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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Yeah the combat can, on further investigation, bite my sack. Still not fired a gun though. Kinda like that. and the game is too punishing. It's getting on my tits a bit. but when it works it really works. I'm looking forward to time trial mode and seeing how fast I can go. I can see that being alot of fun. oh and the cutscenes are teeth grindingly bad. I don't just dislike them or find them boring I actively hate them. It's not just the story, either which is vanilla as fuck but the art. It's utter shit and everyone involved should be ashamed of them.
  2. Agreed. one thing that I am finding hard, albeit in a self imposed kind of way- is that I'm yet to fire a single bullet in the game and taking on 4 swat team dudes is kinda tricky, yeah? grr. Determined to do it my way though. It has, however, provided one of the games highlights so far when I wall climbed up a roof section, built up some speed and jumped right on top of one guy, foot first in to his chest. Instant KO, sweet animation and an achievement get!
  3. you...you mean your surname isn't Odwin? *sound of glass breaking* Congrats dude. Great news.
  4. I was actually thinking of BSG when I wrote it, but yeah Star Wars craft make alot of sense too. Also a fan of Firefly- the big ships in that (ones permanently in space) are more like buildings; having no use for aerodynamics and such that govern water based ships (which BSG and SW follow)
  5. It's because there are less, dude. Less players = less choice for the system, and longer waits for suitable hosting. and for me 6v6 is waaaaay better than 8v8. All I ever saw in BTB was laggy shitfests with no coordination, stupid players and tedious slogs of objective games going nowhere. of course you don't have to agree with me. The versatile nature of Halo MP caters for a whole spectrum of tastes.
  6. sadly, you're probably right- but only because Valve can run their own show with DLC and prices on PC. Luckily, the 360 deadicated servers (sorry) are rock solid compared to the shamelessly shit net code for TF2 on consoles.
  7. It's pronounced Justice. There's no written accent so unless you're actually French and accent English words naturally, you're going to sound like a wanker of massive proportions saying justeece.
  8. Just played 4 player with my regs. OK any game that lets me scream 'They're coming out the vents! THEY'RE IN THE WALLS!' is pretty much GOTY material.
  9. I like how that ship makes no sense whatsoever. Genius.
  10. They revamped the ranking so you get a per playlist medal based on exp, then revamped all the playlists. BTB has been replaced by Squad Battle. It's much better.
  11. Campaign is awesome. Dying alot though as I'm on Hardcore. Satisfying once I get it right though.
  12. Sorry to hear that man. My Granddad passed last year it's not easy.
  13. Sorry dude. Gears called, and I was weak. May pick this up 2nd hand again some day for an evil game but I finished just about everything on my good save and didn't really feel the need to play again right away.
  14. yeah that's vs mode. 4 players as survivors, 4 as 'boss' infected trying to stop them. sounds quality.
  15. here's the really cool bit: I've played the demo about ten times now because the director feature randomises pretty much everythingin the level so re play value is huuuuuuuuuge. I cannot wait for this.
  16. well looks like i'm getting this free. 'just another glorious day in the [press] corps'
  17. fuck I just traded this in. hahaha.
  18. not really. shhh.
  19. yup. Just the once. It was on the rather excellent canon of poems from Thomas Gray from the 18th Century. sadly, it was the only text on the module that didn't make me want to claw my eyes out, so I didn't do very well overall. In fact, I barely turned up and vowed to never ever take a class under the same tutor ever again. In other news: Just found half of my complete works of Arthur Miller has been really badly damaged in storage. God damn it.
  20. It's the bit later on when the dude bangs the fat chick and has to go back for his wallet.
  21. There's your problem. Na, seriously....probably works for some. Who's seen the excellent Sideways? They have a scene that covers the subject hilariously.
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