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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. you don't want the truth! you can't handle the truth!
  2. alright i can't be arsed with a debate. more importantly: this game looks the biz. the quotes in the OP link say they've removed the time travel and made it more zelda like. Sounds like free roaming dungeons instead of straight up platforming. Interesting move, but I'm not sure I'm convinced- I kinda liked the simplicity of SoT also, they're claiming the fights are like duels. This makes me happy. Everyone knows the best fights in this kind of thing are the one on one battles with single, powerful advasaries.
  3. very weird. yeah. bugs are gay. super gay.
  4. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    s0, 360 game: tonight? bout 8:30? oui? oui? itching to give cops and robbers a proper go.
  5. Don't watch him play. seriously, savour it for yourself new prince of persia screens currently making my day pretty nice http://forums.g4tv.com/thread.jspa?messageID=13282620
  6. oh wow. the boxer guy looks freakin awesome! You can practically feel the momentum just from that still shot.
  7. guys my pc is back alive. anyone up for this game on sunday?
  8. yeah yeah. Nowt else good though.
  9. nah. that happens when games are good.
  10. I went £1000 down in OD last summer but that was exceptional circumstances and will *never* happen again.
  11. why? they're shit.
  12. don't get me wrong, it rocks. I'm listening to it now in fact, but for 16 tracks, there's a point where it starts to feel like 'oh yeah, another 8 bit esque synth explosion'. Courtship Dating reminds me of the backing tracks to 'crystal cracked' Amiga games that had been hacked to have a cheat menue at the start. Anyone following me?
  13. I thought the set up for sunshine was fucking hilarious. the court scene made me chuckle like a reet goon. but it's like gaggle said- nintendo don't do plots, they do characters. anyway, surely GTA 4 just blazed right to the top of the story pile? I've barely gotten started but my god the writing! the animation! the sound! It just raised the bar again for the entire industry and it doesn't even look like they found it hard.
  14. I disagree :p
  15. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    probably a good idea, that. Kinda enjoying the fight in the woods though. Very cool at night.
  16. also, the badge is quite reminicent of Two face's coin toss thing. very cool.
  17. Fucking Yes! Looks bloody awesome it does. Bit like SFIV. Bring it on!
  18. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    yeah that's a right motherfucker. Tried it this morning and died on the last biker. gah! It's better than the hype. Sorry to break it to you.
  19. those ones rez just posted are much better than the 'zomg fiirre!' ones. I really like the harvey dent one. Quite subtle in saying 'this guy is two face' before he is. Nicely done.
  20. I'd love it if it was shorter. As it is, it's a bit of an effort and thusly not pure awesome. Alice Practice remains fucking orgasmic, mind. And a few others.
  21. enough to allow Nolan to do his thing, hopefully. um, oh and The Hulk could be mirthsome. or utter shit. we'll see.
  22. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

  23. owch. well, no worries from me. I thought The Woodsman was quality!
  24. to be honest, I've only seen Brick. He's awesome in that though. Super Awesome.
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