Generally, i feel quite negative about the future of the industry.
Watching the PS4 unveiling, i felt annoyed and insulted by one of the promotional comments "The only limitation is the developers imagination"...... because games are free to fund and develop??
In the current generation, AAA titles are already costing a fortune to develop, we have seen many studios become victim and close down. But it also sets up an expectation with many consumers, who expect a similar production value with other games they buy. So imagine how this situation will be next generation - consumers won't want to pay more for their games, which will cost much more to make.
Regarding the PS4. I wasn't overly impressed, still feel there are too many questions. I expect it'll come with a hefty price tag. I originally bought a PS3 over an xbox360 because i wanted a blu ray player and at that time, a standalone blu ray player wasn't much cheaper than a PS3. I can't say the choice will be as obvious this time.
For the next xbox. Hard to say anything when nothing has been revealed. But I have always been against the Live memberships. Maybe because Nintendo and Sony have spoilt me with free online play. But Live is such a cash cow, I just don't see that stopping.
I imagine the next xbox and PS4 having high retail prices. Of course, there will be early adopters, but will families and casual buyers jump ship as quick? I'm not sure. Also, I think "serious" gamers / graphics sensitive gamers (where price tag isn't off putting) will continue moving over to PC gaming.
Personally, for me, I am on a reasonable wage, but I won't be rushing to get either, its just too much money at a time when money is tight and the future is uncertain jobwise. Also, maybe I am in a minority, but I have never looked at games like; Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, Tomb Raider and thought to myself; "This game looks bad, it needs better graphics". The only area I felt consoles really needed to improve upon was the online infrastructure, so that big MMORGs like World of Warcraft were playable on a console.