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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. who's up for a speed game, then. say, sunday? Sadly, Turkey is about to drop out.
  2. cylons and centurions can tell skinjob from human, but not one cylon model from another. it's a safeguard to stop exactly what just happened in ep.4. as a result, when they saw one of the five, they retreated.
  3. more Bruce lyrics: 'the lights go out and it's just the three of us/ You, me and all that stuff were so scared of' i dare you to find a better lyric than that. I fucking dare you!
  4. it is, rather. the sound of the explosions on double damage + the 'maxchain.maxchain.maxchain' voice sample is sweeeet note: to me, the robot 'maxchain!' thing sounds a bit like 'wanker!' This game hates people, clearly.
  5. go the leader boards and download a replay from runs around the 100 mark. they're good, but not too flashy so you'll see how to develop your runs to follow suit. and practice lots.
  6. I reckon it's worth it. more than the coop, you get a proper online leaderboard with bells on that lets you download replays of the top 100 runs. Pretty sexy stuff. you can record your own runs to the hdd, too. but not to public download unless you're in the top 100 i'd be up for a game if you get it.
  7. Anyone else hooked? I've got up to 78 chains on the first level now. that's unbroken start to finish but with gaps here and there to avoid cock ups/ I wasn't fast enough. Level 2 is proceeding nicely, I have the patterns down and just need to improve my chains and reflexes. I know there's a general arcade thread, but Ikaruga is the best game on the service to date and arguably one of the best games on 360 as a whole. it deserves a thread to itself I reckon
  8. on MGMT. their strong tracks are sublime: Kids, time to pretend and electric feel are shit hot. often though, they're not as good as you want them to be.
  9. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    australia: lol.
  10. Summer Glau. one day, i'll steal her away and marry her...
  11. yeah of course
  12. Ricochet no scope to the face, my boy. That's me with the rifle and the elite taking one in the noggin, sent off the wall. one day, you might be able to get close enough see how awesome i am in person, if you're lucky.
  13. happy birthday, brain twin
  14. guys: best noscope you ever did see coming up. me: him: boom! headshot!:
  15. na man sounds fun. me, I'm thinking of leaving the country. I'm just so tired of the culture in this dump sometimes. I don't want to be a part of this place anymore.
  16. I think Flink does, and my brother. that's about it. It is the better film though, even against Robert Patrick.
  17. that soundtrack still wakes me up at night, filling me with fear and sending my hand, shaking, towards a bottle of gin.
  18. just got myself the crystal castles album this morning and it's *immense* also, listening to an album of 80s electro funk tracks remixed by the kings of cool, Chromeo atm and it's pretty much fucking wicked. believe!
  19. John Conner's performace knocks a good 2, maybe 3 points off that score for me. the first film, however, is an 11
  20. so, what do you guys reckon is going on with
  21. that's what she said! oooooooooohhhhh! =(
  22. last year some time I believe.
  23. in short, no. They're a self canibalising, ridiculous story book of a genre that went stagnant in about 1994. Their stories are uniquely perposterous, pretentious bollocks as far as the eye can see and show about as much craftsmanship as your average morning dump.
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