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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Hi, I'm Dan. I can barely pull off a dragon punch in third strike.
  2. woohoo! 300 arrived and it's ace!
  3. The Prestige was the film of choice last night. I quite liked the more grounded twist, but some of it was just plain weird towards the end, which stretched the credability of the whole thing somewhat. 7/10. above average but hardly Memento
  4. Next episode is called Abigail...that's the posh girl. haha this should be good
  5. truth! 10? lolololol!
  6. I reckon we need real life experiences here people. macabre executions from yakuza movies are hardly relevant. for me, it has to be being woken by fire alarm 'tests' at The Lawns last year. Fucks alive it's loud. You know that kind of sound that goes beyond normal hearing and starts being recognisable by the absence of any other sound...guuaaah!
  7. I use facebook now. It's grounding in the university culture makes it far more useful to the likes o me. Myspace is still good for the likes of music but other than that my account is near dead.
  8. where the bastard is my copy of 300, you royal mail assmunchers!
  9. woaah! woah! That's English for 'stop a horse!' As a self proclaimed Veronica Mars nut, you can't complain about stereotypes! oh look, a hilton esque blonde going out with a rich jock, and look! a latino rough man bike gang! holy shit guys, lets talk about it all in a ridiculously clean high school courtyard and swap lunch or something with our ethnic minority friends!
  10. Police Story is fuckin ace. That fight in the mall is soooooo good!
  11. they launched skynet5 satelites about a week ago. you know, in retrospect, I bet James Cameron is kicking himself for casting that kid as John Connor. Dunno bout you lot but I tend to want Robert Patrick to knife the little asswipe in the eye, what like he does to that fatty in the psycho bin.
  12. Good, no? it's a shame that This Day isn't on their myspace, but if you have a copy of skins episode 2 on you, it's the track on the soundtrack when Chrissie runs away at the end it's a gorgeous track, and I'm putting it on now!
  13. It's a slow day in forum land, but does anyone else love these guys? I think they're utterly fantastic in every conceivable way. So there. err. Discuss?
  14. nutjob. seriously...mentalist.
  15. re: A Clockwork Orange. Boring? jesus wept! what the fuck!?
  16. Madness? this is my purchase! and some more of Ultimate X-Men
  17. thread done! thanks Solidus that was perfect.
  18. that's a pretty good idea actually. Thanks!
  19. right- one for the movie fans this one. does anyone know a resource for transcripts of film dialogue? I have a seminar tomorrow and could really do with some material to take with me... In particular, I'd like to take in some Tarantino dialogue- possibly the burger conversation from Pulp Fiction. cheers folks!
  20. haha that's quite amusing. it's the same case with Ico. Any trace of gentility and effeminate tones are ruthlessly eradicated in the name of appeasing the homophobic American teen market. It's pretty fucked up when you think about it.
  21. *wince* Fucks alive that's bad. still, Ico wins: not only is it terrible, it proves how fucking retarded the american market is by ruining the presentation of such a wonderfully beautiful game and missing the point entirely. what a piece of shit.
  22. Ico american art is THE worst box art ever. Hands down.
  23. RE: The Departed. Fan-fucking-tastic. Great performances, great direction, great action, superb soundtrack. Only disappointment is that it lacks some of the subtlety of Infernal Affairs, and the ending isn't as good. Re: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Hell yes! this film is ace. It also has the funniest on film dead woman in a carpet being thrown off a building and missing a dumpster moment going!
  24. this thread hurts my soul waiting for april!
  25. for superman? they bought him back eventually. took a while admittedly...
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