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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Thierry Henry.
  2. Krom is one of two, main characters in this game. the other being your own created character! sounds awesome, there's also a new "Dual battle system" meaning if you go into battle with an ally next to you, you'll battle together! sounds so AWESOME! even if they didn't have this system I'd still buy it DAY 1! Source:http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/35280/fire-emblem-3ds-gameplay-details-revealed/
  3. very true! I'd prefer if they didn't for this! original JP Voice actors + english subs for me...if it ever comes over-shores.
  4. Didn't know about this game until I saw it after watching a clip of One Piece on youtube. it looks awesome! It's going to be released in Japan on March 1st 2012. I've read that the story stretches from the start up to the "New World" Arc. Here's the trailer: If this doesn't come out on the 360, I'm getting a PS3 just for this!...and MGS4. Here's the Cover (Source: saiyanisland.com):
  5. nice to hear your views, I've been watching this game for a while. I think it's my general love for a good puzzler that's leading me though. I'm looking forward to trying it now!
  6. Has anyone tried the CRUSH3D Demo yet?
  7. From Nintendolife: http://3dsware.nintendolife.com/news/2012/02/exclusive_speedx_3d_racing_to_3ds_eshop
  8. VVVVVV Nicalis, Inc. Nice.
  9. JP Uprising Bundle Pic. with the little Nintendo Network logo in the corner too.
  10. little heads up. theres quite a lot of updates available from the eshop, most of them are the VC games.
  11. Yeah I'll be getting Block Ball too. Honestly though, three big 3DS-DS yet to be announced!? I still think that Mutant Mudds will be coming to us around April/May. what about VVVVVV? and Sakura Samurai should be available by now...
  12. Of course it's better late than never!
  13. It's great to hear your back in the League!


  14. What seriously!? I didn't know, there's a link statue for 15,000 stars!, but Mario!? wow.
  15. Didn't predict a scoreline like this, I've gave chelsea a draw a narrow win at best. but it's not over yet. EDIT: Rooney must've heard me...
  16. I couldn't follow the game as I was at uni yesterday, but after walking through some nice snow and coming home I sit down to Arsenal vs Blackburn as the GOTD on football first. it was awesome watching the full 90 minutes of a very good Arsenal performance. Oxlade Chamberlain played excellently again, Captain Vantastic keeps on scoring and it was nice to see Koscielny come off with an ovation, he's been immense.
  17. I didn't expect a simultaneous release, but I thought that Nintendo would at the very least provide us with a date. but we should know more very soon. the only Downloadable coming next Thursday is Kirby's Block Ball (so far). By the way, does anyone spend their stars on Club Nintendo!? there once was a time where I was actually interested in spending my stars. but now there's nothing that interests me, the NA Club Nintendo provides downloadable rewards, meaning NA club members can spend their 'Coins' on a selection of eshop|Wii shop channel rewards which I think is a really good idea. personally we should be able to spend our stars on eshop vouchers/cards (like the Wii/DSi points card) to make purchases on the eShop, or certain eShop games. what makes it worse is that NA only started their Club Nintendo Scheme in 2008, yet it seems that the service they provide is better than the EU, which started almost a decade ago.
  18. that's the very first thing that came to my mind when watching the trailer. but I'd highly doubt that would help the player make any progress, once they run into trouble they won't know what to do as they've been fluking in circles.
  19. but it doesnt say whether or not europe, let alone the UK is getting these episodes. onm just asked if we want it. regardless the point still remains, having 4 short videos per week is pretty useless. they need to change the format for this application.
  20. Why is Nintendo Video so crap? Whereas Nintendo-Zone for NA & Canada has full episodes of Pokemon. even though I don't watch pokemon, the point is over here we get a few, short low quality trailers. (last time I checked) http://3ds.nintendolife.com/news/2012/02/full_length_pokemon_tv_shows_come_to_nintendo_zone
  21. heres some info and pictures. here's the link: http://andriasang.com/comzue/crimson_shroud_screens/ also Crimson Shroud has a website: http://www.guild01.jp/crimsonshroud/index.html
  22. Yeah I've got mine, if you need any more help, check some of the posts on the DSi/eshop thread. theres some very helpful points in there. has anyone seen the new "Fiends Cauldron" trailer? this mode allows the player to wager his hearts to win some rewards by increasing the difficulty. the more hearts you bet the higher the Intensity. I'm still on the fence for this, but I do love a good challenge. IMO we don't see that many challenging games. EDIT: Thanks Coolness!
  23. @Grazza, I read that same article on my way to uni. I would love a new 2D Zelda, but I do think the chances of seeing Nintendo produce a new Zelda/Metroid etc would increase considering the production of the new 2D Mario. Epic Yarn, Shake Dimension, especially DKCR are some of my favourite games on the Wii, I'd gladly purchase another 2D game of this quality & class. but nintendo having a separate dept for 2D games solely, I'd doubt we'd see.
  24. no, none at all online games included. however yesterday when I loaded up the eshop it took a whole lot longer than usual but that was only once. other than that nothing feels or felt slow to any degree.
  25. oh my goodness, you sir cracked me up! yeah but that pretty much sums up arsene wenger. hopefully he'll turn out to be a great signing... we really need a CF, but considering that this is the January window, no club is willing to lose a player halfway through. nice to see Miyaichi on loan at bolton good luck to him. btw whats happening with Samba, I've heard no progress on his current status.
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