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Everything posted by evad_lhorg

  1. why would they waste their time. what a bunch of pathetic weirdos
  2. I know shag all too. I have my ideas about what the story wil be about but its only from my own mind making stuff up. I know there is link, a horse, wolf link with midna as friend and Zelda is in it and its set in hyrule. im good with knowing that.
  3. i refuse to look but i suspect a major twist or backstab in the story. hopefuilly anyway:santa:
  4. i have an rgb scart socket on the back of my 21" sony if thats what you mean.....?
  5. having not looked in here for a couple of months i decided to have a look and it is annoying me now..... I havnt looked at a spoiler proper yet and i wont but I really really want to know everything!!!!!!!!!
  6. tell me something.... whats the best cable for the best picture quality on a standard tv. I have an rgb for my cube but is that better than the others?
  7. annoyed by teh fact i cant download chrono trigger and oothers but i really want to know if the free loader works on it!
  8. I remember way back they said there was going to be a special editino of twilight princess... i guess that isnt happening any more
  9. cerebral bore was the best gun ever to be in a video game... so much fun in multiplayer!
  10. i got the gamecube pokemon colleseum bundle off them came after about a month but I didnt care as it was free. have about another 4000 points sittin there waitin for free wii or DS stuff.
  11. nowhere!!!
  12. here kids..... its only a games console. relax
  13. I just hope they change it a bit... I have all three fire emblem games and dont think there is a lot of difference between them at all really. the story is alright but could do with a good kick up the arse
  14. why are these events taking loads of hours in the day.... just tell us when!!
  15. eh lets not forget this would take a lot of pressure off Nintendos back to release here so they could do so whenever they feel like now. they may well delay it. and this doesnt leave it wide open for Nintendo really. Kinda leaves it WAAAAYYYYY open for Microsoft especially with the games they have comin out.
  16. VI and VII definitely for me.
  17. yea the horse in shadow of the colossus wasnt great. it didnt bother me but it couldve controlled much better
  18. colourful but maybe too much. 7/10
  19. we were told this by nintendo directly when they installed our countdown clock. why would I make up bull sh1t?
  20. yea its batallion wars. whoop di doo
  21. we(GAME) have been informed we will have wii pods mid september. cant wait. wont be able to work at all. the ps3 pod looks very tall. screen is really high up.
  22. all hand helds have been region free. i really hope the freeloader works on the wii. too much space taken up by my consoles.
  23. i didnt really buy the crap ones but I was really disappointed by DK64, mario kart 64 and F-zero X. i thuogh fzero on n64 was terrible. GX is way better.
  24. as far as I know the white gamecube doesnt work with it. to OP i have four ntsc games... mgs: twin snkes, resi 4, megaman anniversary collection and megaman X collection adn they all work grand with the v1.06b freeloader.
  25. I work in GAME and as far as I know it is still headed for gamecube.
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