So, I just finished watching The Terminmator. classy film I'm sure you will all agree.
however, the point of this thread is not to praise the big Arn (that goes without saying) but rather to point out something I really liked about besides.
If you were to watch Terminator 1 and 2 in close succession, there is alot between the two movies that is very, very similar. things like the line 'come with me if you want to live', arnie being tossed through a shop front window and the car chase into the factories in the two movies are identical.
Alot of film sequels do this, from the super sweet awesomeness of Back To The Future to the brilliant Infernal Affairs trillogy.
personally, I really like the technique. it really makes the movies feel together and part of a whole, as opposed to being vaguely related movies strung together.
your thoughts, then. yay? nay?