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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I've been watching some videos of the WiiU version and some of those people have said that the Classic Controller Pro is best for sniping, they didn't say why. So I'm asking you guys, why would it be best for sniping? and have you played with the CCP in previous CoD games for the Wii? EDIT: Another review http://www.gamesradar.com/call-of-duty-black-ops-ii-wii-u-review/
  2. Some more AC footage
  3. 26th February 2013 is the NA release date. It's also going to be seeing a simultaneous eShop release. http://www.gonintendo.com/content/uploads/images/2012_11/EO4Glamshot.jpg
  4. My apologies for reminding you, good luck with your essays.
  5. Ah I just remembered! Was you able to fight the temptation?
  6. Another beaming review http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/3ds/zero_escape_virtues_last_reward
  7. -Dem0-


    I say wait until Nintendo Network Premium starts as you can collect points for eShop purchases (3DS & WiiU).
  8. Don't forget Project X Zone.
  9. Review www.joystiq.com/2012/11/20/adventure-time-review/
  10. Famitsu gave it 35/40 http://bdashnews.wordpress.com/2012/11/20/famitsu-news-1120/
  11. There at it again.
  12. Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/review/32563 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/11/20/the-wii-u-eshop-launch-guide-in-progress?page=2
  13. Brief review that mainly discusses the WiiU differences. http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/review/32564
  14. The Scribblenauts cover looks fantastic.
  15. Launch day NSMBU NintendoLand ZombiU Black Ops II Sometime down the line. Batman Arkham City Tekken Tag 2
  16. I would like pilot wings resort actually. I don't know if I want it on cartridge or as a download.
  17. One of the party games that originated in Black Ops. You kill opponents, each kill your weapons change. The further you get up the ladder of weapons, the more powerful they become.
  18. Chasing Aurora Review http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/wiiu-eshop/chasing_aurora
  19. Yeah I agree. Even if your goal is to use more of the better rewards, having a UAV will help you get them and more importantly, it will help your team overall. You get more points for every kill your team makes while your UAV is in use. win-win.
  20. Well who knows? we may get it for the EU launch, we'll find out more come release day.
  21. Reversible Cover
  22. I called them just now and told them about my situation. I have 2 pre-orders but only one of them was to be shipped for launch day. I asked if I would receive the ZombiU|NSMBU|NintendoLand bundle at launch, he said yes. I told him that I wanted to keep the ZombiU bundle + NSMBU + NintendoLand and cancel my previous ZombiU bundle. That was it! Now I got the bundle I wanted for a good price! All in 2 minutes
  23. I can, especially with 3 or more people playing with you, that's one of the major positives about NintendoLand and NSMBU. I do see your point, not enough top-notch 1st party titles from Nintendo. They did say they planned to support the console with games next year, but you have to remember that there are a number of highly anticipated, excellent games coming out for the 3DS aswell within the same time-frame.
  24. Thanks man! This game sounds good, I never doubted to begin with, this game caught my interest when it was first revealed, and it's still my most anticipated WiiU launch title. Really good impressions just on that page alone!
  25. 3DS XL beats 3DS in almost every single aspect. Better Battery Bigger Screens Top screen is less reflective More comfortable Hinge is more sturdier Matte finish prevents smudges The 3D slider now can be 'switced off' completely by pushing the slider down until it clicks. Pikachu 3DS XL will be arriving soon.
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