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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Come 2:00pm, you can be a Samurai, RedShell!
  2. I'll finish off the first game before I start this one. Btw Serebii, what are your favourite Gen V Pokemon? I've got a top 4: Excadrill Carracosta Eelektross Haxorus
  3. Ah I feel more confident about the game now. I found RE5 boring to replay on my own, but had so much more fun playing co-op with my brother or a friend. Good to hear.
  4. Does this game have any co-operative gameplay? like RE5, where you can game with a partner be it online or locally through the campaign. Does this game have retain the mercenaries mode? I haven't seen anything on this game since it's reveal trailer.
  5. Good question. I originally wanted it at launch, but I think I'll be far too busy with uni, any free time I get will probably go to the WiiU. So I may not get this till Christmas at the earliest.
  6. Likewise, my accounts been charged and hopefully this will arrive tomorrow.
  7. Oh right, that clears that. Ghost was my favourite perk in Black Ops, I had it in almost all of my classes.
  8. Well, at least you made it to the quarters. I'd feel pretty bad having gone out via a spiny shell. What did you make of your little time with the game.
  9. What is "YY"? and what was the problem with 'Ghost' in Black Ops?
  10. Well, since there's no Rayman Legends so far it's: ZombiU NintendoLand Black Ops II Come Christmas; NSMBU, Arkham City & FIFA 13
  11. I don't know, but I had Pokemon White last time and this time it'll be Black 2.
  12. This is so amazing
  13. We should change this threads name to "Nano Assault EX!" some more details:
  14. It's a WiiU eShop downloadable.
  15. Damn. I'm just going to forget about Cave Story now, and I'll just be looking forward to the upcoming eShop titles that will be coming soon.
  16. I found two pretty good One Piece AMV's. This one Covers up to episode 522. And this one goes up to episode 373.
  17. That happened a few times to me, it froze right as he was mentioning the release for some games. It's sad to FE for Q2 now, but we need Denpa Men now!
  18. There's quite a lot of eShop coverage!
  19. Denpa Men, they came by Shibi!
  20. I still think the Fire Emblem 3DS Console was the best looking one we've seen so far.
  21. Will be released in Japan as an Animal Crossing bundle. Doesn't look as good as other Special 3DS consoles.
  22. GBA games incoming? www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/10/game_boy_advance_games_pop_up_on_nintendo_europe_press_site
  23. That would be most delicious. Denpa Men is the eShop title I've been looking forward to since its JP release. But Hana Samurai is a must!
  24. The next Zelda for the 3DS will most likely be a remake, but it will probably be released on the back end of 2013 at the earliest. If there is to be any Zelda 3DS info, I think it will come revealed at E3.
  25. Maybe some release dates for Q1 3DS titles? I think we'll see some answers for Paper Mario. I know I bring this up a few times, but this is probably the best time for eShop releases. There's not much happening on 3DS retail side of things apart from Professor Layton, Power of Illusion & Devil Survivor Overclocked. Also this will give some time to check out some 3DS Download exclusives & VC titles before the WiiU hit's. It will fill the upcoming schedule very well imo.
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