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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. In the scene where they fight a rival gang in the first act of the book there's a sense of rythm and dance to the prose. Burgess intentionally structures his sentences to give the effect. The use of Nadsat also beautifies the violence and forces the reader to enjoy it. In the film Kubrick obviously couldn't use Burgess' elaborate prose and language so he found another visual language to replace it. He uses comical film speeds, set design and exaggerated movements in a dance style to achieve a similar effect to Burgess' prose.
  2. god damn I love me some !!! check this session out http://pitchfork.com/tv/#/episode/61-/1 and this album spotify:album:7HVmUNOZEGHUpdNmY8L8Ue and stop posting rogue traders. Christ they're dull.
  3. yeah the book is...intensely written. it goes way beyond a few odd phrases in conversation and, brilliantly, never includes an appendix of terms.* * might not be true but Burgess intended to keep them out so they should be ignored.
  4. It's pretty much all that good. Rusty Cage and Jesus Christ Pose are fucking amazing. edit: Soundgarden that is. dammit Paj!
  5. I only have their A-Sides best of. It's very good but I know Superunknown is very highly thought of from their album discography.
  6. It's Malcolm McDowell. Legend. I like the film- Kubrick does great things in translating a novel based so heavily on language. His intention was to create a visual representation of Nadsat. In the tricky situation of not being able to use the bulk of the text's descriptive sections in the film, I think it was a very interesting way of doing things. I prefer the book by a fair way though. as did Anthony Burgess- he never really agreed with Kubrick and would go on to write a scene in to the musical production in which Kubrick is booted off stage by the droogs.
  7. Nickleback's inclusion in the list is proof that the general public have no taste and should be ignored if at all possible. in other news: received a snooty look of distaste from a metalhead when I was discussing some music in the park today. Annoys the fuck out of me when people pigeonhole their interests with such intent and then act superior about it when other people actually have some variety in their collection.
  8. you're such a bumbaclart.
  9. I'm fairly sure they're not. The ones you get on default are but I used a usb charging solid block thing. If they're AA inside they're *amazing* AA's because they last forever
  10. haha brilliant.
  11. haha Well Jay is teh law so I'll settle for making my case and waiting. in other news: found a gorgeous Ford Escort from way back when on my travels today. goaferboy - A classic car (technically pre 1973)
  12. As the Bishee to which that challenge is attributed I contest the contestment in that, with gummy bears being so similar, they should be allowed.
  13. ps3 or 360? I'd be well up for some runs on 360.
  14. are you sure? I just did a headcount of Wolverine, Storm, Iceman and Colossus.
  15. Yeah man it builds up really nice and slow. Gets going like a freight train in the later arcs though. Brilliant stuff.
  16. TDKR is a standalone graphic novel, thankfully. As are Wanted, Watchmen, V For Vendetta. The Ultimates is only worth reading for vols 1 and 2 so that's easy to get your hands on. Kick Ass is pretty new and has only just got to #6 so, again, well easy to catch up. New X Men was a relaunch and is such a change in direction for the franchise that it doesn't really need much prior knowledge.
  17. and some people say Nurses have it tough eh?
  18. haahahahaha
  19. Well Invincible is actually amazing, but the way Rez phrased it read like 'if you like batman then...' which is wrong. Totally different. If you're in to realist heroes like Bats, you might wanna check out Grant Morrison's New X-Men series. Absolutely superb take on the series. The Ultimates, too, is kind of similar. Also incredibly well written and drawn. Everyone ever should read: Kick Ass, Wanted, Watchmen and V For Vendetta. and just in case you haven't read it yet: The Dark Knight Returns is where Batman got mean. Definitely check that out.
  20. got it working. This is ace. Proper Hard too- though guessing the instruments by the wall produced a full on 'Hoorah!' from this typist.
  21. That was quick. It's also wrong.
  22. awesome! Simian Mobile Disco are touring a new album late summer. Sheffield, London, Glasgow and others.
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