busy. I've got my games, the charger, the charging dock, CPP and who knows I could even find a 3DS stand in there too! I might end up with a 3DS accessories museum
  16. at first my accuracy was taking a serious dip, when moving the 2nd stick for the camera/movement controls it felt like it was far too sensitive. but this all changed by the end of chapter 2. it feels much better and my acc has gone up a bit, although I'm still nowhere near my level from 4 or 5. what's even better, I got it with the game.
  17. Completed the 2nd Chapter, I'm getting into the groove now, CPP is feeling much better, my accuracy has also improved a bit more, but I'm calling it a day, too tired to continue. I am enjoying the game a lot aswell, honestly I can't wait till I try Raid tomorrow! BTW, who is using the CPP to play?
  18. Just finished chapter 1, at first the CPP controls felt weird. slowly im starting to get the feel for it. but I've reached that time where im stuck between standard controls or to stick with the CPP this is mainly because my accuracy has fallen from 98% (without CPP) to 78% with it. but my chapter 1 ovr accuracy was 86%. that aside im really enjoying this, my brand new earphones came in today aswell, awesome! @Dcubed that's probably why they said it's better to play this without subs...
  19. I left the house, walked past my mailman and he told me that I've got a package, so I grabbed it off him ran back home, opened door placed it on my bed... just opened it, didn't know there was a wrist-strap included. anywho I'll be playing this at around 6pm.
  20. I didn't expect that at all, considering they've done NSMB twice! and they've made SM3DL (with all the classic mario influences) I thought that the next mario title for the 3DS should be a brand new all-out adventure!
  21. Nope, nothing has been mentioned for a EU release, although I think we'll be getting this soon after the NA release (2nd Feb) next thursday.
  22. Iwata has announced a NEW 2D Mario game for the 3DS. Here's what Iwata has said: Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/120127/03.html Last paragraph page 3.
  23. @f00had how the hell did you dodge that spiny?
  24. I'll check when I get home....@S\.C\.G comments are making it unbearable! but i'll be at home around 5-6pm. EDIT: It didn't arrive, but hopefully I receive the package before 12:30... COME ON mail man!
  25. awesome, nice one s.c.g! Im pretty damn hyped for this, if it does arrive on friday then i've got the weekend to enjoy it!
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